
Kill Bill Thesis

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One of the most prominent fight scenes in the movie Kill Bill includes the main female character, referred to as “The Bride,” in the foreground and about a dozen or more men in the middleground and background. The background seems as though this scene is taking place in an Asian style restaurant or building. There are about five men who are lying dead on the floor as the other men stand surrounding the main character. All of the men are shown holding a samurai sword with both of their hands while the main character is shown holding her sword with only her left hand. The men are all dressed in black suits with their faces covered by black masks. While the main character is wearing a bright yellow with black stripes tracksuit. She seems to be of Caucasian descent while the men are of Asian descent. These elements convey a drastic contrast between the main character and the rest of the characters. By doing so, this scene challenges the idea of gender roles in society. The main character is centered in the middle of the frame and is surrounded by men around her. By composing the scene in this …show more content…

The movie is very engaging and had an auteur that made this movie stand out from other movies. While watching this movie over and over throughout the years, I would notice more detail. The fight scene in which I have chosen to analyze caught my attention each time. This one scene included hidden details that can only be noticed if paused and analyze the scene closely. Kill Bill is rated “R” due to the intensity of the violence shown throughout the movie. In this scene, there is evidence of blood so violence was involved. Viewers would have to be desensitized to seeing blood and gore. Anyone who enjoys fight scenes involving samurai swords combined with martial art skills would be drawn to this scene while others might find it offensive due to the usage of Asian

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