The Ku Klux Klan was a group of very interesting people. When i say KKK, your first thought most likely isn't a good one. They are known for violent behavior and their cruelty, not their compassion. The photograph i chose to research is a very complex, and confusing photo. When you see a monsters bloodied hands caring for the innocent, it sends shivers down my spine. My photograph is that of pure confusion. It seems like it must be night, with only a single light source coming from the left of the photograph. Knowing the KKK’s fascination with burning crosses, the single light source leads me to believe it could be a burning cross (Personal belief). There seems to be two gentlemen in the background discussing something, maybe just small …show more content…
Harry Benson, the photographer, does not give much of detail as to what is going on, it lets you think deeper than just reading exactly what was happening. ”A woman wearing the robes and hood of the American white supremacist organisation the Ku Klux Klan holding her baby at a klan meeting in Beaufort, South Carolina.” This is the only explanation the photographer gives about this photo.” (Benson, Harry, May 24, 1965). Harry Benson is a Scottish Photojournalist who flew over with the Beatles in 1964. He has photographed every president from Eisenhower to Obama. He has been around numerous historical events including, the berlin wall going up, and coming down, Bobby Kennedy's assassination, the Meredith march with MLK, among other significant events(Benson, Harry …show more content…
Someone who not only hates, but also hurts others, caring for their own with nothing but love in their eyes, is a very strange thing. I believe that's why this photo was taken, if the mother was not dressed in the robes of rasicim the photo would depict a friendly get together, and a mother and her child. The lighting in this picture is strats bright and dims from left to right, Similar to a the lighting from a fire. Given the KKK’s reputation of hatred, it’s just strange to see a gathering of friendliness and love with a white supremacist involved. I think the photo is black and white to represent how the world is perceived, especially by the KKK, but in general people stereotype others when that's not usually the
In the Little Rock Nine photograph, photojournalist Will Counts uses juxtaposition and angle of the photo to create a memorable portrait of black injustice. He juxtapose a black girl and the white girl because they are connected in the image. Since the white girl is following elizabeth and yelling at her and making some racial insult against elizabeth, it appears that the black girl is walking away not paying attention to the people following her but she can't do anything because if she does she might get hurt or killed because back then african american were not treated equal . The angle intensifies the photo’s appeal to racial discrimination, because it show that one white girl is yelling at the black girl who's trying to get away from
A prime example of this is the picture of Elizabeth Eckford being singled out by the mob outside of Central High on the first day of school; which was one of the first examples of a photo going viral. This photo revealed the lack of empathy from the segregationists for anyone of a different race, while also representing how lonely these african-american people felt when trying to deal with all of the seemingly heartless segregationists (page 6 LRG). Another one of Will Counts’ photo’s helped to illuminate the events of that day, that of the reporter being bricked in little rock while on the job. He’s attacked by a group of white men, singled out, and then beaten and hit in the back of the head with the brick. Demonstrates the violence and lengths that the segregationists would go to hurt people that were different from them (page 32 LRG).
Source: Is a picture that shows a White League member shaking hands with a Ku Klux Klan member. Underneath them, there is a family of African Americans holding their seemingly lifeless daughter. Behind the African Americans, there is a burnt-down schoolhouse and someone hangs from a tree. This shows that African Americans were heavily discriminated against. The Ku Klux Klan is known for using violence and threats to achieve their goals.
This is because these images bring awareness to issues of racism and ignite the urge in people to fight against these issues. When reading this article, I was reminded of Emmett Till and how his mother reacted to the cruel beating that his son was subjected to. After Emmett Till was brutally beaten, his body was swollen and his face was disfigured that he was only be identified by the initials on a ring on his finger. Although Emmett Till’s image was disfigured, his mother held an open casket for his funeral. Till’s mother wanted the world to see what his son was subjected to since his image was viewed by thousands of people. The photo was also photographed and published in newspapers and magazines. This is significant because it ignited a passion for the civil rights activists to fight against the racial injustices. This is why I think that showcasing the images of killings of black people is
For this assignment I chose to attend the Claudia Rankine reading that was hosted at MLK library. At the start of the event, Rankine explained that she would organize her reading around the images that are presented in her book, Citizen. From there, she dives immediately into the very first image, providing the audience with an explanation for the hoodie cut off that envelops the covers of her book. Rankine indicates that the hoodie was a piece of artwork that was created in 1993 by an African American artist by the name of David Hammons. What I found even more compelling, as Rankine explained the piece, was that Hammons created this hoodie a year after the beating of Rodney King. After she finished explaining the Hoodie piece, Rankine begins reading a piece from her book. Following the reading, Rankine showed another image, this time it was of Jim Crow road, she then points out the reasons as to why she liked this image in her book. Rankine explained that the example the image presented was something that she wanted to “watch over the book, as its first
The Ku Klux Klan organization is very important in history but unfortunately it was a bad group of people who where racist. Also the end of the Civil war is a very significant part of history. As the struggle of blacks for freedom came to an end, a new form of struggle began to form. Political, social, and economic gains of blacks after the Civil war became really frightening!! The idea of whites loosing superiority over blacks felt unacceptable. The poor social white class feared of losing their jobs, and the wealthy of loosing cheap labor. As a result, racist groups began to form. The name Ku Klux Klan is now known all over the world. At first formed as a small social
In this picture it showing that Elizabeth Eckford is scared and freighted by the angry crowd of white families and students that go to the school. The picture shows Elizabeth
You mentioned in your work “The Klan was not a Christian order but rather a false rendition of a religious movement.” Do you think that individuals who were part of the Klan themselves believed that what they were taking part in was a type of religion?
The Ku Klux Klan was founded in 1865 and was made to resist the Reconstruction of the Civil War. They believed whites were racially superior to blacks and held this belief fiercely. Raiding African American homes, lynching innocents, and burning down African American farms. With rises and falls of members, the Ku Klux Klan always was apart of US history after the Civil War. They
The KKK made their beliefs clear, and imprinted the memories of them by committing acts of hatred on those whom they opposed. Even though the KKK had reemerged in the South in 1915, it wasn’t until after World War I came to a close that the organization gained a national resurgence (Getchell). This version of the Klan was known as “The Second Ku Klux Klan.” The resurgent Klan of the 1920s was a short-lived but potent phenomenon. The second KKK was a mass movement that invoked the memory of and built upon the first KKK, which was a terrorist organization founded by white supremacists in the U.S. South (“The Ku Klux Klan In Washington State, 1920s”) The majority of klan members confined their opposition tactics to parading and burning crosses,
Watching the old clips of a man with ‘KKK’ carved on his chest, photos of black men
How many Klansmen does it take to screw in a lightbulb? None, they just beat the room for being black. The Ku Klux Klan is an essential part of United States history for many reasons, they were a widespread organization, they were the reason for many laws, but most importantly they spread awareness to civil rights and racial equality. Because of the xenophobic, racist, and nativist acts of the Klan in the past, we can now enjoy our peaceful country and know how to face racial inequality. Over the years there have been three main branches of the Ku Klux Klan, but the first may be the most important due to its
There are so many misconceptions that this KKK toddler and the state trooper picture expresses. So many expression and concerns can be conveyed through this portrait. When observing this photo there are many questions that may invade your thoughts. Disturbance? Hope? Humor? Touching and Heartbreaking? Irony?
Perhaps the most famous terrorist organization in the history of America, the Ku Klux Klan, better known as the “KKK”, was originated in 1866 by a group of six confederate veterans in Pulaski, Tennessee. Although the Klan “had no malicious intentions” according to (Eyewitness to History). As we all know, that fact quickly changed. Throughout the next few years, this group spread to all southern states. It is followers included mayors, judges, police officers, and even convicted felons. This group of people began killing black people, black politicians, and white people who sided with the blacks. They were famous for burning large crosses in the homes and neighborhoods of blacks, and setting fire to churches in which they knew a large amount of blacks attended their masses each
The KKK was a racist who put fear in those that opposed their beliefs. It was one of the most recognized groups in America. It started as a social club in Pulaski, Tennessee by Confederate veterans. The KKK was one of the most iconic groups for their tactics of putting fear in nonwhites. The KKK fell apart and was revived several times. In the 1920’s, the KKK reached nearly 4 million members.The KKK appointed General Nathan Bedford Forrest as Grand Wizard. The KKK was dedicated to keeping blacks from having any rights. They murdered and tortured blacks to instill the fear.