
King Lear Good Vs Evil

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A good person is often referred to as an individual whom displays morality, kindness, and faithfulness. On the other hand, a villain is a concoction of evil, selfishness, and carelessness. Within Shakespearean tragedies, the good and evil in humanity is difficult to differentiate. As a series of events results Lear’s current conception of his peers to be altered, he struggles to separate the good and evil within his world. Throughout King Lear, Shakespeare illustrates the pattern of Lear’s archetypal fall from innocence as Lear attempts to differentiate the “good” and “evil” existing in mankind as Lear is betrayed by his family, discovers loyalty within his unusual friends, and reflects on his actions. Lear discovers the evil within mankind …show more content…

The portion of land is determined on who proves to love him the most, allowing Goneril and Regan to feed his self confidence. Cordelia on the other hand chooses to state “Nothing”. (Shakespeare.1.1.91) Although Lear believes his eldest daughters, Regan and Goneril, adore him the most, a series of events leads him to conclude otherwise. Goneril is the first to house her father and reveals her true intentions as she allows Oswald to “Put on what weary negligence you please” (1.3.13) towards Lear and his knights. With these actions, Lear discovers Goneril is ungrateful as he states, “Ingratitude, thou marble-hearted fiend,/ More hideous when thou showest thee in a child/ Than the sea-monster”. (1.4.256-258) Following these events, Lear advances towards Regan’s kingdom, where he is betrayed for the second time. The two sisters unite and are in agreement, leaving Lear abandoned and heart broken. Rejection from Goneril and Regan allows Lear to discover evil, since he becomes aware that he has given all he owns to them while they feel no remorse. The sisters portray villains, allowing Lear’s ability to stay sane quickly disintegrate. Following the rejection and heartbreak caused by his daughters, Lear’s insanity begins and his …show more content…

He has grown and by asking for forgiveness is finding the good within himself, as he realizes the goodness he is surrounded with by his friends and Cordelia. Unfortunately, although Lear does admit to being foolish, he does not admit any of his misfortune is to blame on himself. He does not take responsibility for becoming captured, the division of the kingdom, or the civil war. Lear believes unnatural forces and fortune were working against him, for he is unable to retire peacefully and have his daughters care for him since they are unnatural. He admits to being foolish, but contradicts himself by stating that others have placed his misfortune upon him. This uncovers the evil within himself because he is unable to see his faults. In addition, as the storm passes, Lear feels a “calm” and is able to cleanse his mind. This occurs as he believes himself and Cordelia will go away to prison together, where he will have an opportunity to repent for his previous actions and together they “will sing like birds i’ the cage”. (5.3.8) This allows him to find peace within himself. Unluckily, Lear’s calm does not occur for long and ends as all three of his daughters pass. Lear, however, is at ease because he has accepted his fate and has calmed himself through apology with Cordelia. As Cordelia passes, Lear’s heart breaks and he states, “these same crosses spoil me”. (5.3.278) As all

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