
Ku Klux Klan Research Paper

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The Ku Klux Klan has a long history of being famous for its hate towards African Americans and other ethnic race and religious groups. The Ku Klux Klan was founded in 1866 in In Pulaski, Tennessee by Six young college students. The six young men all former Confederate officers started this as and a social club or fraternity and spent their time draped in white cloths and acted in horseplay of various types, wearing disguises and galloping on horses about town after dark. This is where the Uniform and activities of the group began after realizing that they were putting young former slaves into a state of fear and panic. While roaming around only playing the group took advantage of this fear that they saw and began to form a vigilante group to prevent southern blacks or whites who would participate from enjoying any civil rights movements. The group’s former intent was not to cause harm towards anyone although they targeted the African American race these were not there only causalities. …show more content…

The organization was further broken down into smaller organization which were led by other members of the Klan called Grand Dragons. Former slaves were the obvious target of the group but not the only target that the group would terrorize. They harassed and intimidated northerners and any person or “carpetbagger" who was not welcomed in the southern states. In 1869 the Klan began to fall apart due to the violent nature of the crimes in which they committed. The more prominent citizen of the organizations began to drop out all together and there began internal competition for control. After being disgusted by the outrage and violent acts and the way the organization had gone Nathan Forrest disbanded the organization and the other groups followed in his steps. In 1882, the U.S. Supreme Court declared the Ku Klux Act unconstitutional but the Klan had long before that been faded

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