
King Alfred The Great Research Paper

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King Alfred of Wessex is one of the few to be known as “great”. He was a successful warrior, which eventually brought peace to his people. He placed emphasis on education and improved laws and the legal system. King Alfred improved the living standard of his people. Alfred’s Christian ideals guided him to be a generous monarch. He believed he was entrusted by God to have a genuine responsibility to his country. (Woodcock)

Alfred was born in 849 in the town of Wantage, in central southern England. He was the youngest of King Ethelwulf’s 4 sons. He also had a younger sister. Alfred was a sickly child. At the age of 4, he accompanied his Father to Rome. He spent time with the Pope Leo IV. The Pope awarded him with a spiritual …show more content…

Over the years since the 830s, the Vikings had started attacking England. They continued their persistent attempts to invade and had gained control of much of the north and east of the country. Alfred led his military in protecting the people and defending his kingdom . Some attacks were lost and some won. Alfred would sometime pay the Danish armies to leave.
In 878 the Vikings led by King Guthrum, invaded Wessex. King Alfred openly fought with his men and they eventually defeated Guthrum. One of the terms of the surrender was that Guthrum convert to Christianity. (Alfred the Great) Guthrum was baptized. The country was divided into two regions. Guthrum settled in the East. With this agreement, there was a time when there was peace.
King Alfred used this time to rebuild. He organized a system of burhs or forts spread across his kingdom. This system made it difficult for Viking attacks. Alfred also ordered the construction of a small fleet of long ships, twice the size of a Viking warship. (Alfred the Great) He felt having these ships was a better way to fight the Vikings. He would meet them head on in the water instead of allowing them to reach land. He is credited with being known as the founder of the Royal

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