
Kitty And Preya Essay

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What did you like about this script?
The characterization for both Kitty and Preya's characters in this pilot were done really well in regard to the arc of the script and the intentions the writer seems to have for the show as a whole. Though the world they live in is still a male-dominated one and full of corruption, Preya's character has a genuine knowledge skill and a natural intimidation about herself that demands respect from those around her.
Likewise, with Kitty's determination, resourceful and unrelenting focus on trying to find and rescue her friend, Jos in this script emulate not only that the two share a very strong bond, but also Kitty's fearlessness. In such a restricted, poverty and crime filled area with cops who seem to be mostly …show more content…

Although the writer has set up the show's overall focus to be on Nadine and her Femme Fatales crew, the narrative still struggles with its plot point clarity and aspects of a contradictory theme and tone.
In the second act, the writer shifts focus from Kitty and Jos' characters to introduce Nadine, Selina and Anya and their connection to Marcy. Their introduction and development hold a key part in this show. However, by the end of the pilot, Kitty's background and character are still unknown to the reader/audience, Jos' is still missing, and the media and Preya have taken an interest in Nadine and her crew.
Additionally, another girl has fallen into the hands of the Mannequin Man and Kitty was unsuccessful in getting the Femme Fatales to agree to help her search for her friend, which brings her character and the reader/audience back to square one in regard to the progression of the narrative.
Likewise, despite the writer's successful show of feminine power and authority, the male presence still has an over-barring, controlling and disrespectful constraint over the female population as evident by Jos' abduction, Preya's sexes confrontation at the crime scene on page 12 and Kitty's near attack in the

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