
Killer Whale Captivity

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For over many years orcas have been held in captivity. This has been a major dilemma because animal abuse is present while capturing killer whales. Many people wonder why they capture orcas, here is why, they are used for entertainment at SeaWorld. Some of the dangers that come with whale captivity are orcas taxing their physical health, drives the killer whale’s crazy which can lead to injuries and even death for a SeaWorld trainer.
To begin with, orcas are highly intelligent and being stuck in a small tank they tend to get traumatized. They are used to swimming hundreds of miles each day and with being held in captivity they don’t have that. As a result, when the orcas get traumatized gnawing on iron bars takes place. With boredom, stress, and anxiety piling up on they end breaking their teeth, which results in painful dental work without the use of anesthesia. However, living in a cramped area causes stress which lead to fights between orcas. Since the tanks are so small it would be similar to us humans forced to live in a bathtub which we all know for a fact no one would want to live that way. Animals are no …show more content…

Male orcas in the wild live up to 30 years, possibly even 50-60 years maximum. On the other hand, females live up to 46 years and a maximum of 80-90 years. Having the right to live up to all those years is something killer whales have. Since orcas have an amazing integrated auditory and visual regions of the brain is so great for the orcas. This means that their echolocation is phenomenal. For instance, The SeaWorld website reports lower figures. They state “wild male and female orcas reach average ages of 17 and 29 years respectively. These figures include those that may die in the first six months. "If a killer whale survives the first six months, a female's average life expectancy is within the range of 46 to 50 years and a male's is 30 to 38 years," SeaWorld states.

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