What did you like about this script?
The characterization for both Kitty and Preya's characters in this pilot were done really well in regard to the arc of the script and the intentions the writer seems to have for the show as a whole. Though the world they live in is still a male-dominated one and full of corruption, Preya's character has a genuine knowledge skill and a natural intimidation about herself that demands respect from those around her.
Likewise, with Kitty's determination, resourceful and unrelenting focus on trying to find and rescue her friend, Jos in this script emulate not only that the two share a very strong bond, but also Kitty's fearlessness. In such a restricted, poverty and crime filled area with cops who seem to be mostly
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Although the writer has set up the show's overall focus to be on Nadine and her Femme Fatales crew, the narrative still struggles with its plot point clarity and aspects of a contradictory theme and tone.
In the second act, the writer shifts focus from Kitty and Jos' characters to introduce Nadine, Selina and Anya and their connection to Marcy. Their introduction and development hold a key part in this show. However, by the end of the pilot, Kitty's background and character are still unknown to the reader/audience, Jos' is still missing, and the media and Preya have taken an interest in Nadine and her crew.
Additionally, another girl has fallen into the hands of the Mannequin Man and Kitty was unsuccessful in getting the Femme Fatales to agree to help her search for her friend, which brings her character and the reader/audience back to square one in regard to the progression of the narrative.
Likewise, despite the writer's successful show of feminine power and authority, the male presence still has an over-barring, controlling and disrespectful constraint over the female population as evident by Jos' abduction, Preya's sexes confrontation at the crime scene on page 12 and Kitty's near attack in the
After the recession, Target’s value proposition shifted to simply offer affordable options in a wide array of product areas. However, now with better economic conditions and without the ability to offer lower prices than its affordable retail competitors, such as Walmart, and in order to stay relevant and refresh the company, Target needs to reposition itself as the high-quality concept and style-oriented retail store it was once known for.
The film called “The Cats of Mirikitani,” describes the story of a man named Jimmy Mirikitani. Jimmy was born in Sacramento, California in 1920. He was raised and educated in Hiroshima Japan. He came back to the United States in order to pursue his dream of becoming an artist. Unfortunately, in 2001, he ended up living in the streets of New York. In order to survive, he used to sell his paintings. Those paintings showed his love for cats and illustrated his experiences through life such as: his childhood in Hiroshima, Pearl Harbor and WWII camps. During WWII he denied his American Citizenship but years later, he got his citizenship back. However, he never received the letter to inform him that he was again an American citizen. On September 11, after the terrorist attack of the World Trade Center, a woman named Linda decided to invite Jimmy to her apartment, so he had a safe place to stay. Linda had been filming Jimmy’s art for a while. However, after she decided to bring him to her apartment, She started to become more involved in his life
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The ending of “Kitty” continues to provoke a response from the reader because it ends on an ambiguous note. As the Germans approach, the nuns move Kitty into hiding. She is no longer allowed to walk freely in the gardens but remains hiding in the cellar. She is eventually discovered by the Germans towards the end of the war. The Germans lead Kitty out her nightgown and take her behind a fence. Next, “angels embraced her arms and when the shot was heard, she stood for a moment marveling at the miracle revealed.” Presumably Kitty dies but the miracle she witnesses is unexplained. The reader is left with the question of whether she realized her Jewish identity or accepted her Catholic upbringing. It also creates doubt about whether Kitty died because the description is positive. As a result, Appelfeld weaves an unclear narrative that seemingly promises to reveal the circumstances of the situation and perhaps reunite Kitty with her family, but ends with an oblique ending. In this way, the story’s ending makes the reader review each paragraph, description and dialogue for an answer. This engages the reader to think about how the Holocaust erased identities by complicating a person’s sense of identity and does not offer a solution to Kitty’s dilemma.
"All the things I am about to tell you are shameless lies." So begins the Books of Bokonon. Bokononism is an original religion that is introduced in this book, Cats Cradle by Kurt Vonnegut. The book shows the importance of religion, even if that religion is "shameless lies". It also displays how people convince themselves that things are better then they really are. I read this book because of a promise I made to my father. I'm glad I made that promise; I just read a delightfully funny and deep tale about the end of the world.
Edgar Allen Poe’s short story The Black Cat immerses the reader into the mind of a murdering alcoholic. Poe himself suffered from alcoholism and often showed erratic behavior with violent outburst. Poe is famous for his American Gothic horror tales such as the Tell-Tale Heart and the Fall of the House of Usher. “The Black Cat is Poe’s second psychological study of domestic violence and guilt. He added a new element to aid in evoking the dark side of the narrator, and that is the supernatural world.” (Womack). Poe uses many of the American Gothic characteristics such as emotional intensity, superstition, extremes in violence, the focus on a certain object and foreshadowing lead the reader through a series of events that are horrifying
The assailant came back to further hurt Kitty a total of two separate times in over half an hour and no one called the police. Martin Gansberg does an extraordinary job of capturing the scene of the murder and those who aided in her death. Gansberg further captures this through powerful displays of diction, tone, repetition, and appropriate use of dialogue. Gansberg’s diction throughout the passage is one of extreme formality as he is writing for the New York Times and must stay neutral. However, this formality also comes with an undertone of passive aggressiveness. For example, he writes about the thirty-eight who could have saved her, “Twice their chatter and the sudden glow of their bedroom lights interrupted and frightened him off...Not one person telephones the police during the assault” (Gansberg 120). While Gansberg is being professional and formal, he is showing hints of emotion through his tone. He is berated that many people didn't help and yet doesn't actually express his uneasiness. Additionally, another characteristic of the article is how Gansberg repeats the time, “This is what the police say happened beginning at 3:20 A.M.” (Gansberg 121). Again recalling the time, “The assailant got into his car and drove away. Miss Genovese staggered to her feet...It was 3:35 A.M.” (Gansberg 121). Further recollection, “It was
The Kitty Genovese story is a tragic one and is a controversial topic when ethics come into play. Though she screamed for help repeatedly while being stabbed the observers from the surrounding apartments did very little to assist the young woman. One observer in specific did shout “Leave the girl alone” and that deterred the assailant for a brief moment but whether or not he acted ethically is something of a different matter. According to Duty-Base Ethics which by definition states “the doctrine that actions are morally correct if they comply with existing obligations owed another and ourselves,” one could deduct that this observer did not act
I chose to use the story, “Big Cats,” by Lynette Evans because this is a child friendly story that uses Tier 2 vocabulary words, and creates an engaging storyline about a mother Cheetah that also incorporates information about various types of wild cats living in Africa. I chose the strategy, Question-Answer Relationships (QARs), for this comprehension activity with second grade students. I chose this because most second grade students are capable of reading this story, reading the questions on the worksheet, and writing the answers. I also chose this strategy because it is an engaging way to check for students’ comprehension and a simple way to differentiate the lesson by students answering, “Right There,” questions, compared to students answering,
There are certain elements that can be found in all trickster tales. One of those common elements is the appearance of gods, spirits or other supernatural beings such as fairies or trolls. In the three trickster tales that were assigned, gods spirits and the supernatural are found. In the African trickster tale about how stories came to be, How Stories Came to Earth, there is a supernatural element in the form of a god. In this story, the sky god, Nyame lives high up in the sky, where he keeps all the stories locked in a box for himself.
“The Black Cat” by Edgar Allan Poe is one of Poe’s greatest literary works that embodies his signature themes of death, violence, and darkness. Poe’s main character begins his narration of his horrible wrongdoings regarding them as a “series of mere household events” (Poe 705). However, this is where Poe’s satire and irony begins and the story progresses to show the deranged mindset of this character as he tries to justify his actions. As the main character proceeds to rationalize his crime, Poe is able to convey a sense of irony through his use of foreshadowing, metaphors and symbolism.
Edgar Allen Poe was one of the most influential and important writers of the nineteenth century. He was the first writer to try to make a living only writing. One of Poe’s most popular short stories, “The Black Cat”, is considered horror fiction or gothic fiction which Poe is known for in his books and short stories because it was a popular genre during his days. In Poe’s short story, “The Black Cat”, Poe uses a horror fiction genre, a mentally deranged and evil narrator/character, and symbolism of death to make a thrilling story with tons of suspense, drama, and gruesome detail.
Manav Patel By the Bog Of Cats Critique The story “By the Bog of Cats” was about a woman named Hester losing two very important people in her life; her mother, and the man she loved. The people of the bog think she is crazy and idiotic after the death of her mother and after she killed her brother. The man she loved is getting married and wants to take full custody of their daughter. Hester is dealing with the emotions of this man leaving her and taking her daughter, while also being kicked out of her house.
“The Lady, or The Tiger” by Mr. Frank R. Stockton has compelled readers for as long as time. This story ends with all wondering, so which is it, the delicate and fair young lady or the savage, fierce, wild-eyed tiger standing behind the door. This makes us ponder whether human heart chooses love or jealously. Within this essay, there will be proof that it is the stunning young woman behind the door. Although there is evidence proving that it is the tiger, in a sense there is more evidence stating that the elegant and barbaric princess allowed her real lover to continue living. To begin let us start with the small dwindling points that the tiger, lye behind the door.