One major issue that I have with North Penn High School is the implication of Knight Time. As you well know, this new program was started this school year in the hopes that it will better connect the North Penn community. However, this 20 minute period does not provide ample time for students and teachers to both hear important announcements and conduct engaging activities. Although the purpose for this class is to bring the students and teachers closer to together sounds great in theory, the practice of Knight Time is completely unnecessary with its intermittent occurrence and short duration.
The first problem with Knight Time is how sporadic it is. Since it only occurs about once a month, most people feel it suddenly pops up out of nowhere,
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We already have morning announcements at least three times a week. Knight Time simply reiterates these upcoming events only once a month. Plus, this information can also be found on the school website. Thus, It is unnecessary to have an extra period for these announcements. As for the so called “bonding activities” are concerned, they could be better suited for ninth period. If the administration wanted to to form a better community for the students, why have only a 20 minute chunk of time to engage the students that only happens once a month. 20 minutes is barely enough time for the teacher to read the first couple slides on the PowerPoint. Why not use a ninth period to ensure that student hear important announcement and also have ample time in each class. Also, most ninth periods will have roughly the same students throughout all three years at the high school. Students will get to know each other better if they spend more time together. Having Knight Time once a month simply doesn't allow the students to better engage one another on a continuous basis. Using ninth period for different activities and assemblies ensures students can get to know the school’s community better while not having to cram in an extra
The SAN policy controls whether a newly discovered disk is brought online or stays offline, and whether it turns out to be read/write or if it remains read-only.
Minute 319 is an amendment to the 1944 treaty between the United States and Mexico that regulates the Colorado River. The amendment was made possible thanks to the efforts of non-governmental organizations (NGOs). Minute 319 was implemented as a humanitarian
Hampton University history, Samuel Chapman Armstrong. He was a key factor in the construction of Hampton, and everything that it is today. He was born in Maui, Hawaii. He attended Punahou school, and at the age of 21 moved to Massachusetts where he graduated from Williams college. After that, he spent his life advocating for equality, justice, and education. From his outstanding leadership in the military, to his valiant efforts in promoting the education of blacks, Armstrong proved himself to be a man of character.
Jamar clark African American, 24 years old was shot by the minneapolis police on november 15 2015. Two officers were involved Mark Ringgenberg and Dustin Schwarze, protestants of black life matters and other institutions that support civil rights are unsatisfied because no charges were pressed against the two officer. In my opinion the death of Jamar Clark is not justified with enough evidence that proves the innocence of the officers.
Yes, there was a time where we had to pay some little wimps just to go to the bathroom at school. Now the wimp we paid was Monk Klutter. Him and his little snakes the “Mighty” Kobras would sell bathroom passes up to an buck. So yes we paid the go to the bathroom.
Jeffery Humble has established himself as one of the most active and respected community volunteers in Nashville and several other parts of the country. These philanthropic involvements range from volunteering for the Kentucky Junior Historical Society, hosting elaborate soirees and auctions to benefit Nashville CARES, assisting with the efforts of the Tennessee Equality Project (TEP), formerly serving in several leadership roles and functions for the Nashville Steering Committees and the Federal Club for the Human Rights Campaign (HRC), and even working with Feed My People in St. Louis, MI. His efforts, fueled by an entrepreneurial spirit and love of service, are starting to gain notice. The Center for Nonprofit Management (CNM) and The Tennessean
The students at Summit Charter Collegiate Academy, also known as SCCA, are bright young students with potential to make their future an outstanding work of art. They are students who are serious about their education and will do anything to get to the highest pinnacle in life. But besides being determined and solemn scholars, they are still only teenagers in high school who just want to have fun. The culture at SCCA lacks fun, excitement, and freedom, and the main reason for that is because of the Burton School District that runs the facility. There needs to be some changes in the Burton School District and in the culture of SCCA.
Knights, were from the medieval era. At age twelve or thirteen a boy born in to nobility would become a squire. They became assistants to knights, they would look after the knight's armor and weapons. They would be able to follow the knight in to battle and learn the use of the weapons. When the knights were in tournaments, the squire was the only person allowed to help him. Once the squire was old and skilled enough, he would become a knight himself.
“The Butler Way demands commitment, denies selfishness, accepts reality, yet seeks improvement everyday while putting the team above self (“Butler”).” The preceding quote is the motto for the entire Butler University Athletics department. Every team, player, and faculty member must adhere to it if they want to be in Butler Athletics. The general idea of the quote is referred to as the Butler Way. One of the Butler teams that showcases this Butler Way is the Men’s Basketball team. The Butler basketball team, otherwise known as the Butler Bulldogs, has achieved great success in the sport of College Basketball.
In today’s society, a good quality education is an important and valuable necessity. As a college student at Lone Star College, my college experience has greatly influenced me in an enormous amount of ways. By attending college, I have not only had a chance to receive a quality education and degree, but also an opportunity to socialize and interact with various people from different cultures. In addition, the professors on campus have been extremely helpful towards teaching me to succeed in both inside and outside the class room. Furthermore, my college experience at Lone Star has greatly influenced and encouraged me to be successful and achieve my dream of becoming a doctor.
Adding just an extra ten minutes to each class, the new schedule would create the potential for students to have more homework time, lab time, learning time, and/or valuable free time to read for pleasure, relax with music, draw, etc. (Hadfield). Especially as students get older and more involved in extracurriculars and rigorous academic courses, the need for any spare moment to get assignments done, study, or even sleep increases. When this time is unavailable or extremely hard to get, students are more likely to fall asleep in class, miss school due to illness, misbehave, cheat, hand in incomplete assignments, or drop out altogether. The same is largely true for teachers. The more homework turned in by students, the more grading has to be done by teachers who are already exhausted from a long, often repetitive day of work. Therefore, it is important to emphasize the fact that this extra time should not be used to cram in larger quantities of learning standards or homework problems, but rather to enhance the quality of the already demanding school regulations that are in schools
All these voices come from the same people. Students wishing for longer passing time in the halls. Now Smithville Middle School joins the fight, but this school isn’t using a barrage of exclamation points. It’s time somebody got to the root of this argument. ‘How can short passing times affect middle school life?’, ‘Does it affect student behavior?’, and finally, ‘How many minutes are really needed?’
Jean Piaget once said, “It’s with children that we have the best of studying the development of logical knowledge, mathematical knowledge, physical knowledge, and so forth.” With that said, If students don’t have Panther Time they won’t be able to some work done and and they will end up not doing it at all which can lead to bad habits of not doing homework at all. Panther Time gives students necessary time and help that they need.
Every school district has board meetings throughout the school year. Unfortunately, many parents, community members, & school personnel do not attend such important meetings because they don’t realize or understand the importance of such board meetings or how informative they can be. According to Kankakee School District (2017), the Kankakee School District Board of Education is composed of seven elected members, who were elected by the citizens of Kankakee to serve a four-year term that do not receive no salary for they services, are committed to ensuring a quality of educational excellence that will enhance the opportunities and challenges facing today’s student and additional responsibilities that board members include are selection of the District superintendent, developing general polices according to wishes of the community and requirements of law, hiring school personnel based upon recommendation of the Superintendent and the Assistant Superintendent of Personnel, adopts salary schedules, approves funds to finance school operations, must adopt and review the annual operating budget for the District, and setting the property tax levy to produce adequate funds to meet the District’s financial needs ranks among the responsibilities of the Board of Education (Retrieved from For this paper, the Kankakee School District board meeting will be used, information learned from board meeting, use of
Nelson Mandela once said, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” Mandela was basically trying to get his point across that education is important. I agree with him, I know it is something everybody should have. Grades are important, homework is important, improvement is important. Panther Time is important for the students’ education. Here is why Panther Time should continue to be a part of the student’s schedules in further detail.