
King's Dream

Decent Essays

August 28, 1963 Dr. Martin Luther King forever changed American rhetoric when during the March on Washington he delivered his infamous, powerful “I Have a Dream” speech. This influential speech called on the American citizen challenging and questioning the American status quo that for so many years embodied hatred, racism and evil thoughts. This “dream” that Dr. King spoke of is perceived and viewed in many different ways, and it is has many different connotations that were seen when he delivered his speech and in the present day. At the time of his speech his “dream” was primarily viewed as equality amongst the American Negro but this dream has spread much farther and touched many more. For this reason I believe that for me to fulfill Dr. King’s “dream” and to make it a reality I along with the rest of the African-American youth and minorities must value education, work ethic, and companionship. When Arthur Fletcher and the United Negro College Fund coined the term “A mind is a terrible thing to waste”, they narrated something that would hold the key to unlocking Dr. King’s “dream”, education. During times of slavery a slave master would often isolate a slave from education or either limit their education, because they understood the power that came with …show more content…

King would be through companionship and the unity of a people. Before Hillary Clinton said “it takes a village”, it was an African proverb from the Igbo people. This proverb embodies the epitome of unity and companionship as it states how necessary it is for a group of people, or “village”, to come together as one and help each other. Dr. King indicated that “we must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools”. Dr. King illustrates the need for us to put behind our differences and other barriers and simply come together as humans in effort to create a society that does not judge and that lives the “dream” that he died

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