
King Nebuchadnezzar II: The Best Known King Ancient Babylon

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King Nebuchadnezzar II (634-562 BCE) is the best known king ancient Babylon, and he is famous for defeating the Assyrians with the help of Medes. His actions liberated Babylonia from their tyrannical rule and his actions created a solid foundation upon which his son could build. Nebuchadnezzar II went on to defeat the Egyptians at Carchemish, to subdue Palestine and Syria, and to control all trade routs from Mesopotamia to the Mediterranean Sea. With the taxes he collected, he created the city that is now recognized as one of the lost wonders of the ancient world: Babylon. Over the 43 years of his reign, he commissioned walls around his city that were so thick, chariot races were conducted on top and which stretched 56 miles in length. After

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