The Ku Klux Klan was once and may still be considered one of the most dangerous terrorist organization of time. The Ku Klux Klan, which is also and more widely known as the KKK, is an American racist organization with a main goal to oust Republican Reconstruction governments in the South following the American Civil War. Another aim of the Ku Klux Klan was to drive African Americans out of politics entirely. The Ku Klux Klan rejuvenated in the 20th Century and for a brief period of time became a widespread political dominance. Most notably during the 1960s, the Ku Klux Klan fought the Civil Rights Movement in the South. Eventually, the Klan grew out of the Civil War to shelter and maintain the white race. This was due to the many policies that were created in Republican Party’s Reconstruction era, which granted blacks political and economical equality. In the end, the Ku Klux Klan was created to ensure the separation of many if not all races. This mainly meant the termination of Catholics, Jews, and most of all, African-Americans. The whites wanted to reestablish white superiority through politics and violence, with a …show more content…
This gathering started out as just a social gathering between these six veterans who met due to the fact that they were bored of the regular routine that they went through after the end of the American Civil War. Thus, they came up with something to take their time up, and this is what led to hazings and other pastimes which are later discussed in this essay. This social gathering took place on December 24, 1865, in the small town of Pulaski, Tennessee. But when the violence of the Klan started is most notably dated on March 31, 1868 when the Republican organizer George Ashburn was executed in the town of Columbus, Georgia. From then on the Ku Klux Klan’s violent actions began starting from the town of Georgia eventually spreading
Through research and evidence, it is clear that the historical interpretations of the origins of Klan and its establishment as an organization and its origins have changed over time. Starting in 1906, historians argued that the Klan was a benevolent, social organization, working as law-enforcers to help maintain a distinct social order between Southern whites and newly freed slaves. Completely ignoring the violence produced by the Klan, historians depicted the Klan as a positive, well-rounded organization. The second historical interpretation shone a new light on the Klan, exposing it for its violent and racially motivated actions. Historians argued that the Klan’s establishment was as a political organization that made a negative and lasting impression on all of U.S. history. The third and final interpretation argues that the Klan was established as a result of a struggling planter class. Historical interpretations during this time period describe the main goal of the Klan as wanting to answer to the desires and goals of the planters’ class. Because of this, historians during this era never saw the Klan as being an obstacle for newly freed slaves nor did they see the Klan having a negative effect on society. In conclusion, it is evident that historical interpretations develop and
- The most notorious organization was the Ku Klux Klan. The Ku Klux Klan was organized in Pulaski Tennessee, in 1866 to intimidate former slaves who voted and apprehended political offices during Reconstruction. The Ku Klux Klan history came all about with the situation in the South following the harsh Civil War. The Southern States were in distraught and the defeated white people were humiliated and felt like they had to get revenge and gain their power back. The goal of the original Ku Klux Klan was to fight against the Reconstruction policies of the radical Republican Congress and to maintain "white supremacy. The Klan was led by merchants, planters, and Democratic politicians. They considered themselves as the most respectable citizens
The Ku Klux Klan was a secret terrorist organization that was created by six well educated Confederate veterans in Pulaski, Tennessee in the December of 1865. Their main objective was to restore white supremacy through acts of violence such as murder, against both Black and White Republicans. The KKK had eventually spread to every southern state, and Klansmen would often terrorize republicans regardless of their race. Members of the KKK believed that African Americans were inferior to Whites and did not believe that Blacks deserved equal rights. Although the rebel groups were outlawed and made illegal, many of them remained in existence and appeared after the reconstruction had ended. This proved the Reconstruction to be ineffective as many Southerners were still fighting against the government and opposed them. In addition, African Americans were still deprived of their rights by these
Forever. 170). The Klan were white southerners who were organized and committed to the breaking down of Reconstruction. By methods of brutality, “the Klan during Reconstruction offers the most extensive example of homegrown terrorism in American history” (Foner. Forever. 171). The Ku Klux Klan as well as other groups killed or tormented black politicians or threatened the blacks who voted in elections. The Klan strongly disagreed with the northern idea that slaves should become part of the government. The Historian Kenneth M. Stampp states, “for their [the North] supreme offense was not corruption but attempting to organize the Negroes for political action” (Stampp. Era. 159). This corresponds with Foner’s idea that the South was not open to the idea of change but more so consumed with the idea of recreating a society similar to one of the past. However, the goal of white power groups was not just politics. The Klan wanted to restore the hierarchy once controlling the South. Foner observes that, “the organization took on the function of the antebellum slave patrols: making sure that blacks did not violate the rules and etiquette of white supremacy” (Foner. Forever. 172). Like the power the southern whites formerly held over the slave population, the Ku Klux Klan wanted to control the African American population still living in the South. They did not want the freedmen to become integrated into their society because they saw them as lesser people. By suppressing and
The main objective of a historiography paper is to research and define the distinct evolution of a historical viewpoint on a certain event or subject matter. The Ku Klux Klan was established during Reconstruction in 1866. Created as a vehicle for white Southern resistance against the Republican Party, the Klan was a perpetrator of violence and aggression towards African Americans. The main goals of the Klansmen were to overturn the Republication government of the South, drive African Americans out of politics, control African American labor, and restore black subordination. Though the Klan’s goals maintained a similar structure throughout its reign, the historical perceptions of the Ku Klux Klan as an organization and its origins have been
The Ku Klux Klan (KKK) is the most prominent hate-based organization in American history. Founded in the aftermath of the Civil War as a whimsical social club, the Klan quickly transformed into a terrorist organization aimed at subjugating newly freed blacks and driving out moderate whites that attempted to improve the plight of
The Ku Klux Klan was a frightful organization that began in retaliation to the Reconstructions movements that attempted to mitigate inequality in the south, and the KKK grew and prospered by promoting racial prejudice towards African-Americans, utilizing appalling acts of
The Ku Klux Klan is a homegrown terrorist organization responsible for countless murders of African Americans throughout the south as well as projecting white supremacy by terrorizing opposing. At the end of Reconstruction, the KKK and White Leagues (opposition to the Union Leagues, made up of southern whites and members of the KKK) helped elect the Democratic party to power through repressive measures on the black citizens in the south. This era of states rights began with the help of terrorist groups who worked to deny the right to vote to black citizens. The KKK also used terror to keep control
After the Civil War and slaves were freed, The Klu Klux Klan (KKK) came to light. The KKK was a terrorist organization that used threats, intimidation, rape, and murder trying to restore the whites rule over the blacks. The attacks were focused on Republicans, threatening or killing them in attempt to restore the Democratic power. The KKK spread terror and violence across
The KKK made their beliefs clear, and imprinted the memories of them by committing acts of hatred on those whom they opposed. Even though the KKK had reemerged in the South in 1915, it wasn’t until after World War I came to a close that the organization gained a national resurgence (Getchell). This version of the Klan was known as “The Second Ku Klux Klan.” The resurgent Klan of the 1920s was a short-lived but potent phenomenon. The second KKK was a mass movement that invoked the memory of and built upon the first KKK, which was a terrorist organization founded by white supremacists in the U.S. South (“The Ku Klux Klan In Washington State, 1920s”) The majority of klan members confined their opposition tactics to parading and burning crosses,
“The first incarnation of the KKK formed just after the Civil War, using terrorist violence as a means of maintaining white supremacy, but its influence "waxed and waned," as Gordon puts it, over the decades that followed” (Waxman 2). The Ku Klux Klan, aka KKK, is a white supremacist group who has done many cruel things to African Americans. Throughout many years, the KKK has grown power over politics, the news, and television as ways to try and exterminate African Americans. The KKK is a group that think the white people have the power over the African Americans, and that African Americans should not be treated as fair. Overall, the Ku Klux Klan impacted society through violence, white supremacy, and the nationwide attention the group was
A few years ago, my mother told me something thought provoking: we had once lived on the same block as the leader of the local Ku Klux Klan chapter. That had been in Charlotte, North Carolina, around 1994. The Ku Klux Klan, according to Blaine Varney in Lynching in the 1890’s, used to “…set out on nightly ‘terror rides’ to harass ‘uppity Negroes’….” They are far more infamous, however, for their “lynching”—nightly “terror rides” that included murder—of African Americans. Varney tells us lynching levels reached their pinnacle in 1892, with 161 recorded murders that year. In modern times, most Americans would agree that the Klan, along with any form of white supremacy, has no place in society—and
Eight months after the Civil War, in the south the government was weak and there were no jobs available. On Christmas Eve of 1866, six confederate veterans started a social hate group in Pulaski, Tennessee. The six confederate veterans were John Lester, James Crowe, John Kennedy, Calvin Jones, Richard Reed, and Frank McCord. The group started off as just wanting to have fun and keep themselves entertained. The six founders were well educated and came from wealthy families. From their Greek knowledge, they use the word kyklos meaning circle and then added the word Klan. The Ku Klux Klan was then born. Nathan Bedford Forrest was the first leader of the Klan. He was known as the “Grand Wizard.”
Topic: In 1866, the Ku Klux Klan was founded by many former confederate veterans in retaliation to their current Republican Party’s Reconstruction-era policies aimed at establishing political and economic equality for blacks. The Reconstruction era sparked by President Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation clearly defined that the days of white superiority were in dissolution. Through a willful ignorance and an insecurity of what might postlude the civil rights movement, the KKK rose, using terror in pursuit of their white supremacist agenda. Nathan Bedford Forrest, a former Lieutenant general in the Civil war, became the KKK's first Grand Wizard. Now with a steady leader the klan became a persistent political party aimed at dismantling the increasingly
Ku Klux Klan believed in the innate inferiorityof black so therefore mistrusted adn resented the