Having an interest in human behavior is what drove Kim Lochner to pursue training and education in the fields of psychology and communications. Kim attended the University of Wisconsin, Madison and graduated with a double major in both psychology and communications. She had no specific plan or career goal when she graduated, but assumed she would work in the area of event planning. To her surprise, her introduction into the field of communications and her claim to fame is that she was hired to drive the Wiener Mobile. She and her team would drive from city to city, setting up media interviews, organizing and publicizing their events.
Kim’s first job as a communication specialist and her first job in corporate communications working for Best Buy. While at Best Buy she supported various departments doing promotions, writing stories for brochures, and working on internal communication projects. She was then moved to the Public Relations team where she conducted media interview to report stock prices and wrote press releases. From there Kim moved
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People now see things more visually, not just in words so being able to communicate your message graphically has become part of her job. The message needs to be more than just words. Robin noted that technology has certainly made communication and getting your message out easier, but it has also made it far less personal. “I have much to write you, but I do not want to do so with pen and ink. I hope to see you soon, and we will talk face to face (3 John 1:13-14, NIV). When there is less face-to-face interactions it is more difficult to develop meaningful relationships. Both stated that social media has had a dramatic impact on how we communicate. From the way we work, the way we live, the way we write, and the way we make and maintain friendships, social media has changed the way we communicate (Kimanuka,
Technology has changed people’s communication greatly. Technology hurts human communication because it separates bonds, and people don’t know how to do face to face talking anymore.
First, in my personal life I’ve witness what Turkle has stated every time I go on social media i see like of communication on dates, party, and even family dinners. Using social media you can create somebody that everyone like and that would cause you to be afraid to call someone because you might expose yourself. In the article Sherry believe “At the screen, you have a chance to write yourself into the person you want to be …”and “When you cultivate this sensibility, a telephone call can seem fearsome because it reveals too much”. This quote shows that society are too comfortable with virtual messaging that they get scared of talking on the phone because there's room for mistake. Second example that shows that virtual messages aren't improving our skills in communication is the 17 year old Audrey who describe to us that after every practice she would get into the van that her mother was driving and just sit there with no interactions, and the fact that they went days without talking to each other.
Erica Harris is Southeast Texas number one anchor woman, and KBMT-TV, Beaumont Texas. She came into Texas Southern University campus as Erika Randal. She stated that Texas Southern University is her foundation and her rock. Many people here were a mentor and bright to her. Erika’s course changed when she met Ms. Walker. She started as a print of Journalism major and knew that there was a future for her in broadcasting journalism. She did not get one camera job as a graduate. It took Erika a little while, to have a camera job as she work at Fox 26 station Houston being an intern of Texas Southern University.
Although Karen has made great strides in the business world she also faces some struggles. Her first major problem is that she is a woman with no international connections. Being a woman is hard enough to gain respect and work your way up in the business world, having connections are very important in businesses like Merrill Lynch because a lot of people making big accounts are international client. Her next big problem is hiring people. She has to meet with them many times before she decides if they are good enough to work for this company. She has a big responsibility to make the company successful and if she hires a bad worker it is costing the company mega bucks. Another problem she has is Chung. He is her first Taiwanese worker and she is very unfamiliar of these different cultures and how to incorporate them in her sales. Along with the unfamiliarity of Chung and his
In this story I will be telling you about the person I interviewed. This story i’m going to be talking about is worth telling. Why ? Because of all the interesting facts and details that’s going to be shared. Kim Hollinshed is the person I interviewed. She explained to me that the most important moment in her life is when she had her 5 kids. But the interesting thing is she had her kids in different locations. Her and her husband were both in the military when they had their 5 children. Kim’s first two children were born in Washington , but when they got assigned to different stations that’s when they had kids in different locations.
Throughout the years people have been given the privilege of interpersonal communication in many forms, such as letters, emails, texts, and social media. Letters were one of the very first mediums people used to communicate, and as the years went by technology improved, and emails were created. Emails served as a faster alternative for people in a business to contact someone else. Following that was the idea of text messaging, not only was it time efficient but also easier. That wasn’t the only thing connecting people all around the world though. Social media wasn’t the most popular to begin with, but as time went by, and it became more personal, people began to take a very big interest in it. Letters, emails, texts, and social media play
No one wants to talk face-to-face with anyone anymore. It’s ‘awkward’, ‘tiring’, and just unnecessary in the eyes of today’s youth, but so what? That’s the charm of it; it’s real. The fun of conversation is to make inside jokes, and tease people, and have deep conversations, and laugh at yourself later, and learn life lessons, and gain confidence, but that’s impossible over text. Technology takes away so much of life's joys and eccentricity, and makes life altogether less valuable and memorable for the newest generations. Actual communication provides so much texts can’t, and never will.
With the advent of computers and related technologies of communication, the nature of communication has changed drastically. There are some positive highlights to this change as well as negative highlights to this change based on my experience. In my younger years, the only form of communication was one on one communication or writing through snail mail. However, this is not the case today. Today, I make use of emails, social media, and other chatting forums to communicate both professionally and personally to family, friends, and relatives. I have found this change to have its advantages as well as disadvantages. In this paper, I will discuss how computer-mediated communication has aided my communication as well as how it compares to the type of communication that was available during my younger years. In addition, I will give a comparison between computer-mediated communication and person-to-person communication.
There is a transformation happening today that is completely changing the way that we do things. The ways that we are communicating are shifting from face to face interactions to short, interactive messages. Technology seems to be making it easier to stay connected, but it is restricting our interactions with others and leading to isolation.
ii. However, for many of us, face-to-face communication seems to be a dying art – replaced by text messaging, e-mails, and social media. Human communication and interactions are shaped by available technologies
Janet the true importance of Kim’s Convenience. “What is my story? My whole life is
Communication has been improving since the beginning of time. Letters, in the generations of Paul and others, were the most sophisticated form of technology available. And even preceding that, writing in general from the Greeks (p. 14). It allowed the body of Christ to be transcribed and circulated to a vast amount of people in a much more time effective manner. However, in the present day, we have multiple outlets to employ the virtual body of Christ. Examples such as Twitter, Facebook, email and texting, allow us to stay in constant communication with one another at any time of day. Technology is this generation’s way of communicating almost every aspect of our lives with those around us, so it only makes sense that living in the image of Christ would be incorporated into the mix as
I was born on January 29, 1954 in Kosciusko, Mississippi, USA. As I was growing up, I moved back and forth between my grandmother, mom, and dad. After a difficult youth, including multiple counts of rape by family members and a family friend, I finally began to get my life back on track and made the decision to enter Tennessee State University in 1971. During this time I began focusing my energy on radio and television broadcasting. I continued to put all my concentration on broadcasting, spending a bit of my time at a couple of different radio stations, when I finally found a job I enjoyed thoroughly. Following my move to Chicago, I was chosen to host a local talk show, “AM Chicago”, which quickly gained much popularity and eventually became “The Oprah Winfrey Show”. (Biography.com)
The following passage, “communicating technology was supposed to turn the world into a “global village,” enhancing our relationships with others and our understanding of other cultures. Yet I fear it has rendered us more polarized and less articulate. Instant communication allows us to proclaim what is on our mind before we’ve analyzed it, substantiated it, or rendered it coherent, let alone eloquent”. The author of this passage; is basically saying that communication has decreased over the years, now that technology has became very popular. In todays’ world, most people communicate by texting or social network. Back then, people would communicate the “old-fashion way’ for example emailing or actually having a full conversation person to person. It is crazy how much communication has changed from back then to now. In todays’ society,
Naturally, Kim was the first person that came to mind for an interview prospect. I reached out earlier this year and we reconnected. I met Kim in her office during non-client hours. This was the same office that the DBT group was held in when I left. We had a friendly chat to catch up on our journey's since we parted and then sat down for the interview. Back when I worked with her, Kim had a therapy dog named Rowdy. Rowdy was a poodle and was a big part of everything Kim did. Rowdy was my friend too, and I had looked forward to seeing him again as well. I was