
Kreb's Struggles To Deal With Ptsd

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According to The National Institutes of Health, 20 percent of veterans from the Iraq war suffer from PTSD. The main character deals with the struggles associated with PTSD, which causes him hardship in social and emotional relationships. The struggles not only put pressure on Krebs but also his mother. The author wants to show people the major lasting effects that war can have on people. Krebs, the main character is dealing with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and this shows by the struggles he is having with transitioning from the war setting to the civilian world,being emotionally detached and when he comes home from the war he isolates himself. First, it is important to know after experiencing a traumatic event, it can cause difficulties in all aspects of live. Krebs’ mother worries about her son transitioning and being successful in the civilian world. Krebs’ mother says ““Your father is worried, too,” his mother went on. “He thinks you have lost your ambition, that you haven’t got a definite aim in life. Charley Simmons, who is just your age, has a good job and is going …show more content…

There are several incidents in which demonstrate him isolating and further alienating himself from society. An example of this would be “He liked the look of the girls that were walking...the world they were in was not the world he was in. He would of liked to have one of them. But it was not worth it”(3). This quote shows he is in a so-called different world than those around him. Also it shows he does not try or want to interact with other people. Interacting with other people calls for the need of emotion which he is lacking. It also seems that his mother is the only person really trying to help and be there for him. Krebs father never talks to him directly in the short story. Whenever his father is in the story, it is because Krebs mother is being the messenger between him and his

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