
Kony 2012: The Lord's Resistance Army

Decent Essays

Child soldiers have been used all over the world throughout history; even today, things have not changed in countries in East Africa. Ugandan children are still being recruited to fight the wars of adults. In 2012, there was a viral movement to bring awareness of the child soldiers under Joseph Kony’s command. The phrase “Kony 2012” was plastered all over various social media outlets by an organization named Invisible Children, or IC for short (Karlin 256). Kony 2012 was ignited from a short video centered on Kony’s army called the Lord’s Resistance Army, also known as the LRA, which consisted mostly of kidnapped children (Gould 207). The use of child soldiers is not just reduced to the LRA. Kids are being brought to arm all over Uganda; it is most common in Northern Uganda. Countless children have been forced to do things way beyond their years, for a fight that isn’t theirs. The effects of the experiences on child soldiers are widespread as well as deeply rooted. …show more content…

They would abduct children and force them to do violent acts of war as extreme as being forced to brutally murder their friends and family (Crombach, 562). The Kony 2012 campaign was one of the first times the world’s attention was focused on these acts and organizations.
However, the situation is more widespread than just the LRA. Kony’s army is not the only organization in Uganda to use child soldiers. Gould found that the Ugandan Army was allegedly accused of being guilty for similar crimes as the LRA- beatings, rape, and murder of children and adults alike (216), they just haven’t been convicted of any

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