
Kurt Warner Chapter Summary

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1. Kurt Warner is a competent manager. Everyone’s goal is to graduate from the other three levels of managerial incompetence to the most effective level, competent manager. The book mentions that these types of managers get results through others and build teams. I would add to this list that a competent manager does these things while not sacrificing their positive relationship with those they train and work with. Kurt Warner embodied this managerial style in many ways. He encouraged everyone on his team, and pushed everyone to have an attitude that was better than just “good enough” that some players had been accustomed to. He was able to build teams from the ground up through his attitude and encouragement even as a second string …show more content…

Kurt brought the unlikely Arizona Cardinals together and took them to the super bowl for the first time in the franchise’s history in 2008. While they didn’t win, he stood by his personal ideals of remaining humble and calm in the face of loss, and encouraged the rest of the team to embody this attitude and avoid being “sore losers”. At practices, during games, and off the field entirely, Kurt was a positive influence on those around him. Whether it was motivating his team to be better that mediocre at practice, pushing them to not give up during games (without putting them down, as was evident by many sideline videos), or sticking by his families side during all the rough patches they went through, he was always able to maintain a positive relationship with almost everyone. His coaches saw that he was not afraid to take hits in games and almost used this knowledge of his toughness to push him. Kurt did not think any less of his coaches or think they were out to get him. He also maintained as healthy of a family life as he could by adopting his wife’s kids, playing a fundamental role in the raising Brenda’s disabled son, and spending as much time at

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