
Kosher Wine

Decent Essays

Kosher wine and Jewish traditions do not sound too familiar but it has a deep relationship with the Jews.

After the circumcision Kosher wine is presented by the Mohel (the circumciser) to the boy that has born, this is done to reduce the pain of the boy. The Jewish child drinks his mother's milk and wine at his birth. As soon as this happens many pick up the goblet of wine and drink it all the way to the last drops. This is done to celebrate their success and it was the beginning of the Jewish wine festival.

Another famous Jewish festival or holiday involves the drinking of wine and here you must drink at least four glasses of wine to begin your holiday.

Jews have a special place for wine in their heart and it is said that the Jews place …show more content…

These unleavened breads were prepared by the Jews using the blood of the Christian children. Since this event had occurred the Jews did not drink red wine at their Passover.

But the issue was not suppressed there and it went to such an extent where the Jews had to save their community from the threat of the libels. So the Jews created a Frankenstein which was otherwise known as the golem of plague.
The wine drinking does not end here and it is also used in the most memorable day of two person who fall in love and decide to unit themselves for lifetime and eternity, yes I am talking about the marriage. How can the Jews forget to celebrate such an auspicious occasion without wine?

To begin the ceremony Jews drink wine they then continue to drink a lot of wine till the end of the day and to end the ceremony the Jews break the wine glass. Jews always thought the kosher wines were the undrinkable ones or the inferior ones.

Some of them still remember the taste of the thick and sweet wine which they used to drink at the Passover and other Jewish holidays. But it was the Kosher wine that they used to

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