Dr. Kim Okamura, DDS is a dentist that is located in Seattle, Washington. Dr. Kim Okamura, DDS specializes in cosmetic and general dentistry. Their dentistry procedures and cosmetic treatments include cosmetic and restorative dentistry, teeth whitening, dental implants, sedation dentistry, laser periodontal therapy, Invisalign, Juvederm, Botox, and patient education. Dr. Kim Okamura, DDS is designing beautiful smiles. Dr. Kim Okamura, DDS has earned the Invisalign Premier/Preferred Provider status for the seventh consecutive year. This dentist is a proud member of the American Academy of Facial Esthetics, American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, and the Washington State Dental Association. Dr. Kim Okamura, DDS is also proud to be a member of
Lisa Kajimura, DDS is a full-service dental clinic that is located in Bellevue, Washington. Lisa Kajimura, DDS specializes in general and cosmetic dentistry. Their services include general dentistry, cleanings and exams, crowns and bridges, root canal therapy, extractions, restorative treatment, sinus lift surgery, sleep apnea screening, plus more. Their other services include cosmetic dentistry, tooth colored fillings, teeth whitening, porcelain veneers, dental implants, invisalign, orthodontics, and dentures and partials. The father of Lisa Kajimura, DDS was a dentist and she had been working at his father’s dental clinic since she was in the 6th grade. Lisa Kajimura, DDS graduated from the University of Washington in 1990 where she obtained
Dr. Alan J Nukk Cosmetic and Family Dentistry is a dental clinic that is located in Washingtonville, New York. Their dentist, Dr. Alan Nukk, DMD has practicing dentistry in Washingtonville for more than 40 years. Their services include cosmetic procedures, orthodontics – Invisalign, Zoom! whitening, bridges, dentures, partials, pediatric dentistry, and oral surgery. Dr. Alan J Nukk Cosmetic and Family Dentistry also performs smile restoration, teeth cleaning, and CEREC restoration. Their smile restoration includes composite fillings, inlays, onlays, crowns, and veneers to repair damaged teeth. Their main goal is to help patients keep their teeth for a lifetime. They have a friendly, professional staff who will go out of their way to make sure
David Njoka is a tight end for the Cleveland Browns. Almost everyone who has played with him knows him as the freak. It’s not because he is weird or anything like that, but Njoku is just more athletic than anyone has ever seen. He has an amazing ability to jump sky high. In college he was on the track team along with football. At track he was highly know for his jumping abilities. So when it came to football he used that ability to leap over defenders to score touchdowns. In the Miami Herald they called him a “ leaping, pass-catching freak.” When Njoku was in high school he became a champion jumper. At the New Balance nationals he won high jump with a leap of six foot eleven inches. His personal best is seven foot one inch. So when it comes
There are many mysterious and unknowns in the death of Hae Min Lee. There are many different people who could be looked at as a suspect. However the jury decided that one kid by the name of Adnan Syed, the ex boyfriend of Hae, was responsible for her death. I am going to explain why I think the Jury was incorrect, and did not have enough evidence to convict Adnan for the death of Hae Min Lee.
I on the other hand, practice in the art originating in the year 1839, baseball,
It is estimated that over 90% of today's NFL players have a brain issue even if they do not know about it. On average, each football player gets hit 2,500 times to the head in a career. The centers take about 25,000 tackles to the head in an average career if they go to the NFL. After 9 or 10 concussions, you probably have a disease in you. In the year 2015, there were 271 concussions, in 2014, there were 206, in 2013, there was 229, and in 2012, there was 261 concussions. That adds up to 967 in 4 years. Dr Bennett Omalu was the first doctor to find this brain issue, and he has a foundation to help the players and families that have suffered with this issue. He named it Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy, or CTE. CTE is a brain disease that
“Express yourself through your art-whether it’s your drawings in a sketchpad, tattoos on your skin, the shade of your lipstick, or the clothes that you wear.” (Kat Von D) Katherine Von Drachenberg, otherwise known as Kat Von D and Guy Tang both share a unique talent and passion for the cosmetic art form. Kat owns her own makeup collection while Guy has his own salon business and a Metallic Obsession line containing silver, violet, and many more metallic shades. Both are very successful and famous for what they do and what they have created. Kat Von D and Guy Tang both have impacted the cosmetic world along with the world in general by carrying on their passions and allowing others to express themselves while doing so.
Yoshiko Uchida was an author of Japanese-American descent who lived through the internment camps of World War II. She was a senior at the University of California when she and her family were captured. Uchida spent five months at the camp in Tanforan and then got moved to Topaz. When she was released, she started writing about her experiences. Uchida strived to change stereotypical images and convey strength and hope. Uchida Yoshiko uses her experiences from World War II internment camps to create characters and conflicts that focus on the Japanese history and culture.
Kara can’t count the number of times she has said “I think they thought they could say that to me because I’m black.” And she equally cannot count the number of times someone has said back to her “I don’t think that’s it.” Kara is fed up with the micro-aggressions and active denial of her feelings and experiences. So she plans to share them whether we like it or not.
Leopards are the only natural predator of adult okapi, but the African golden cat will take calves. The biggest threat to the okapi is habitat destruction as humans clear the rain forest for timber and agriculture. Another threat is illegal hunting for okapi for their skins and their meat, which is considered a delicacy in some quarters.
David Koresh said that he was Jesus Christ and some believed he was too. There are many reasons to dispute the fact that David Koresh was not Jesus Christ amongst them is he wore glasses. Why would Jesus Christ need glasses? He slept with different women including teenagers and was suspected of fathering over 13 children with sect followers on his compound! He often slept with multiple young girls at a time and talked about how they pleased him sexually. Many of the people were not held in the compound against their will, they wanted to be with Koresh and to hear him preach
Oma Else was first and foremost my grandmother. That’s all I ever knew of her and, more importantly, that’s all I ever cared to know growing up. At first, she was the grandmother I would always see for Thanksgiving, along with Opa Dave. I’d see her in the summer, too. Then she became the grandmother who’d come for Christmas. She would appear for performances and graduations, too. And then she was gone. Those are the memories I have of her. They are lovely, fond memories, but they do not represent most of my life.
After the Civil War, industrialization kicked off (an after-effect of the Market Revolution). But rather than attempt to control it, the government bowed out instead, claiming itself laissez-faire under Adam Smith’s capitalism ideas, and letting the industrial chips fall where they may. However, it appears the government couldn’t let the “invisible hand” decide the fate of the U.S. market, so they began to intervene in business affairs despite their original pledge not to. The government assisted a great deal in the rise of corporate capitalism (business economy run by corporations and monopolies such as the Standard Oil Company and the U.S. Steel Company) through its laissez-faire policies, railroad involvement, and corruption.
Islam certainly is considered the second largest religion in the earth. Today, more than ever approximately billion or more of people follow the Islam across the world. Indeed, the majority of Islam’s followers believe that the Islam is a message of peace and tolerance. Meanwhile, they against violence everywhere. Unfortunately, the terrorist attack which occurred in New York City on September 11th, 2001 causes misunderstanding and an unpleasant stereotype of Islam and Islamic societies as the wickedness producer. Nowadays, some of the people particularly who live in the North America and political parties blame the Islam and endeavor to isolate it because they have a phobia from the Islam and Sariah law. The current essay will discuss the
In 2010, the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy was repealed for the U.S. military, which was a widely celebrated victory in the LGBT community. Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell (or DADT for short) stated that homosexual soldiers were not to disclose their sexuality while serving the military. However, this repeal never applied to transgender people. Article 134 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice deals with issue regarding equality in the military, but there is not a current federal statute the ensures protection of those who are transgender.