
Kristy's Hypertension: A Case Study

Satisfactory Essays

Kristy states that she feels healthy at the present, and has few medical issues. Kristy has done very well with her weight this year. Kristy currently takes medications, but do not know the name of them. These medications are listed above. She has hypertension, and has her blood sugar monitored daily to ensure it is not too high. She sees her Dentist, Dr. Whitehead every 3 months for cleaning and exam. Has a yearly physical completed by her general physician Dr. McCoy. Her yearly OBGYN exam is completed by Dr. Gapultos and she goes to Helen Keller Hospital Imaging for her yearly mammogram. She also sees a psychiatrist and podiatrist. If Kristy has any concerns she can ask her Nurse Christine or her staff. If she is not feeling well she lets

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