1. Kurt Warner is a competent manager. Everyone’s goal is to graduate from the other three levels of managerial incompetence to the most effective level, competent manager. The book mentions that these types of managers get results through others and build teams. I would add to this list that a competent manager does these things while not sacrificing their positive relationship with those they train and work with. Kurt Warner embodied this managerial style in many ways. He encouraged everyone on his team, and pushed everyone to have an attitude that was better than just “good enough” that some players had been accustomed to. He was able to build teams from the ground up through his attitude and encouragement even as a second string …show more content…
Kurt brought the unlikely Arizona Cardinals together and took them to the super bowl for the first time in the franchise’s history in 2008. While they didn’t win, he stood by his personal ideals of remaining humble and calm in the face of loss, and encouraged the rest of the team to embody this attitude and avoid being “sore losers”. At practices, during games, and off the field entirely, Kurt was a positive influence on those around him. Whether it was motivating his team to be better that mediocre at practice, pushing them to not give up during games (without putting them down, as was evident by many sideline videos), or sticking by his families side during all the rough patches they went through, he was always able to maintain a positive relationship with almost everyone. His coaches saw that he was not afraid to take hits in games and almost used this knowledge of his toughness to push him. Kurt did not think any less of his coaches or think they were out to get him. He also maintained as healthy of a family life as he could by adopting his wife’s kids, playing a fundamental role in the raising Brenda’s disabled son, and spending as much time at
What I have learned from Kurt Warner’s success, is that it isn’t easy to get to where you want to be in life. It takes hard work as well as patience and practice and you will get better and get to your goals. It is easier to take short cuts but short cuts only take you so far. Him practicing and using his grit he was able to reach his goal, sure he was older than most of the other players but he at the same was sure of his goals and in his prime consider better. I want to take what I learned from Kurt’s experience and apply it to my life. If I want to become a nurse it will not be an easy road to get there but I must plan and think of it like a marathon and not give up easy. If it does take a little longer than I wanted then I need to plan
Managers perform many functions and play many roles. They are responsible for handling many situations and these situations are usually different from one another.
The title of my book is Rising Tide: Bear Bryant, Joe Namath, and Dixie 's Last Quarter it is a biography written by Randy Roberts & Ed Krzmienski. Throughout the years of the civil rights movement, this story took place in Tuscaloosa, Alabama in 1957, where Bear Bryant was announced as the new head coach of the University of Alabama. The two main characters are Joe Namath and Paul "Bear" Bryant.
In chapter 1, the author Wes Moore slowly had to watch his father die. Wesley (his father) was “no longer in the picture” and Wes Moore was nothing but confused about his father’s death. One of the very few memories he had of his father was that he was his “protector” (Moore 11) and always felt safe around him. Wes, at the age of four was already dealing with lots of emotions and he felt like he was “standing in a field when a powerful gust of wind suddenly blows: everything around you vanishes” (Moore 14). I can’t relate to losing a parent; however I can relate to the feeling where everything around you suddenly vanishes and you feel like everything has taken over. You feel like life has been put in pause and still can’t seem to comprehend
One place where Jeff has made a significant and lasting impact is his work with the wrestling program. The ascendance of the program from after-thought to state title contender is attributable to Jeff's ability to create an environment where kids feel safe and their contributions are valued. The participation in wrestling has improved by more than 150% in his five years at the helm. He also understands how important developing his coaching staff is--he delegates well and is able to communicate and sell his philosophy to all stakeholders in the wrestling
On December 26, 1960, the Green Bay Packers were down 17-13 late in the game against the Philadelphia Eagles. Quarterback, Bart Starr took the field with one-minute remaining to try and lead his team to victory in the National Football League Championship game. Ultimately, the Packers would come up ten yards short as Vince Lombardi would suffer his second straight championship defeat. A dejected Lombardi was quoted as telling his players, “That will never happen again. You will never lose another championship game.” (ALFCA, 2017) One thing was for certain, when Lombardi said something, he meant it.
The essay “Coach Fitz Management Theory” was written by Michael Lewis and the stories mentioned were based on past and present comparisons. Most of the ideologies strictly informed that the process is essential, and while Fitz talks about winning, it is the desire and not the victory that is important. There are many examples that referred back to the different statements about winning versus the process. Valuing the process towards a particular goal and perfecting that process will provide you with the success desired. On the other hand, the ability to providing the process, which includes the providing of self-motivation and hard working necessary. The different writing techniques used to give off different perspectives for the reader to
When asked who is the greatest coach to lead a NFL team to the Super Bowl, Vince Lombardi’s name would be mentioned. He took the worst team in the NFL and transformed them to be the best. His team succeeded to win 6 divisional titles, 5 NFL championships, and 2 back to back Super Bowls. Vince Lombardi was both a visionary and ethical leader by leading his team through a new way of systematic thinking and obstacles. In this essay, I will state claims on how he became a visionary leader. Two core concepts came to play while researching his life. The first was how he displayed inspirational motivation while guiding his players to the Super Bowl and painting a vision. Secondly, he displayed team dimensions by knowing how to balance a team and also earning mutual respect. Later, I will state claims on how he was an ethical leader. First, he used reflective thinking, system 2 in critical thinking by using some decision making no one has ever used to ultimately win the Super Bowl. He also used the Three P’s (principles, purpose, and people) concept in the ethical leadership lesson on how he used those three principles to reach a common goal and display excellence in all we do. Additionally, I will tie his visionary and ethical leadership styles into my personal relevance and use some examples. Finally, I will conclude with a summary of the main points and end with a couple of quotes.
For the first question, I would place Kurt in the competent manager quadrant. Kurt was a part of several successful teams in which he played a part in the team building process. An example when Kurt was able to get results through others was when he injured his hand. During this time, Kurt was not on the field as much as on the sideline, but he was still able to influence the team by providing guidance and support from the sidelines. Also, after his second Super bowl, Kurt was beginning to see that his time on the field was limited and that he would soon be replaced. Instead of becoming a hindrance to the team, he was supportive and continued to be a role model to the other players on his team. This behavior is consistent with being a competent manager and influencing others through team building. He was not a “cheerleader” though, as Kurt added to the
Management differs today than it did in the past. In the past, managers were considered “bosses” and their job mostly consisted of giving employees orders, monitoring performance and reprimanding unproductive behavior and misconduct. Many managers still manage employees in such fashion; however, some managers now tend to be more proactive and have changed managerial functions for the betterment of company operations and performance to accomplish organizational goals. Effective management for company success now entails guiding, training, supporting, motivating and coaching employees verses
ARMSTRONG, M. (2011) How to be an even better manager. 8th ed. London: Kognan Page.
The first passage I’ve believe is relevant and important in effective business management is teamwork. Managing also means that the manager must also be an excellent leader; one cannot manage if they do not know how to lead. Managers must demonstrate good leadership skills and lead by example and should
Kurtz is a power hungry man who achieved his power by getting into the ivory business and using shady techniques. He also
Even from the beginning, Kurtz was made out to be an icon, an idol. To Marlow, he was the only thing that made sense in the company, on a journey, in a wilderness full of confusion. The
Chapter 3: Cultivate managers who share your vision was the most important chapter to me. It talks about putting the right managers in the right positions. Welch says, “What we are looking