
Killing Lincoln : The Assassination Of President Lincoln

Good Essays

Killing Lincoln is an intriguing book about the events that led to the assassination of President Lincoln. It discusses the planning leading up to the killing and the actual assassination. It goes through the current events that occurred during that time period and John Wilkes Booth’s thoughts. This book does not have to be read only by people only interested in history because it is that interesting and entertaining. It is a book that grabs the reader and pulls them in appealing to all audiences. This book would appeal to any person who enjoys a good, fairly easy read. This book can be considered “new” because it takes the reader inside the thoughts and minds of both the killer, Booth and President Lincoln. It is also new because it displays several different sides of Lincoln’s assassination. This book was not only written to inform the audience about the horrible event that occurred when Lincoln was killed but also to entertain them with the events that led to it and Booth’s mindset about Lincoln. It takes you inside of the mind of a killer and shows you his twisted ways. It was also written to inform the reader about events during this time period that changed America. The assassination had a huge impact on the nation and changed it forever. In this book Booth’s pure hatred for Lincoln is displayed and shows that he is fed up with the President and is going to take action. On Friday, April 14, 1865 Booth put his plan into action. Throughout this book O’Reilly and Dugard

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