
Ku Klux Klan's Role In Photography

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The Ku Klux Klan was a group of very interesting people. When i say KKK, your first thought most likely isn't a good one. They are known for violent behavior and their cruelty, not their compassion. The photograph i chose to research is a very complex, and confusing photo. When you see a monsters bloodied hands caring for the innocent, it sends shivers down my spine. My photograph is that of pure confusion. It seems like it must be night, with only a single light source coming from the left of the photograph. Knowing the KKK’s fascination with burning crosses, the single light source leads me to believe it could be a burning cross (Personal belief). There seems to be two gentlemen in the background discussing something, maybe just small …show more content…

Harry Benson, the photographer, does not give much of detail as to what is going on, it lets you think deeper than just reading exactly what was happening. ”A woman wearing the robes and hood of the American white supremacist organisation the Ku Klux Klan holding her baby at a klan meeting in Beaufort, South Carolina.” This is the only explanation the photographer gives about this photo.” (Benson, Harry, May 24, 1965). Harry Benson is a Scottish Photojournalist who flew over with the Beatles in 1964. He has photographed every president from Eisenhower to Obama. He has been around numerous historical events including, the berlin wall going up, and coming down, Bobby Kennedy's assassination, the Meredith march with MLK, among other significant events(Benson, Harry …show more content…

Someone who not only hates, but also hurts others, caring for their own with nothing but love in their eyes, is a very strange thing. I believe that's why this photo was taken, if the mother was not dressed in the robes of rasicim the photo would depict a friendly get together, and a mother and her child. The lighting in this picture is strats bright and dims from left to right, Similar to a the lighting from a fire. Given the KKK’s reputation of hatred, it’s just strange to see a gathering of friendliness and love with a white supremacist involved. I think the photo is black and white to represent how the world is perceived, especially by the KKK, but in general people stereotype others when that's not usually the

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