
Knight Lancelot Quotes

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Page 4 Every night for six years Lancelot would go and practice with the knights Without his dad wnsent . he asked one of the knight in the palace. After the years passed lancelot got stronger and could fight. The king noticed and offered him a job. That was to be a knight. Page 5 Lancelot “ father I want to be a knight” Lawrence “No , that out of the question” Lancelot “ that king already offered me the job of being a knight” Lancelot's father forbid him to go outside Page 6 Lawrence “ you are not allowed go go anymore I forbid you” However the father locked lancelot and put him away but lancelot escaped and went to the palace to get help. Page 7 Lancelot went to find sir dante for help. Lancelot “ Dante! Please help my my father locked me

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