One of the interesting outcome that has been revealed with the studies of sexuality might be the behavior of masturbation. According to Alfred Kinsey in the 1950s, a sex researcher who studied about sexual behavior in human, concluded three main points about masturbation as; it is harmless, it is not a substitute for intercourse, and it acts as important role in women’s sexuality because its practice helps women to achieve orgasm during intercourse. However, recent research shows some incompatible outcomes of masturbation unlike Kinsey’s report. In the article, Immature psychological defense mechanisms are associated with women’s greater desire for and actual engaging in masturbation by Stuart Brody and Susan Nicholson reports that women who …show more content…
In the related study also describes depressed women not only masturbate more than non-depressed women but, they have more desire to masturbate; this tendency might put in a great risk of female sexual functional disorder. Masturbation frequency also relates with quality of women’ lives such as dissatisfaction one’s sex life, mental health, or negative attitudes toward penile-vaginal intercourse. According to American Psychiatric Association, defense mechanisms are “automatic psychological processes that protect the individual against anxiety and from the awareness of internal or external danger” and the scale measures from immature through neurotic to mature (Brody & Nicholson, 2013). The common facts about immature defense mechanisms are they can be more found in ordinary young children, and the immature mechanism includes denial, projection, dissociation, autistic fantasy, and isolation of affect. As many manifestations from the depressed women who more prefers masturbation have common with a person with immature psychological defense mechanism such as lacking in intimate relationship quality, the aims of this study focus on the relationship between masturbation and immature psychological defense mechanism. The hypothesis of the research is that immature …show more content…
A female researcher randomly asked women in university (college students and employment) in the West of Scotland if they wished to participate the survey about human sexual behavior. The differences of sexual behavior were measured by reporting participants’ past 30-day sexual activities such as; days engaged in PVI, days engaged in partnered sex excluding PVI the same day, and days engaged in masturbation. Each participant might have had different relationship status, which can affect the result, so the questionnaire also included participants’ desire of sexual activities in past 30-days. The age and immature defense score was measured as well. The study was considered the possible effects of age and social desirability response bias. As Brody and Nicholson stated, the social desirability response bias is the tendency to respond to questions in a manner that the respondent assumes will put them in a favorable light (Brody & Nicholson, 2013). To avoid the possible effects from those factors, the social desirability and the defense mechanisms were measured as well. The multiple regression analysis was tested by using Statistical package for the social sciences (SPSS) for Windows version 13.0 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL,
Mark Lasser’s book “Healing the Wounds of Sexual Addiction” there are 4 major themes being explored, Part One: What is Sexual Addiction? Here Dr. Lasser explains what sexual addiction is, and what the three building blocks of sexual addiction are “Sexual Fantasy, Pornography, and Masturbation”. (Lasser, 2004, pp 28)Lasser expands on the different types of sexual addiction, and give us understanding of the different characteristic of the addiction. Major theme part 2: “The Roots of Sexual Addiction”, here Lassser gives the roots of sexual addiction and explains the reasons
In the movie, Kinsey, it was obvious that society had a lack of knowledge about sex and about people’s sexual activities. Alfred Kinsey changed the way that people thought about sex. He did an important and monumental thing informing people and answering people’s questions about sex. At one point in the movie it showed Kinsey reading a script from the bible where boys were supposed to control their nocturnal emissions, a natural and uncontrollable act of puberty, or they would be looked down upon by God. A quote from the movie “it is the lord’s work to help youth fight and resist temptation.” I agree with the movie in that the more a behavior is prohibited the more strongly it becomes desired. (add more here)
In particular, the book reported that extramarital and premarital sex were more frequent than generally believed; that nearly all males, especially teenagers, masturbated and that masturbation did not cause mental illness; and that one in three men reported having at least one homosexual encounter.
Since women begin to hold off on sex as they mature, Uecker argues that they’ve realized the harm it can do to their mental health. Steven Rhoads’ agrees, arguing, “men who hookup report depression less often than women who hookup” (2012). He blames the hookups for what these women are feeling but fails to recognize how societal pressures revolving women and their sexuality can play a major role on these reports of depression. Both Uecker and Rhoades fail to acknowledge societal factors that may also play a role in the mental health of women hooking up.
The sexuality and reproductive assessment helps describes sexual fulfillment, sexual perception, and sexual self –concepts. (Edelman & Mandel, 2011). This assessment is focused on the satisfaction of one’s sexual life, and the changes that take place throughout a lifespan. Another pattern is the coping-stress tolerance pattern. This focuses on the family’s adaption to internal and external pressures related to their health, environment, and social status and how they cope with these pressures in their day to day lives. Finally, the last pattern is the values and belief pattern. Values and beliefs vary in different cultures. Therefore, the focus of this pattern is one’s attitude regarding the meaning of life, spirituality, and how these attitudes affect the family related health problems. (Edelman & Mandle, 2011).
Dr.Kinsey raised the interest on human's sexual activities, he started his survey on the project of homosexual.
I remain completely open-minded to heterosexual activities such as engaging in sexual activities before marriage, opposite sex arousal, for reproduction, and simply just for pleasure. This course contributed to the in-depth knowledge that I have gained toward heterosexual behaviors. Another area of the attitude questionnaire where my scores did not alter was within the masturbation/erotic subscale. Personally, engaging in masturbation as a sexual outlet whether in a relationship or not, is acceptable. Though this course I have learned additional reasons to why masturbation is a suitable technique within various situations, such as relieving stress, going to sleep, when ones’ partner is unavailable, and merely for pleasure. Now, after taking the Trueblood Attitude Questionnaire again at the end of the semester, I have realized that my attitudes towards my own and others’ sexual behavior have not necessarily changed, but they have broadened. I have learned to appreciate the different views towards sexual
Alfred C. Kinsey is regarded as the first major figure in the research of human sexuality, more specifically masturbation. Kinsey was groundbreaking in his research on sexuality and made it possible to talk about sex. In the early 2000s, masturbation has become more accepted for both males and females yet there is still a stigma about discussing it openly (Wells, 2006). Societies and Cultures views on masturbation have changed over time and vary depending on who you are, where you are from, and the family you grew up in. Religious views on masturbation are more rigid and unchanging, unless the religion itself changes.
Sex has an extensive history of being an extremely dominant part of our society and our everyday lives. Sex is introduced to us at a very young age and is believed to be of pivotal importance to our development. As we mature, our understanding of sex matures with us. One’s sex drive can be defined as their desire or urge to release tensions through any sexual outlet. The notion of a sex drive and its existence is one that can be debated. There are too many variations of the idea to come to one consensus.
Everyday in America, more people become addicted to sex. According to the National Association of Sexual Addiction Problems, “1 out of 17 people are addicted to sex.” Many people become addicted to it and do not even know it. “Sexual addiction is a progressive intimacy disorder characterized by compulsive sexual
Throughout history it is evident that human sexuality changes do to religious, governmental and societal influences. The perception of human sexuality has gone through many changes such as being very open and unlabeled activity; to being very “conservative” and a topic that shouldn’t be talked about in public or at all. In any case, human sexuality has always been a topic of interest because humans are sexual beings who want to understand the consciousness of themselves as male or female and see their personal response when encountered in erotic experiences with other individuals. Unlike many other species whose sexual force is strictly for reproduction, human’s sexual drive seems to be driven by many factors that intertwine with each other which leads to very different outcomes. Do to these obscure human emotions and personal gratification, sex is always shown every culture’s art, literature, social norms, and laws.
Masturbation is defined as the self-stimulation of the genitals to achieve sexual arousal and pleasure, usually to the point of orgasm/sexual climax (Knowles, 2002). It is a natural process and one of the most common sexual activities that humans take part in. The subject of masturbation has long been a taboo topic and seen is a sin in many Western religious cultures. Because of this, guilt and shame are associated with masturbation. In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries many believed masturbation caused illnesses and it was seen as a disease. This has been proven to be untrue and in fact many medical professionals now believe masturbation to be good for a persons physical and sexual health. Masturbation is a natural healthy
Masturbation is a completely natural act that actually has many health benefits. It can improve one’s mood by releasing the endorphins dopamine and oxytocin, relieve pain of menstrual cramps, help you become more in tune with your sexuality, and relieve stress (Vagianos) If there are so many health benefits to masturbation, then why is it that Das states that in a National Health and Social Life survey, “among those aged 18-60, 38% of women, and 61% of men
Masturbation is defined as "the sexual stimulation of a person's genitals usually to the point of orgasm. Self masturbation is a common form of autoeroticism. Masturbation with a partner (called mutual masturbation), is also common."As it is defined, this act has varied social, physical, psychological and religious implications. This essay will look at these and show that masturbation can be a way to empower girls and women.
Human sexuality is defined as the capability of individuals to experience their sexuality and be able to express themselves as sexual beings (Hyde & DeLameck, 2006). Our interest in this topic is because with time, there has been a change in rules that control human sexual behaviour. The status quo in our contemporary society is much different as compared to an earlier state of conditions, and the change has, as a result, brought the evolvement in human sexuality. People 's view on virginity has changed greatly with a decrease of importance in regards to its preservation. Sexuality is essential to the economic, cultural, social and political organization of society or country. Our sexuality plays a fundamental role in all our lives regardless of age, sex or race. It forms a basic part of our personality and the decisions we make in what we do. One’s sexuality also consumes much of their time through behaviour or thoughts; at times every aspect of our lives seems to revolve around our sexuality. Studying sexuality is very important since human sexuality majorly contributes to social as well as personal problems. A lingering question concerning this topic is to what extent is virginity determined by the status quo and the rules that control human behaviour?