Headquaters' Overhead Cost Allocation at Korea Auto Insurance Co. Inc.
| | | |Korea Auto Insurance Co. Inc. | | | |
| | | |For periods 2007 thru 2008 | | | |
|Question 1 - Net Income, revenue, direct, and indirect costs using current method |
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|Question 3 - Net Income, revenue, direct, and indirect costs using cost drivers |
| | |Whole Company | |% of Revenue |Teajon Branch | |% of Revenue |
| |
|Comparison of Methods |Current Allocation |ABC |
| |2007 |2008 |2007 |2008 |
|Indirect costs |IT |$1,906,234 |$3,541,528 |$1,505,455.69 |$1,832,478.23 |
| |OS |$1,875,154 |$3,526,953 |$1,697,330.10 |$1,487,478.31 |
| |Inv |$1,222,476 |$1,821,773 |$1,368,452.09 |$1,821,773.49 |
| |Mkt |$1,035,996 |$1,850,922 |$1,000,000.00 |$1,270,000.00
| |Net Operating Income |$6,600,000 |$12,600,000 |$15,000,000 |$7,800,000 |$3,000,000 | | | | | | | | |Taxes |($2,244,000) |($4,284,000) |($5,100,000) |($2,652,000) |($1,020,000) | |Net Operating Profit After Taxes |$4,356,000 |$8,316,000 |$9,900,000 |$5,148,000 |$1,980,000 | | | | | | | | |Net Income |$4,356,000 |$8,316,000 |$9,900,000 |$5,148,000 |$1,980,000 | |Year |Units Sold | |Price Per Unit Year 1 - 4 | |1 |70,000 | |$300 | |2 |120,000 | | | | | |3 |140,000 | |Price Per Unit Year Five | |4 |80,000
It has come to the attention of the management team here at All Safe Insurance Company that much of the individuals employed here are taking advantage of the company by reporting more hours worked than they have actually put in. We have come to find out that “some people” have been having others clock in and out for them or they are just not bothering to clock out at all when going to lunch or to run personal errands. This is COMPLETELY UNACCECTABLE and must come to a halt IMMEDIATELY. In order to insure this unacceptable behavior does in fact come to a halt, the management team here at All Safe Insurance Company has created a policy for clocking in and clocking out. May you please review the policy included in this memo? All individuals
Canadians pay wildly different amounts of money to heat our houses: The National Post has reported that a couple in Hammond, Ontario, pay about 500 dollars a month to heat their renovated farmhouse while a single man in Schreiber, Ontario, pays between 160 and 220 to heat his three-bedroom home.
Gibson Insurance Company (GIC) faces a challenge during the current year. GIC’s current cost allocation system must be revised to accommodate the implementation of a new management planning and performance management system. The goal is to better allocate GIC’s corporate support-service costs to the business lines and business units in a result of more precise pricing strategies, sales compensation and improved cost control.
In addition to their comprehensive boat insurance, they have benefits that cover great discounts for products and marina dockage, an impeccable towing service, a strong boating representation voice, and a great program for boating safety. The annual fee is $24, with a generous discount if you are a member of the United States Power Squadron, U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary, and many other organizations.
Employer sponsored health insurance is a health policy chosen and purchased by the employer and is provided to qualified employees and their families. Employers usually shares the insurance premium with employers. Employee based health insurance started early as 1910. Before World War II, only a few Americans had health insurance, but it only covered the hospital room, board, and ancillary services. During the war, more employee-based health insurances were being given to employees due to frozen wages by the National War Labor Board worker shortage. Employers were figuring out a way to attract employees to work and stay in their company, which meant that providing health insurance was the best option. Offering health insurance drew attention to employees because unions supported this system and the benefits would not be subjected to income tax or social security taxes. Health
Online quick car insurance quotes are a quick approach to look at the distinction of other collision protection organizations for the most ideal premiums that fit your particular needs. On the off chance that you are similar to different a huge number of Americans, you are pondering where you can discover moderate insurance rates from organizations that offer aggressive premiums. Which insurance organizations offer the cheapest or most reduced cost online? When you are looking for quick car insurance quotes on the web, the quotes will fluctuate from state to express, your age, driving record and numerous different elements that may come to play. The key is to discover the insurance organization that can give you the scope you require that fits your financial plan.
United Services Automobile Association (USAA) was founded with a simple mission. That mission was to provide auto insurance coverage for its initial group of investors. These investors were all military officers who found that auto insurance was too expensive and difficult to obtain due to their high-risk occupations. Membership was initially restricted to active duty military officers. Over the years, eligibility has been expanded to include active duty and retired military personnel regardless of rank or branch of service and their families.
The main function for health care financing is to pay for health insurance premium and reimburse health providers for services delivered. Still, there is a crucial challenge when creating health insurance plans, provide coverage for “health care needs without encouraging unnecessary spending.” (Maas) Over time, health care financing has been evolving, and now consumers can acquire health insurance through government programs like Medicare, which it is for the elderly, for certain individuals with disabilities and end-stage renal disease. Therefore, any person who meets the requirements can enroll to this program. Also, there is Medicaid, which it is the program for the poor, and Children’s Health Insurance Program best known as CHIP, which insure kids who come from low-income families. Nonetheless, there are several types of private insurance like self-insured plans, individual private health insurance, Medigap, and group insurance program, which it is “… a substantial number of people in the group will purchase insurance through its sponsor.” (Shi, 2019, p. 224) Further, thanks to the diversity and wide range of health insurance
Since young people have the most detectably terrible driving record of any age pack - they spoke to more than 6,500 driving fatalities in the U.S. a year back - young car insurance premiums are the most bewildering. So by what technique would you have the capacity to get low rate car insurance for your young person child or young lady?
In 2014, Suspending the Individual Mandate Penalty Law Equals Fairness Act (or the SIMPLE Fairness Act) implemented the delay of certain penalties proposed by the Affordable Care Act (ACA) (H.R. 4118). Introduced on February 28th, 2014 to the House, the bill was passed March 5th, 2014. The policy delayed penalties that were linked to the ACA’s requirement that U.S. residents needed to have health insurance coverage by 2014. The Act executed monthly penalties of $0 for any individuals that did not meet the minimum health insurance coverage by January 1st, 2015. Provisions of the policy applied to months after December 31, 2013. The original penalty started at 1 percent of taxable income in 2014, increasing to 2 percent in 2015,
"Insurance is a legal contract that protects people from the financial costs that result from loss of life, loss of health, lawsuits or property damage."(Nielson.) This protection is given to the customer in exchange for a monthly payment to the company. This is a legal contract which is known as a policy, binds the customer to the insurance company for the duration of the policy. Insurance, whether it be life, health or auto, helps customers feel safe from everyday risks that can happen in life. Most insurance is optional, although some states enforce a law that automobile insurance must be purchased in order to register a car. Automobile insurance is very important. It helps the policy holder to protect their car
There are many ways to save money on your car insurance policy. Some of them are obvious like paying for the entire policy rather than making payments or increasing you deductible on your collision coverage. However, the following are three often overlooked ways to pay less.
This Novak dealership was the runt in the litter. There were four other Novak car dealerships in the city. They sold luxury to foreigners and middle-aged men, but this dealership was known for rust, and red numbers. It was also the only one that my dad owned. It was always quiet; yet about an hour ago, Dad had gotten a call, and had gone into his dimly lit back office to talk. From where I sat at the desk, I could hear snippets of the conversation that filtered in through the gap in the door.
In the next five years, increased interest rates and increased investment in new activities will promote the vehicle insurance industrial.