Cigarette was interesting to me because even the kids were smoking cigarettes and here in America it is illegal and also, the parents didn't even care. Rubles is Russian money- it interested me because I never knew what it was till now. Spying was interesting because in the context of the story it plays a big role. You have to be sure who you talk to because they could just be a spy. Krasivaya is interesting because it is Russian and everything in a different language is interesting. Plus, it always brings mystery to the story. Jurta is interesting because I’ve never seen one and many people had to live in it during the book. I want to see how stabilized it actually is.
After reading “Two Cheers for E- Cigarettes” and “L.A. Bans E-Cigarettes. I think that e-cigarettes are fine if they help the people out. They might still give you a little bit of what a cigarette is like. But I does help you out for when you use it even if you are trying to stop at all or if you just try to go to e-cigarettes.
Winning the war against cigarettes. (n.d.). Retrieved October 1, 2015, from American Cancer Society:
According to the article, Too Hot to Be Safe, electronic cigarettes are just as dangerous as the regular cigarettes. The heat that heats the liquid nicotine is what makes the electronic cigarettes just as bad. Chemical damages also occur due to the heating of the liquid nicotine. The electronic cigarettes consist of carcinogens, which reacts the same way tobacco does in regular cigarettes.
Every year, an estimated 443, 000 Americans die of smoking related illnesses, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The CDC also states “the leading cause of preventable death” is smoking. ("Smoking & Tobacco Use-Fast Facts”). Relatively new to the market are electronic cigarettes or e-cigarettes. “Vaping”, as it is known by users, has become increasingly more attractive as an alternative to traditional, cancer causing, cigarettes. Although sales of e-cigarettes are estimated to reach $2 billion dollars (Dennis, Brady) this year, many Americans still have reservations about the safety of a new nicotine delivery system.
Electronic cigarettes - or e-cigarettes - are electrical devices that imitate/copy real cigarettes by producing a vapour that's possibly less harmful than tobacco smoke. Many e-cigarettes contain nicotine and, when they do, it's the vapour that gives the nicotine hit.
The cigaretts in the story strongly symbolize small mistakes made in life. For example a pack of cigaretts is a handful of mistakes. This ties back to the claim as many mistakes will equal a horrible end. Smoking cigaretts will result into cancer and other terrible side effects. So just like a small mistake cigaretts will also mess up your life.
Vapor electronic cigarettes are the new concept in smoking that is gaining popularity very rapidly. It is becoming the most talked about topic on smoking issues. This new technology allows you to enjoy the sensation of smoking without actually inhaling smoke. An increasing number of people are becoming partial to the idea of smokeless vapor cigarettes. The best vapor cigarettes come in stylish designs that appeal to a lot of fashionable individuals.
I would go around and present the program (slide with pictures) in classrooms for twelve year olds and teach them the dangers of any type of tobacco use. I would explain that whether the child smokes, snuffs, or chews tobacco are all dangerous and all requires the use of nicotine. I would then present to the classroom, pictures of the many useful ways of using tobacco. I would begin with a picture of a child chewing tobacco and explain to them that chewing tobacco can come in three forms: Loose leaf, Plugs and twist or rolls. Then explain that a piece of chew or etc. of the tobacco is placed between your check and gums. A user may chew on what is called tobacco juice for hours and then spit out the used chew
Jennifer jean a Registered nurse that has experienced the effects of traditional cigarettes especially on some of her older patients, believes that the electronic cigarettes will eventually end up being like the traditional cigarettes. The traditional cigarettes were once believed to be one hundred percent safe until they did research and investigation and then and all the different health issues began to arise in the smokers.There will soon be ads against the use of the electronic cigarettes just they what they currently have to haalt traditional cigarette smoking.
Electric cigarettes are healthier than traditional tobacco cigarettes and some even argue that people should converting to electric
100 Russian Rubles are equivalent to 1.72 us dollars.The ruble is the second oldest national currency.The rubel is based on silver.In 1704 tsar peter the first introduced a minted silver currency that was to be called the
Fact: cigarette smoke kills on average 1,300 people everyday. That’s over 480,000 deaths each year, even worse nearly 50,000 die annually from inhalation of secondhand smoke. Over 16% of Americans fall to the addition of nicotine (CDC). Although that number is declining, it still needs to fall, and there is one safe and effective way to do so. Using smokeless tobacco to wean off of an addiction to nicotine is safe and effective. It is proven through real life trials. Some even in your own community. Also the risk of getting oral cancer is comparably less from smokeless tobacco than from cigarettes. Finally nicotine levels can be altered on vapor products. This can help smokers wean off the addiction. Smokeless tobacco is safer than regular
Humans have been using tobacco for various reasons. It was even believed to have medicinal aspects. It wasn’t until around the 1930s, Surgeons made the correlation of cancer to tobacco cigarettes. The Habit of smoking itself can be dated back to approximately 6000 B.C. Through Medical research we have successfully understood how radiation builds up over time and produces cancer as well as disruption to other vital organs. Tobacco smokers have been looking for ways to overcome the nicotine addictions in order to live healthier and lower the risk of cancer. Electronic cigarettes have recently been introduced to the public, advertised as a way to quit with the same pleasure of smoking. E-Cigarettes
For years, health care researchers have studied which is healthier for the human body: smoking or smokeless tobacco. Many of studies have been done in order to know the truth. Peo-ple are still worried which is healthier to use, smokeless tobacco or smoking.
Nicotine use is a leading preventable cause of death in the world, directly and indirectly responsible for 440,000 deaths per year. The health problems that result in tobacco use tally an annual of $75 billion in direct medical costs (Slovic 36). That money spent on medical problems for smokers should be used to pay for more important things in our society such as schools, libraries, childcare, etc.