The individual I summarized was King Saul. He was a canonical character, a military trailblazer, but most importantly the first king of Israel. Before Saul, Israel only had an organization of Judges. The soceities were not exultant with this, so they got the soothsayer Samuel to indicate a king. With the Lord’s assistance Samuel selected Saul. Saul did not want to be suzerain but he ended up being a fairly efficacious leader. Saul contravened God numerous times. Saul took things into his hands in a significant number of occurrences as a replacement for believing in the Lord. He felt that manpower was more essential than God’s commands in battle. I think King Saul is significant to history because he taught us that we need to trust in the Lord
The rise and fall of this desired king is one that is unique with a lot to look at and learn from. Saul was a man who won many battles on the field as he defeated the Philistines and others who came against the Jewish
Hammurabi, King of Babylon, created 282 laws for his people for 42 years, 4,000 years ago. He had created these laws so he could make sure the strong do not hurt the weak, these set of laws are called “ Hammurabi’s Code”. He claims that he was inspired by the god of justice, Shamush, to create these laws. Shamush and Hammurabi were carved on a stele. This stele has all of Hammurabi’s Code inscribed on a seven-foot basalt on a vascular plant. The stele has three parts. Carving a, the top of the stele, is an inscribed picture of Hammurabi and Shamush who is sitting on this throne. Next, we have carving b, which is the middle of the stele with scribes of the Prologue. Finally, the last group of carvings were the 282 laws Hammurabi had written.
Ever heard of Betty Friedan, who wrote a novel called The Feminine Mystique? Well that is a book about the women rights movement. Betty was Responsible for a lot of what the NOW had came up with today about the opinions of women. An important person in history that shows moral courage would be Betty Friedan, is an important role in history because of the book that has been written books plus how many women this figure has helped just by getting the point across of how women don't need to be in the kitchen and used to making children. Betty Friedan is an important role because of all the impacts and things said in The Feminine Mystique. Shows the visionary feminist who launched a social revolution with the book.
Paul, formerly known as Saul of Tarsus, was raised in a Jewish household, but he also had exposure to Roman culture because his father was also a Roman citizen. After his family relocated to Jerusalem, he became the apprentice of Gamaliel, who was a Hillelites Pharisee member. Paul on the other hand, had become a member of the Shammaites Pharisee, who strictly followed the Jewish law, and believed that those who did not follow the Jewish law were preventing the coming of God’s kingdom. As a member of this Pharisee, Paul too part in the persecution of Christians who were accused of heresy, because he along with the other members believed that they were spreading and supporting a belief in a failed messiah, who we have come to know as Jesus Christ.
Hammurabi ruled as a King of Babylon he started in 1792. He ruled for 42 years he had 282 laws he had tried has best the make all laws just and bring fairness to all. including slaves he had a population of 1,000,000 people the person who made him king was Shamash we don’t know his birthday or how old he was but he had to be over 40 years we also don’t know his wife or children however he was not the first to rule over Babylon. I think Hammurabi laws were just but however he had a few unjust laws.
With the scope and details of a political or social issue it is easy to declare oneself as aware especially after reading a column or two on the subject or after watching a few news reports. The main point of focus is the everlasting struggle for recognition, justice and reparation for the numerous survivors of the Canadian residential schools. Majority of the people are quite aware of the fact that the nation has been trying to remove the native children forcibly from their home and housing them in the educational institutions which are run by the church. A few who have read regarding the abuse and damage which is caused on these students will disagree with the assessment which is constituted by the government (Magtree 2013). They would regard this activity as the most disgraceful, racist and harmful in the history of Canada. However, the focus of the most sympathetic observers was on the sufferings on the students who went through the sexual abuse. The situation was so cruel that it looked as if molestations and systematic rapes were the part of the well-intentioned plan of the racist government of that time.
Throughout history our society has chose to recognize and remember certain individuals that have had a dramatic influence on our lives. Some of these individuals were of an evil nature, such as Hitler, but I would like to believe that the majority of the people we remember were the ones that had a positive influence on history, such as Jesus Christ and Martin Luther King Jr. I would like to reflect on the men who served a higher power that they called abba, father, or as we would recognize today, God.
One of the most significant people of world history was Martin Luther King Jr. because of his involvement in the Civil Rights Movement, and his effort for better treatment for blacks, and to unify people of all races.
King David, a member of the tribe of Judah was chosen by God to lead his people. As everyone knows, he proved by his wise choices to be a very effective leader. As a great military strategist David united the tribes and extended the national boundaries so that in his time Israel enjoyed a greater fraction of
The nation of Israel was set apart as holy to the LORD. But they When the children of Israel demanded a king, they did so to be like the other nations. The first three kings were Saul, (outwardly tall, handsome and strong—a seemingly good choice for a king, but inwardly arrogant, proud and unrepentant—not God’s choice), David (a man after God’s own heart who repented of his sins and as such was God’s choice), and Solomon (the wisest man who ever lived, but because of covenant disobedience became the catalyst for the division and ultimate exile of Israel.
In the Babylonian Dynasty, Hammurabi became the sixth king to rule in 1792 B.C. He was undoubtedly invested in his kingdom and wanted to “ bring about the rule of righteousness in the land, to destroy the wicked and the evil-doers.” 282 laws later, Hammurabi created a strict society that he wanted to do just that. His laws he created set out for justice and order and had a set punishment for every crime that could be committed within this society. Each law sets an example of how one should act ruled under Hammurabi and if one didn’t follow or agree with them, most of the time, the punishment would be death.
Some people know what they want to do with their lives at an early age. Then there are others that their calling in not quite clear to them. David is one of the ones that had to travel several paths in order to find what he truly wanted what to do with his life. Through some trials and errors, David has built on his life’s experiences of entering into the workforce as a young adult, serving in the Navy, and marrying his soulmate to finally lead him the way to pursue what he wants to be in life.
For a time after the fall of the Akkadians, Sumer was once again a group of city-states. The next ruler to unite all of Mesopotamia was a king named Hammurabi (hah-muh-RAH-bee).
There were many leaders who tried to control and ensure power for themselves and their citizens. Many would go to the extreme to maintain their powers and others would let the people’s influence, influence them. Some places that had leaders were, Mesopotamia, Ancient Egypt, Ancient China, and even India. One of the most important leader back in 1795 BCE was Hammurabi, but was overthrown in 1750. He was the leader in Babylon but was taken down by Assyrians. The Assyrians had taken over Babylon, had made it their own, and have changed so much. They forced all the people to move out to their Assyrian Kingdom and obey the Assyrian Kingdom. Hindus practice a religion called hinduism which was formally started in India. Many people had to live by hinduism because they were born in it. They won’t be able to change who they are, it was basically impossible. King Nebuchadnezzar was one of the greatest kings of Ancient Babylon. He was considered the best kind because he had restored old religion monuments and improved waterways. He was able to control the periphery because of him and his strong and professional army. It is hard just to pick one best leader but most will say that Hammurabi was the best one, only because of how was able to maintain his city in peace and maintain his power.
During the time of Israel the kings ruled by the favor and choice of God. Before that time the people political affairs were judged and taken care of by God through the prophets he assigned .The Prophets heard directly from God and delivered the message of God. The last administrative prophet the people had was Samuel. The people of Israel however were not happy there were no more comfortable with God overseeing there affairs they wanted man to do that for them the bible says that they wanted to be like other nations. The people out of a rebellious mind asked for a king. Therefore God asked Samuel to hear to their cry and appoint Saul. Saul was not Gods choice but the choice of a people that were carnally minded