
Kratom: A Case Study

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In August of 2016, the Drug Enforcement Administration placed a notice of intent on kratom. Which in return banned the so called drug in the United States from being sold, distributed or consumed, legally. The outlaw of the drug caused nationwide controversy from people who said it was erroneous, to individuals who believed the ban was needed to avoid potential abuse and fatalities. Kratom, an opioid-related substance has been taken by users who want a boost of energy or need help managing pain. Its long been identified a supplement, carelessly regulated by the Food and Drug Administration, a painkiller that could relieve PTSD in former soldiers or potentially kill an average American looking for something less than illegal painkillers. According to the Drug …show more content…

However, they cannot be certain on whether other drugs were also involved. Expanding on this, due to kratom’s loose regulation, it can be hard to conclude whether the supplement does indeed have other chemicals that might increase its toxicity. Dr. Edward W. Boyer, MD, PhD cited a case where an individual came into an emergency room because of kratom usage, yet toxicology reports showed that what the patient believed to had been kratom was in fact hydrocodone, an opioid pain medication. "We have identified kratom as a botanical substance that could pose a risk to public health and has the potential for abuse," (Plasier 1). This can be seen as a victory for many people who are concerned about the potential abuse of kratom because they associate the effects of kratom as being directly related to opium,

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