
Kwik Incident

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On February 26th, I, Officer Albert, was working as a Police Officer for the Wichita State University Police Department. At approximately 0213 hours I was dispatched to Lot 3 on the campus of Wichita State University for a report of a theft. I arrived in Lot 3 at approximatley 0216 hours and met with the calling party Brandon Charles Feik. I introduced myself to Feik and asked Feik for his personal information. I asked Feik to tell me about the theft that occured, Feik stated he had a bunch of his belongings in his car after removing them from his girlfriends apartment earlier that evening. Feik said he noticed he was missing a black duffle bag that was laying in his front passenger seat after leaving Kwik Shop at 4802 N. 21st St. N. and arriving back onto campus in Lot 3. …show more content…

Feik said at approximetley 0200 hours Feik entered Kwic Shop to buy chewing tobbaco. Feik said he parked his blue Honda Insight VIN# JHMZE2H71AS038802 Kansas Tag 468GDG in the front of Kwik Shop, east side by the propane tanks. Feik said the only other car in the parking lot at the time was a Black SUV parked on the west end. Feik said he noticed only one customer leaving when he entered. The customer leaving was a hispanic male, in his late 30's, approximetly 6'0 feet tall and 225lbs. The hispanic male was wearing a red and white baseball cap, and a dark colored heavy jacket. Feik said there were no other customers in the store while he made his purchase at the counter. Fiek explained he had asked the Kwik Shop employee if he could look at the parking lot video camera, the employee said he could not but a manager could in the

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