
Knights Of The Middle Ages

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The word ‘chivalry’ originates from the Old French word chevalerie which can be translated to “skill in riding a horse”. Only the men who could skillfully control the strength and speed of a horse were likely to survive in combat. Over time the word came to stand for much more, in particular, a code of behavior, conduct and ethics to which all knights were held. These knights were bound by a code of honor. Each knight had to swear that he would defend “the weak, the poor, widows, orphans, and the oppressed. He was to be courteous, especially to women; brave; loyal to his leaders; and concerned about the welfare of his subordinates, or those of lesser rank and position” (Schlager par. 30). Knights of the Middle Ages were not always …show more content…

68). The Knight fought in multiple crusades. The pilgrims are going to Canterbury because Archbishop Thomas Beckett’s shrine is there and it has become the most important place in the country for pilgrims to visit. The Knight is going on this pilgrimage to Canterbury to “render thanks” (Chaucer 5) to God for keeping his son and he safe and alive during the wars. The Knight has a religious and moral obligation that is partly based on his oath to serve God. Almost every European knight was quick to protect the church and to fight its enemies.
The Knight’s striking military career is considered prestigious and esteemed. The Knight has fought in “fifteen mortal battles” (Chaucer 4) all over the world. He fought in Prussia, Lithuania, Granada, North Africa, Anatolia, and Russia. His devotion to his career brings attention to the significance of fighting for the Knight, “it is during his violent interactions with others, that his loyalty to the knightly code should be most apparent” (n.a. par. 2). The Knight’s devotion to his work in the military can be assumed by how Chaucer describes his appearance when he begins his pilgrimage. In contrast to his son, the Squire, who wears fine clothing “embroidered like a meadow bright and full of freshest flowers, red and white” (Chaucer 5), the Knight, Chaucer reveals, is not “gaily dressed” (Chaucer 5) which divulges that

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