is a fictional character, he is admired for fighting crimes and saving lives in the movies and comics. In the real word today someone who fights crimes like police , and save people lives are heroes. In addition, people who save people lifes are heroes, but heroes can do more than just save peoples life’s. Another reason why some people might oppose that heroes only can just save people lifes is because they don’t know the true meaning of a hero. They think to be hero a person should have the ability to fight, but they don’t have
Ricky Martin once said, “Heroes represent the best of ourselves, respecting that we are human beings. A hero can be anyone from Ghandi to your classroom teacher, anyone who can show courage when faced with a problem. A hero is someone who is willing to help others in his or her best capacity.” Almost anyone can be a hero, as long as they have the courage and the maturity to understand and respect those who they attempt to help. Despite the fact that a hero cannot save everyone, being heroic is about placing others before oneself and strive to help those who need it the most.
A hero is more than a person who can save someone else, who puts their health, safety, and mental health aside to make sure they are alright. My reasoning is that, when someone risks their life for someone else, or when someone takes time out of their day to make sure someone is appropriate and healthy they are being a hero. Being a hero is more than risks it about time and patience with someone o. A common person who thinks of a hero they automatically think of Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, firefighter, or a cop, but does anyone ever think of Raoul Wallenberg? A man who had know idea how much he would mean to so many people in a matter of a few months. Raoul Wallenberg is a very important person who saved more lives than Superman or Batman
In poetry and in song, literature, and action movies, the hero embodies the qualities of bravery, strength, and honor. According to Merriam-Webster, a hero is a mythological or legendary figure often of divine descent endowed with great strength or ability: a warrior: a person admired for achievements and noble qualities: one who shows great courage. While others define this concept as a trustworthy cause a selfish or unselfish act. On the other hand, a hero is someone who stands for integrity and justice for all mankind and willingly put his life in peril for that belief. As noted there will always be different definitions of a hero as of the diverse perspective on the issue.
HERO'S are just people that help other people. Sometimes you don’t know it but you can be a hero to. Everybody thinks that
Heroes don’t have to be superheroes. Not all heroes save a whole city from danger or defeat an evil villain, but a hero can do something as simple as make someone's day or be a friend with someone who doesn't have any friends. Heroes are more than just a superhero and those heroes are courageous and brave to save others in need. You can find these heroes in your everyday world, but not all of them are as popular as others. Heroism is the great bravery of all these heroes and what they do to stand up for others or themselves with a humbleness in their actions. A hero can range from being a police officer, fictional character, or it can also be someone who serves in the military.
Do you know what it’s like to be a hero? A hero to you may be the superman in a comic book that saves the girl from the bad guy. Or a hero can be someone that fought for what they believed in. A hero can really just be the one main character in a story or in real life that makes an effort to make everything right and helps everyone. If you’ve ever met a hero like a soldier, a role model, or an important person in your life you know that a hero is one that is noble and does the right things to help others not only there selves.
Many have tried to describe what a hero should be but who really is a hero? Heroism isn’t just possessing great qualities like enormous physical strength and being extremely powerful. Rather, it is the conviction to put other people’s needs ahead of one’s own. A hero is considered to be someone who is strong, brave and honorable who shares our beliefs and is ready to stand up for what is good, noble and just. Many such heroes have existed and they continue to arise time and time again.
“I want to be Batman.” That is a typical response from a preschooler if they are asked what they want to be when they grow up. However, heroes are not always wearing capes. They can simply be an Indian man that changed his mindset into something more inspirational. There is one thing that Superman and a policeman have in common. They are both heroes. No matter how different the fields are, they are brave, helpful, and hardworking. A hero can be someone known for courageous achievements. They are normally men, but can be women too. Heroes come in many different ways. Some characteristics of a hero are someone who has enormous courage, strength, and knowledge. They usually have a big effect on people’s life and are pretty well known. A hero is also known for helping people and not doing it out of revenge. They must have a good heart because they are putting themselves at risk for others. The people need to have trust in him because he is putting their life on the line, so they cannot be evil. A true hero isn’t perfect. They have disagreements and bad days, but the motivation to get back up and help day after day is definitely a true hero. Being a hero is tiring, because being a hero is not a one-time thing, so one cannot just do something good for a day and call themself heroes. Being a hero means loving what you do. It means getting up in the morning, ready to help people in any way possible, everyday. Mohandas Gandhi is a hero because he was helpful, had leadership and
What does a hero means to me? A hero to me is someone having a great achievements and someone I can look up too. This hero has great influence to me. My hero inspires other students to be someone when they get out of school. My hero is a great role model as a teacher and as a friend. My Vision of a hero is Ms. Tommie Leigh Johnson.
What makes a hero? Saving a puppy from a burning building? Or what about being a single mother raising three kids and working two jobs? Both of these could be good candidates for heroes since they both possess the characteristic of strength—not just physical strength, but mental strength. This is one of the most important traits of a hero but it is not the only one. Courage, intelligence, and morality are also necessary in order to really get penciled in to the “hero” category. Being a hero also means doing what’s right almost all the time, even when no one is looking. So that guy who just happened to be in the right place at the right time gets the rubber end while the hard-working mother who
The hero. The defender of justice and righteousness for all, who saves the girl and beats up the bad guy to save the day! At least the image the media have rammed into our brains. The movie theaters light with each new installment of some new superhero movie. More now than ever, people push the violent image of a ‘hero’. A warrior, who solves all problems with violence. Even in high school, we study the ‘hero’. The state shoves books down our throats and we discuss the physiological inner workings of the ‘hero’, and we begin to question. What is a hero? Well, my answer lies in the fact that true hero’s don’t resort to violence but instead peacefully make the world around them a better place. We have only defined majority of the ‘heroes’
Most people have theories on what makes a hero a hero. Many authors over time have created books, comics and so forth on heroes and what they feel makes them the hero. There are also the ancient legends and myths from all over the world. So what is it that makes them a hero? Well Joseph Campbell has a pretty good outline of what he thinks should define a hero. A hero is a person who in some way breaks the molds of a normal human being. Their wisdom, courage, and durability ect. exceeds beyond regular everyday expectations. These heroes some how end up traveling a certain path in life weither the path is figuratively or not. Along this path the heroes fight their inner demons and desires of the outer world. They also face many obstacles and make life changing choices. They sometimes even choose to give up parts of their lives if not their whole life to save others around them. With all of their choices and heart ships they find themselves at a point of insight theologically,cognitively, and or physically. Furthermore these heroes have a bizarre bereavement and or creation. They sometimes show high leadership skills and can sometimes be admired by higher powers and monarchs.
Superman, Abraham Lincoln, Gandhi, what do these three have in common? They’re all heroes. But what truly is a hero? Is it one who wins independence for his country, or one that helps an old lady cross the street? And should we aspire to be like this person? Using Brecht’s Life of Galileo, Beethoven’s Heiligenstadt Testament and Plato’s Allegory of the Cave, we’ll attempt to answer that question.
When the word "hero" is spoken, everyone has different thoughts. Some will think of super powers like flying and saving people from villains; while others have a certain person they know or have heard of that come to mind who have done something to make a difference in the lives of others but who is a hero to you? To answer this question you must first ask yourself what a hero is; what comes to your mind when someone says the word. When I am confronted with these questions I always have the same thoughts; smart, strong will power, and someone who stands up for what they believe is right.
Toddlers, kids and teens have heroes, and so do numerous adults in the world today. However, it is unclear what makes someone a hero, moreover, since everyone's heroes are different, there are a few deciding factors of what makes a hero. 1 of the deciding factors that makes a hero is being a role model, #2 is being selfless, and #3 is being modest. In our story, "The Last Leaf" written by O. Henry, it's apparent that Mr. Behrman saves Johnsy's life while he dies. Is Mr. Behrman a hero or not?