
Killings Poem Analysis

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Killings: A Life of Contrast In order for a photograph to be fully developed and understood by the eye, there must be an element of contrast that can provide the depth and shading necessary for the objects in the photo to seem almost life like. The correct amount of contrast can add dimension, make the photo engaging, and create dramatic effects that reveal the tone of an image. Authors can use a similar technique in their writing to develop a storyline. Using contrast to create a depth of field to the story, adding tones to the characters, and backdrop settings that bring dramatic effect to the point the author wants to bring to focus. Adding contrast to the imagery through the use of wording can reveal a deeper dimension that prevents it from being flat thus keeping …show more content…

Matt recalls an evening in the summer when life was softer and had a beautiful, nostalgic, Americana feel about it. Mary Ann, Franks girlfriend, has been asked to join the Fowlers for a barbeque after a day at the beach. Matt observes his son with admiration and envy as he notes the physical beauty of Mary Ann and the interactions between she and his son. He also recognizes beyond her apparent outward beauty there resides a sadness within her that she brings with her from her past. His hope is that his son will be able to love Mary Ann and the pain she has endured from a recent divorce will fade so that they two of them will one day love each other and have a loving future. The very next paragraph Dubus begins with, "Richard Strout shot Frank in front of the boys" (600). The reader is abruptly jolted out of the comforts of the backyard BBQ and confronted with a dark scene describing Matt's murder. This abrupt shift in setting brings to life the reality of how quickly life can change from days of hope to days of

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