
Knowledge In Hesiod's Theogony

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Knowledge. Each person and each culture has a different view and treatment of knowledge. Some view knowledge or the gaining of knowledge as the most important thing. Others view knowledge as important, but imagination or creativity is more important. There are significant similarities and differences between the treatment of knowledge in Genesis and in Hesiod’s Theogony. The treatment of knowledge in each literary work shows the authors intentions, inherent values and preoccupations. Even though one work stresses only one God and the other stresses multiple gods, Hesiod’s Theogony and Genesis have striking similarities when it comes to knowledge. One of these similarities is that most, if not all, knowledge comes from the gods or God. In Genesis …show more content…

The way the author of Genesis, commonly believed to be Moses, treats the theme of knowledge shows the readers that his intentions for writing Genesis were twofold. One of his intentions is to record how the world was created, and intention of Hesiod as well. Moses, or the author of Genesis does this so that others will know how he believes everything was created, which was through God speaking it into being and giving everything its own role (Genesis 1,2) , which is also something seen in the Theogony, where Zeus gives all of the gods a role ( Hesiod 75). Hesiod shows his intention of telling of the birth of the gods and the creation of everything else from the beginning of the Theogony: “Start from the Muses: when they sing for Zeus Father…Telling what is, what will be, and what has been…” (Hesiod 37-39). Hesiod writes down the stories the Muses tell him so that all will know of the creation of the gods as well as to preserve the stories for generations to come. The second intention of Moses, or the author of Genesis, was to show the relationship between God and man and give a tale of morality. In writing Genesis he is telling stories of people who followed God with obedience, showing what happens to those who know God and follow him obediently and those who know God but choose not to live obediently. These intentions give insight to the values of the authors’ of these literary

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