
Kite Runner Parenthood

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Being a parent is a full-time job with many highs and lows. It involves lots of time- consuming work which is not always fun and does not usually have any immediate benefits. Children require lots of money and attention that can restrict things like an education or career for parents. In the novel, The Kite Runner, by Khaled Hosseini, one character’s mother leaves him shortly after he was born. Hassan’s mother left him when he was born to go live her dream of being a singer with the “sweet singing voice she had” (9). She simply did not want to deal with raising a child and wanted to go live a different life she was willing to invest much more in. Parents have many different reasons for why they would leave their children. Some of the causes …show more content…

Children depend on their parents for almost everything, so lack of confidence can be detrimental to a parent’s thoughts on whether or not they can raise the child. Many fathers who leave “desperately did not want to leave their children,” but felt “unworthy of fatherhood” (Brooks, “Why Fathers Leave Their Children”). The misconception that a good parent must know exactly what they are doing is ripping families apart. Fear plays a huge role in the willingness of parents to push through the work of raising a child. Fear is common in men who also did not grow up with a father. One individual stated, “There were times I felt helpless; fearing that I could not and would not measure up to the expectations” (Gadsden, “How growing Up Fatherless Can Impact Current Relationships”). Since he did not grow up with a father, he felt like he did not know how to raise a child properly and thought the child could be better off without him. Not only do men feel unfit to raise a child, but some women do too base on certain habits or traits they do not want to pass on to their child. Whether the individual is a mother or father, feelings of doubt in themselves can cause them to give up their

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