REPORTER: The reporter/ anonymous called with concerns for the victims, Quantavious, Caniyah, Rico, and Cadarius. According to the reporter, Krystal is using drugs (marijuana and powder) around the children, but it is unknown if Krystal is manufacturing the drugs. Krystal whoops the two younger children (Rico and Cadarius); Krystal slaps them in the face, and she takes her hand and hits them across their backs (no visible marks or bruises). The reporter said Krystal did this everyday when she was around (1 week ago). It is unknown if there are currently any visible marks or bruises on the children. Krystal is not feeding the children, but she receives food stamps and sells the entire card. The reporter said Gloria (grandmother) buys food for …show more content…
Krystal told Caniyah to slap the other lady’s daughter, and the other lady threatened to contact law enforcement. Law enforcement didn’t come out to the home because the other lady didn’t contact them, according to the reporter; the reporter believes the other lady and her daughter went into their home. The incident occurred on Sunday (07/17/2016). The reporter said Cadarius (2 year old) wears diapers, and Krystal doesn’t buy him any diapers. The reporter said Cadarius walks around with dirty diapers on (all the time/ no clothes on). The reporter said Krystal was begging people for money to purchase diapers. 1 month ago, Krystal stole some pampers from a Dollar General Store and they caught her and told her not to come back. Rico (4 year old) walks around with shorts on (no shirt or shoes), and he is always running around in the street and cursing. Krystal is usually outside with the child, but she doesn’t say anything. The reporter said Krystal has 6 children total, but she lost custody of 2 of the children; Krystal only has 4 of her children in her care. The reporter last saw the children 1 week ago and have not discussed the allegations with the alleged
The worker contacted Anita Roberson who the mother of Amber Bowe and grandmother to her children. The worker asked Mrs. Bowe if she had any concerns for a Mr. William Chadwick who is the father of Amber Bowe’s younger children Jameson and Jackson. Mrs. Bowe stated “William is verbally and physically abusive the kids. Jameson has told me her dad has called her a “bitch” before because he was mad at her. Jackson has told me he dad has thrown him on the bed by his neck because daddy was upset at him. Mrs. Roberson recanted she was told by the children about an incident where Jackson had defecated in his underwear and William made him “eat” the feces as punishment. Mrs. Roberson stated all the previous incidents occurred around the time Jackson
Jamita said from what she understands due to what Don told her the children’s mother’s boyfriend offered drugs to Ayanna and her friend. It is unknown if the children have access to the drugs in their home. However, Jamita said she assumes they do because Ayanna said she has seen her mother’s boyfriend weighing drugs on a scale. Jamita also said she believes drugs are being manufactured in the family’s home. According to Ayanna, she is afraid to say anything about the things going on in her mother’s home because she does not want her mother to get in trouble or be arrested. Ayanna said if someone comes out to her mother’s house she will not tell the truth about everything going on, because she said she is afraid of the back lash she and her siblings will get for telling. However, Jamita said majority of the allegations were reported to CPS by her last year. Jamita said a worker by the name of (Tasia) from the county went out to the family’s home to check on the children. Jamita said the children told Tasia everything in their home was ok because Ayanna said she interviewed them in front of their
R/s Kimberly abandoned her children Maliyah (3) and Kendell (2). R/s Kimberly dropped the children off on 09/09/2015 with no clothes. R/s Kendell didn’t have on any underwear underneath his jeans. R/s Maliyah hair was matted and her shoes were torn. R/s Kimberly was evicted from her place, so now she and her boyfriend Carrell are living house to house. R/s Kimberly and Carrell drink and smoke marijuana and it is hearsay that Kimberly is doing cocaine. R/s according to Kimberly she sold her food stamps card.
Two weeks ago, Mr. Knight was contacted by law enforcement with suspicions that Will stole someone’s gun and sold it. According to the reporter, the child’s father made contact with him to tell him he’d been evicted from his home and did not know where Will was. The reporter stated Mr. Knight is a truck driver and has been living in his truck; Will was left with his grandmother after they were evicted. Ms. Jordan and Will got into an argument and the child ran away from her home and the family has not been able to find the child before 08/06/15. Per the reporter, the child was found at school; it’s unknown who registered the child. Mr. Knight stated on 08/06/15, he picked the child up from school to question him about the stolen gun. The reporter
PER REPORTER: Curlydria is learning grown folks stuff. She is popping, danching, and opening her legs. Her mother teachers her to dance inappropriately. There are concerns that the mother hits the children in the back with her fist and pops them onthe head. They have no marks or bruises. Per reporter, mom is addicted to marijuana and she constantly smokes around the children. Mom is currently pregnant. Mom purchases drugs on the street. Drugs are not accessible to the children and the children have not been harmed hurt. Reporter stated Glenntavious loves his games. Mom allows her boyfriend to play the games while Glenntavious watches. Per reporter, mom got back pay over $1,000 for food stamps. Mom couldnt have Glenntavious a birthday party.
The reporter stated on 11/19/15, the children had a forensic interview with Regan Smith, family nurse at Children’s Safe Center. The reporter stated after the interview, Ms. Smith made a recommendation that the children seek professional counseling for lack of supervision; Ms. Smith also recommended that Ms. Kiner is not capable of properly caring for the children. According to the reporter, the children are not supervised properly, they leave the home after Ms. Kiner takes Oxycodine prescribed for back pain, and they vandalize and tear up her furniture and home. The reporter stated it’s been reported by the school that the children come to school with bad hygiene and that they are not bathed properly. Ms. Little stated that the children also
The reporter stated the children told their father they don’t know the last time they took a bath and whenever she bathed them the bath water was completely dirty. The reporter stated the children are underweight even though their mother receives food stamps. According to the reporter, all three children had sores around their mouths, in their heads, on their backs and buttocks, and on their arms and legs. Ms. Ballard stated she called to ask Brittany it was. The reporter stated Ms. Smith told her she did not know and had not seen anything on the children. Ms. Ballard stated she and the children’s father took them to be seen at a hospital on 07/05/15 and the children were diagnosed with Infantago. The reporter stated she later called Ms. Smith back to ask her for the boy’s insurance card in order to take them to see a doctor and pick up their prescriptions but she refused and did not give it to Mr.
Latarsha Rogers is an unfit mom she sells her food stamp for drugs and leaves the kids on other people why she going from car to car having sex for drugs such as weed powder pills She does it every time but when you all send dhs to the house they doesn't do anything because she tells them people lying on her but soon as dhs leave she beat those kids and go to Charleston and have them standing on corner while men's touch them for money. She tells the kids if they tell she is going to punch them in the mouth or drown them when she put them in the tub or she beat them with whatever she gets her hands on. The parent has been asked about the allegations. She will say
Per Reporter: Stephen (paternal grandfather) has custody of the children. A court order signed by Judge Alphonso (8/19/14) states that Timothy (victim’s father) & mother (unknown) should not have contact with the children. Jill spoke with Harrison County CPS who confirmed that the case has been closed. The mother lives in Indiana and is uninvolved. Timothy is a convicted felon and has been in and out of jail since the children were young. Timothy has returned to Stephen’s home less than a year ago. On the night of 9/28/17, Timothy slapped Brianna because she was smarting off to Stephen. Stephen and Brianna were arguing over homework. Brianna has a red bruise on her left cheek. Underneath Brianna’s left eye it’s red and bruised; however, the
The reporter said Leannah never took the child to the doctor. The reporter spoke with mom about the allegations against Chris, and she “beat her head into the ground and kicked her teeth out”. The reporter said mom continues to bring the children around Chris, even after what she told her (unknown when). Also, Chris “whoops” both of the children (unknown when), and it is unknown if there were visible marks or bruises. There were no details given. The reporter said she hasn’t seen the children in over two weeks. The reporter said Leanna “whoops” the kids with belts and hand, and she has left marks on the children. It is unknown when she “whooped” them or where she left marks on them. This occurs “whenever they do something and she has to tell them more than once or when she is tore up” (unknown when). The reporter said mom is an alcoholic, and she does drugs (pills). Mom will take anything you give her (pills), and she smokes marijuana in her bedroom. Also, she smokes marijuana with the people next door, but it is unknown if the children have access to the drugs. Also, it is unknown if she is smoking around the
PER REPORTER: Charlie said today five year old Makiyah was brought into the emergency room in Chicago, IL by her mother. He said the child was brought in due to the child disclosing to her mother that while she was in Mississippi in the care of her grandmother (Felicia) she was abusing her. Charlie said he was told that Makiyah has been in Chicago, IL with her mother for a week now due to the child’s aunt dropping her off with her mother. Charlie said to his understanding the child was randomly dropped off with her mother by her aunt due to Felicia no longer being able to care for the child. Charlie said the child’s mother told him that Makiyah was staying with Felicia in Mississippi until she got everything together for the child to be able to come and live with her. However, he said according to the child’s mother the child will be staying with her and will not be going back to stay with her grandmother.
Edoria said the children’s mother is currently out of jail and called their father (Jalen) yesterday asking him if he could bring their children to come and see her. However, Edoria said Jalen would not take the children to see their mother because he was told she is staying in a drug house. Edoria said Connie came to visit with the children and said the home the children’s mother has been staying in is known to be a place people do meth in. Edoria said Jalen is afraid for his children to go where their mother is because anything could happen to them. Edoria said the children’s mother has no way of taking care of them which is why her, Kenya, and Jalen have to buy the children’s clothes. Edoria said kids are supposed to be with their mother but she said her grandchildren’s mother is unfit and lives from home to home. Edoria also said the children’s mother is unable to meet their basic needs or care for them. Edoria mentioned that there was once an incident where the children’s mother said they do not help her with the children, but she said the children’s mother just wanted them keep the
Per Reporter: The family’s home is not clean. The children are dirty; they are not groomed and are not properly cared for. The children wear the same clothing for a week at a time, if not longer. The school have provided a large amount of clothing for the children throughout the year. There is no food in the home; the school and a church (unknown) provided food for the family. Supposedly there are working utilities in the home, but there is no hot water. The sewage was previously backed up in the family’s home, but has been fixed Arryel stated. At times the children are left home alone after school. The children want see Arryel until the next morning. Arryel admitted to using drugs (marijuana). According to the children, they have witnessed Arryel using drugs. The
Per Reporter: Sabrina use drugs (marijuana) around the children. The drugs are not manufactured/sold. The unknown sibling is made to go outside while Sabrina use drugs. The sibling is left outside alone. Sabrina cares for Katlen while Kayla attends school. Sabrina has mental and physical limitations; Sabrina is disabled. A month ago, a knot was noticed on Katlen’s head; there was a red mark on her forehead. According to the family it was only a scratch; however, the neighbor (unknown) stated Sabrina dropped Katlen. The children have adequate clothing and food in the home. There are working utilities in the home. Kayla will not allow Deondre (Katlen’s father) to have anything to do with Katlen. Nicole attempted to discuss the allegations with
REPORTER: The reporter/ anonymous called with concerns for the four victims, Colton, and three unknown males. According to the reporter, Kelly is in Burnsville 4 nights a week. The reporter said, a couple of months ago, Kelly and Matthew (boyfriend) was in Corinth, MS stealing a trailer. Matthew was driving the car, and “he slung the baby out of the car seat onto the floorboard”. The reporter said Matthew took off running and called someone to pick him up. Kelly was passed out in the front seat, and she was arrested. The police department called Human Services to pick up the baby, and they called the grandmother to come and get the child. The reporter said Kelly is pregnant, and she is on meth, oxycontin, clonotin, and xanax, but Kelly is not