One of the most prominent fight scenes in the movie Kill Bill includes the main female character, referred to as “The Bride,” in the foreground and about a dozen or more men in the middleground and background. The background seems as though this scene is taking place in an Asian style restaurant or building. There are about five men who are lying dead on the floor as the other men stand surrounding the main character. All of the men are shown holding a samurai sword with both of their hands while the main character is shown holding her sword with only her left hand. The men are all dressed in black suits with their faces covered by black masks. While the main character is wearing a bright yellow with black stripes tracksuit. She seems to be of Caucasian descent while the men are of Asian descent. These elements convey a drastic contrast between the main character and the rest of the characters. By doing so, this scene challenges the idea of gender roles in society. The main character is centered in the middle of the frame and is surrounded by men around her. By composing the scene in this …show more content…
The movie is very engaging and had an auteur that made this movie stand out from other movies. While watching this movie over and over throughout the years, I would notice more detail. The fight scene in which I have chosen to analyze caught my attention each time. This one scene included hidden details that can only be noticed if paused and analyze the scene closely. Kill Bill is rated “R” due to the intensity of the violence shown throughout the movie. In this scene, there is evidence of blood so violence was involved. Viewers would have to be desensitized to seeing blood and gore. Anyone who enjoys fight scenes involving samurai swords combined with martial art skills would be drawn to this scene while others might find it offensive due to the usage of Asian
This movie shows the easy loss of life between the main characters, giving the audience the reality that in war, anything could happen. The film itself is a masterpiece, both in visuals and story
In the era of The American Civil War their were many battles between the North and the South; also known as the Union and the Confederates. Although there were a lot of deaths in this war, The Battle of Gettysburg has been recorded to be one of the deadliest battles in history. The Killer Angels was written to be based on The Battle of Gettysburg; in which the author claimed that he wrote the story in a different angle than the way they teach it in “school”, the story was based on the perspective of the people themselves. (Killer Angels pg xiii) Although the soldiers had different motivational factors; I will go over the soldier’s reasons for fighting, the difference in the reasons that each side had, and the matter that enabled these men to fight in the face of death.
In conclusion, I really enjoyed the film. I have even considered buying the film. Henry Fonda’s role as a dissenting juror in a murder trial slowly manageing to convince the others that the case is not as obviously clear as it seemed in court was supurb. Taking film as a course, made me enjoy the film even more because I paid close attention to the film making aspects also. Filming in one room, for partcality the whole movie was noteablly stressful for the actors, who on screen proformace of yelling
The motion picture begins with a riot after a white storeowner slaughters a dark young person. This episode underscores the
The story is brilliantly told, from the set designs to the wardrobe. The cast is headed by some of Hollywood’s finest and having never seen a Del Toro film previously to this one, I can say that it definitely sparked my interested to see his other
Overall I found the movie to be quite interesting and exciting at times but a bit slow in others. The story itself was very clear to me and didn’t cause any confusion. It had a good flow also, just as you were on the verge of falling into boredom with a scene they switched it up on you to keep you
All of the characters presented in the movie have a distinct personality, making the viewer engage deeply in the heart pumping action and drama.
Fight Club, by Chuck Palahniuk published in 1996, is a book about a man, the Narrator, that develops insomnia. He tried curing his insomnia by going to support groups, and that's where he met a girl named Marla. At first the two didn't get along, but in the end they became friends. He eventually meets a man named Tyler and the two become quick friends and after an incident with the Narrator's condo the two end up moving in together. They go to a bar and get into a fight and from this start a club where men could come and fight, they called it Fight Club.
After the success of Reservoir Dogs, Tarantino’s Kill Bill Volume 1 and 2 was another big hit, and this time with Kill Bill Quentin Tarantino has insert a lot of cash and effort in this film. A budget of 30 million USD has been taken to make the first volume of Kill Bill, and it took over a year making Kill Bill. When asked about “why write this movie” Quentin Tarantino’s response was “ I wrote a movie I wanted to see,” “I spent over a year making a movie I wanted to see” He also states that all his movies were made for his fans but he himself consider him as the biggest fans of his films; therefore, Kill Bill was created for himself and everyone else was invited to watch this movie along with him. Kill Bill created a big hit all over the world
Comment: I found this film very tough going- it is undoubtedly a well made film and has some clever and quirky moments. However I lost interest around halfway through the film and could not engage with the film and its clunky style. A lighter touch would have made a huge difference to the viewing experience. Perhaps as an artistic statement it deserves more than three stars but as a movie going experience it was only a little bit better than average.
As a young girl I always had a fascination with mystery books, it was my first favorite genre of books. I had a huge interests for mystery and crime and the psychology behind it. But the one crime that truly left me thinking for a while was the story of the Zodiac Killer. The Zodiac Killer is a murderer who taunted the bay area with sending descriptions of his brutal crimes to the San Francisco Chronicle to ultimately frighten them. His crimes were in the late 1960’s and up to this day he has never been caught despite his sloppy mistakes. Even with technology so advanced now it is still a cold case. If it was this guys wisdom or the detectives lack of wisdom that made one man able to shake up all of California and get away with it, no one would ever know. But mainly what we will never know is what drove one man to commit such horrid crimes and could all this had been prevented by the community.
"People should not be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people." V for Vendetta is an action packed thriller that involves lots of intense scenes and follows a great storyline. This film does an awesome job of keeping you on the edge of your seat throughout. This movie is great in showing that the people are powerful and can be in charge, if they put their minds to it.
This art piece portrays a darker colored woman in the middle with twelve men sitting at the table, six men on each side. She is not wearing any sort of garments except for a simple white cloth around her spread out arms. All men are divided into three-men group based upon similar actions. The man immediate right to the woman is the only man with paler skin color. On the table, there are feast of fruits, vegetables, bread, and drinks.
The setting of the story and all the visual effects are fantastic. If you watch this film, and do not understand it, definitely give it another watch. Maybe it was Denis Villeneuve’s goal to keep us
The piece depicting a Female Soldier Capturing a Landowner is credited to an unidentified artist, around the year 1970, during the Cultural Revolution and China’s turn toward Communism. The piece is made of porcelain, with two figures as the center characters in the narrative. The colors are fairly muted and the design is almost whimsical as the female soldier raises her leg in a ballet position. The landowner’s face is distorted, with oily, slicked black hair, and a defined mustache and eyebrows. He crouches in fear, supporting himself with a cane, while the female soldier points her gun at his head. The female soldier, in contrast, has rosy cheeks, her uniform is clean and pressed and she is clearly able bodied. Just from the design alone it can be gathered that the female soldier is the protagonist while the landowner is the villain. Art is an important reflection of the culture it is in and it is used to tell stories, convey meanings, or even used to influence people’s ideas. Sometimes art is intentionally used by people to pass specific ideas. The most common example of this is propaganda. The strategic combination of images can completely change how people think, can drive people to revolutions, or to violence. The piece, Female Soldier Capturing a Landowner, conveys themes of violence in relation to class and gender as well as the importance of media power on influencing violence in a society.