Martin Luther King Jr. once said, “ Life’s most persistent ad urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others’?” Returning to Spring Arbor after Detroit made me want to serve my time even more. I was so impressed by the amount of students that rallied up for the cause of serving. I had the privilege of going to the Ganton retirement home in Spring Arbor. I met a beautiful woman named Pearl; it was a privilege to do her nails while I spoke with her about her life. Pearl was gentle, precious, and a blessing to my life. I hate to admit at first I wasn’t super excited to cute and polish someone else’s nails, but the second I reminded myself that Pearl is a reflection of Christ I joyfully painted her nails. The entire experience at the nursing
After being jailed in the Birmingham city jail, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., a Baptist minister who preached nonviolence, wrote this response to a published statement by eight fellow clergymen from Alabama. This letter was not only composed under somewhat constricting circumstances but was written in a way that can be analyzed to be considered as a classic argument. Not only does it contain the five elements needed in a rhetorical situation, but the letter includes the six parts of an argument, the five types of claims, and even the three types of proofs. Dr. King’s letter fully satisfies all requirements needed in order to be considered a classic argument.
Each Sunday, I leave church with inspired to try to make a difference in someone’s life that day. Currently, by devoting my time to community services through National Honor Society and National Art Honor Society—to which I am a Co-President of—I am able to spread warmth to others. However, in the future, I imagine myself doing so as a secondary art education teacher. A goal of mine is to make art exciting, the reason why students attend school. I plan to enter work each day inspiring others to smile. I want to provide unlimited comfort, guidance, and motivation to students. My catholic faith has taught me to continue helping others even if they appear as if they do not want it, and Link Crew, a selective student ambassador program, has shown me how to go about accomplishing this. I am not afraid to step outside of my comfort zone and step up to be a leader. Therefore, I have confidence in accomplishing all I endeavor as an educator. Nonetheless, I still possess the desire to inspire through personal construction.
The patience, compassion and encouragement of one person improved my family’s last years with its patriarch in countless ways. It was this improvement that inspired me to pursue a career as an
This past summer, I acquired an internship at Baldwin and Lyons, an insurance company in Indianapolis. Every Wednesday during my internship, a couple of employees and I would participate in a prodigious community service project, Meals on Wheels. Throughout the three months that I worked at Baldwin and Lyons, I got acquainted with some of the individuals whom we delivered to. These inspiring individuals were so grateful and appreciative that we took time out of our day to volunteer to do such a service. One elderly woman who we delivered to would sing to us as she came to the front door “good meals, good meals, good meals.” She is one woman that I will never forget. First going into this, I was elated knowing I was I getting out of the
Volunteering at the Mary Manning Walsh Nursing Home over the summer was an invaluable experience. As I became more comfortable, I began extending my duties beyond physical tasks such as serving food or transporting residents. I started interacting with the residents on a more personal level, not as a volunteer, but more as a friend. In return, the residents became increasingly open, and the nurses watched as I conversed with residents they had deemed as reserved. Sometimes when I helped residents they would say nothing, but at the same time they said everything I needed to hear. I probably appreciated helping those residents, more than they appreciated me. Every night when I went to bed, I felt I had actually made a difference. This volunteering experience allowed me to realize that whatever I do in life, I want to go to sleep feeling the same way I did that summer.
I would say that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. (MLK) was a leader that exemplifies desirable leadership traits. MLK was a humanitarian figure of our history because of his strong leadership in bringing African American people together as one during bad times. Also, he engages with his follower while creating a bond between him and them that increases their level of drive and morals. In addition, his bravery and courage allowed his movement and marches to have a big impact in American life today. Furthermore, MLK was emotional intelligence and strong mentally and a people-oriented leader. Therefore, this is some of the things that help him develop as a great leader. Daniel Goleman believes that IQ is a threshold quality because it’s the ability
Paine’s ideas about the origins of government was that America should form its own government and become independent from that of England because of their different thoughts and notions. England’s government was more corrupt because of the king as Paine mentions, a king ruins the peace of a country as a whole and disrupts mankind. Paine also declares how before the rise of kings, there was no war, but with a king’s ego, causes chaos and confusion among one another. Paine believed that in America, “the law was the king” and that “a government of their own was [their] natural right” because America is supposed to be a free country (82). He said that the real king was actually God. England’s law enforcement of taxes with the American colonies caused many colonists to unify and start petitioning against Great Britain. The taxation laws left the colonists barely enough to survive off of. Paine didn’t think it was right for the colonies to be taxed when nobody in Britain knew how bad the situation actually was, therefore the British shouldn’t have any rights to tax them. Paine talks about how the community as a whole suffered because of England’s ongoing conflict with other countries. Every time, a conflict occurred, the colonies were the ones
I have read The Autobiography of Malcolm X twice, one before watching the movie and one after, but after the second reading, I found out that the style of Malcolm X really is translated well to the page. The narrator maintained his conversational tone without giving up any of the energy and forcefulness that made him such a compelling speaker. After I had finished my second reading, I appreciated Malcolm's choice to leave the big parts of the previous chapters, which relate with Elijah Muhammad and the Nation of Islam as suggested by Alex Haley. In spite of these events have affected negatively on his feeling. I thought it would have been a shame and it would have a less suspenseful narrative if he had revised those parts to reflect his later feeling of betrayal. As Alex mentioned in Epilogue:
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was considered an extremist by many whites. King was working towards achieving something that had been very foreign to many white people. To white people in the South, racism was the only way of life that those people knew. They were accustomed to African Americans being slaves and then there was a drastic change when slavery became illegal. There was a transition from slavery to racism and this resulted in African Americans being treated poorly and facing unjust laws. The unjust laws and unjust way that African Americans were treated, led to them protesting and King being the leader. King was being recognized as an extremist due to his strong willed and passionate speeches and protests he led. He was being different than what was considered normal and this led to him being called an outcast. King writes about how people who do something different from the norm are considered outcasts throughout history and he uses Jesus and Gandhi as examples. This highlights how King
“Freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed”, writes King. This takes us back to the opening quote, that without insubordinate behavior one cannot expect change. In this quote, King explains to the clergymen that he understands that freedom is not just given but fought for. In life obeying the law is much easier than disobeying. King believed in nonviolence. He believed the just law is the law that has to be followed. A law that uplifts human personality is a just law. In Fromm’s essay, he argues the two types of consciences. The “authoritarian conscience is the internal voice of an authority whom we please. Humanistic conscience is based on intuitive knowledge of what is human/inhuman and what is conducive/destructive of life. It's the voice that calls us back to humanity.
As a student, I have demonstrated many works of service to my community and school. Service opportunities have shaped me into the person I am today and these projects have made me realize how fortunate I am for all that I have. While I've been doing these service projects through the years, it has been a pleasure seeing the joy on the faces of people that aren't as fortunate as I am. Service projects that I have completed include managing the fish booth at the St. Leo's Parish Festival, being an altar server at St. Leo's Parish, helping cook dinner for the Ridgway Fire Department during carnival day setup, participating in the St. Marys Light Up Night by dancing, and Christmas caroling to local residents. I also participated in a zombie/princess
Acts of service always created a desire in me to help make people’s lives better. People often put forth their best when
At church, in addition to my participation in the worship services, I volunteered at our church’s soup kitchen, medical camps and elementary school for underprivileged children. These experiences opened my eyes to the deprivation of love and care in the world and a dire need of God’s grace for people at large so they could receive forgiveness, healing and restoration in their lives.
Upon arrival, our first activity was to work in the trailer park. While these people were not homeless, they were in quite severe poverty. However, they were nothing like one may expect. One was a very friendly older woman who had worked and gone to college in her younger days but she had been abducted and hurt severely in her twenties. Even though that happen, she was cheerful and had poetic talents. Another was a family whose screen door we replaced because they could not afford a new one. The father was hard working and was made sure all of his children had an education and a roof over their head while the mother cooked and cleaned. Each was doing their part to make the best of their lives. The last was a middle aged couple who needed their trailer badly cleaned. They not only were thankful but they prayed over our group before we left. We a blessing to each of their lives but, they were to ours as
The movie «The Kings Speech» is a movie about a man that in the start of the movie is represented as the duke of York. He is the son of the current king, king George the 5th. Early in the movie we are presented with the main problem for the duke, which is his inability to speak publically. They tell us that the duke has something called “Demosthenes” which is a fear of public speaking. We see this problem very early when the duke is about to hold a speech on behalf of the king, but it is made very clear that he is incapable of doing so. The speech is cancelled early and we are introduced to one of his many speech therapists.