Although of the very aged scenarios, we can easily still relate its contents to these days life. The story is rich and loaded with explicit and hidden valuable lessons. For instance we can brief and conclude that the quantity doesn’t matter but the quality does.
In the following paragraphs, I’ll be mirroring some scenarios to our current era and eventually conclude and learn numerous lessons.
Such as example, let’s start with a business owner who supports his team and motivate its members, he will certainly get out the utmost possible of their powers and will be able to compete easily with more than a few competitors if needed, without even the necessity to take into consideration their numbers or volume. The team will thrive to achieve
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We must not underestimate our competitors neither be satisfied with our past accomplishments nor hold down the progress bar because simply there will be always a mad person who will be up to the challenge!
At the End and in spite of its bitterness, King Leonidas and his 300 who fought for Greece have never retreated nor surrendered. Maybe it is very rare in our times to witness such act and sacrifice. We are living in an era where leaving behind our problems instead of facing them is the solution for most of us.
This real based true story film revives in our character some traits that we are sadly unable to explore with our current social environment. It is an environment where we lack honesty, braveness and decisiveness.
Finally and as the story of these heroes is still common and spread even 2000 years after its date, we could easily declare that Spartans have succeeded in sharing an extremely valuable message with the world and humanity as all, a fruitful message which we are still learning from till the right
Bart Layton built this doc not from one perspective, but from a collection of them. Some stories, like “The Imposter” need a panoptic approach to connect the audience to the film. The themes of manipulation, identity and love are the main themes conveyed by Layton. These themes are communicated through sounds and visual imagery.
The power and prestige of this film comes not from its controversial and serious subject matter, but from the unbiased way in which the story is
This clever story is crafted down to the smallest detail - every word and expression implies something, often has a second meaning and so manipulates the reader's opinion. The factor that makes this story even more
A. Give a summary of the plot and characters and the story that unfolds in this movie. Give a detailed description of the main characters’ personalities, culture, socioeconomic and historical contexts, their relationships, set the stage of “who they are’ when the movie begins, and then tell the story of what happens over the course of the film.
As said in the film 300 the Spartans cry, “This is Sparta!” during a vicious battle with their foe. During the reign of Sparta, many obstacles were in the way of their upbringing to success, but throughout all the preparations for war they still fought through to become one of the most powerful armies in the world. The Spartans constantly exemplified the definition of victory with their intelligent tactics alongside their powerful army.
The review of this movie is based on sociological matters that are outshined in the film and touch on the lives of the individuals, their way of living, morals, behavior and cultural aspects. The film is set in a real society and concentrating much on social issues of the society more than the economic, technological and political status of this society based in New York.
Spartans, the warriors of Sparta, are most legendary warriors during the classical age. Spartans only had one profession of being a full-time soldier because that is their path and their life. Spartans do not involve themselves with any manual work because that is the job for Helot. The word ‘Spartan’ can be defined as someone who is a person of great courage and self-discipline. When people mention Spartans, the key event and idea that comes to mind is the Battle of Thermopylae and the movie film “300.” The movie depicts Spartans as elite warriors, who are the perfect example of what a warrior should be. Between 600 BC to 300 BC, Spartans were the most fearsome military power in the Greek world. According to Thucydides, during Classical Age, it was common knowledge that “One single Spartan was equal to several men of any state because Spartan would never surrender their weapon for any reason, even if it is pain, death, or hunger.” The exemplary warriors were created due to the methods and structures implemented by the Spartan law maker, Lycurgus. Lycurgus saw that in order to be the perfect human specimen in Sparta, one must become a warrior. Thus, to create the perfect human being, he reformed a way to improve the people of Sparta through hereditary, public system, and military reformation.
“Fear is made of rules not swords” such should be the motto for a warrior, such is the type of character king Leonidas from 300 exhibit. He can be taken as an inspiration for a fighting spirit minded people, fighting the Persian army consisting of earth shaking numbers is no small achievement. What is more fascinating is the way he led those 300 fearless men in combat with sheer confidence. He has all the qualities of a hero as he fought with the Persian troops without surrendering in order for Greece to be united and stay as strong force in the world, this shows the courage to sacrifice the life of a king for his people welfare. “A voice can be shutdown with dominance but not a hero”, even though many warned him of getting killed and 300
However, there is far more to the Spartans than perceived by pop culture. Through the warlike lifestyle they employed throughout their lives, lethal and efficient weaponry they utilized in battle, efficient military strategies they devised, and having the mentality of the ultimate committed warrior, it can be proven that Spartans were not simple brutes with bronze, rather they were perfectionists, highly successful in the ancient art of war.
I Aristodemus am at home, I was sent home due to a severe eye infection although another Spartan named Eurytus was sent home with me, with the same condition but turned back to fight. My friends, those fighting this very moment are like brothers to me, they are fighting valiantly with great determination using all their strength to honour our King. The Persians numbers are massive compared to we Spartans who only have three hundred soldiers. We Spartans will never give up, we are as powerful as a tsunami, as fierce as a tiger and as brave as a bear. We will not be defeated no matter what happens. Victory seems so close, I wish the best for my
As a soldier for the city-state of Sparta I feel that it is my duty to write about my experiences. We were off to fight those Athenians who call themselves soldiers. So I'll start from the beginning.
In all the humans goal, you can find those group with admirable outstanding. These groups are called virtuoso teams in view of that they are different from the other teams. They have characteristics that pursue the admiration from the companies. Virtuoso teams aren’t similar because they play by a set of rules completely different like the regular groups. They use a criteria according each member skills. Well as the rest of the teams would you think, and that is not the same way that they look. For example, traditional team’s members are typically selected randomly. In Virtuoso teams members are handpicked selected those who play a specific role with high quality performance. Even though their potential, companies avoid these teams. Due to the fact that their risks are high. It is complicate to keep a virtuoso team work together for they are looking for new challenges, so if they achieve one, they start to look for another one. Also, leader of virtuoso teams are more than compromise with their teams. They spent a ton of time and abilities in their time as leaders.
It all began with King Xerxes and his greediness. He owns two thirds of the known world and spent 4 years for this one day. King Xerxes of Persia was planning to take over Greece he had collected a quarter of a million soldiers to defeat the Spartans and all other Greek cities who joined forces with the Spartans. I Aristodemus am one of the Spartans, an only survivor. Let me tell you the story through my eyes with sorrow, heartache and loss.
The Spartans lived and breathed war. They learned to fight when they were children, and trained hard for it when they were adults.
The novel is a beautiful blending of the old and the new thoughts, dream and reality and of traditional and modernistic value systems, and inspite of all those differences constitute the present day human life which is full of complexities and difficulties.