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Kyruus: Big Data's Search for the Killer App
“At the bottom of the Oakland experiment was a willingness to rethink baseball: how it is managed, how it is played, who is best suited to play it, and why.”
“First came radical advancements in computer technology: this dramatically reduced the cost of compiling and analyzing vast amounts of baseball data. Then came the boom in baseball players’ salaries: this dramatically raised the benefits of having such knowledge. ‘If we’re going to pay these guys $150,000 a year [1977] to do this…we should at least know how good they are’… If this sounded compelling when
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Pharmaceutical industry executives expressed interest in Kyruus developing more targeted marketing strategies. Constituents throughout the healthcare industry were excited about
Kyruus’ ability to help them improve their businesses.
Strategic Challenges
In fact, the excitement from potential customers was one of the challenges now facing Kyruus. The data set fueled myriad applications. The team was willing to work frantically to design multiple products for different healthcare verticals. However, it was becoming difficult to integrate product, engineering and sales teams across numerous products. As much as Gardner wanted to pursue multiple verticals, further doing so would increase Kyruus’ burn and might cause the company to under-deliver to clients.
As Gardner listened to his team debate their strategy, he realized Kyruus had three options. First,
Kyruus could concentrate on the regulatory compliance market. This option allowed the team to focus on a small client base of academic medical centers while perfecting the market positioning and product features for this audience. The company was beginning to develop real traction in this market. The American Hospital Association (AHA) had recently endorsed Kyruus’ solution for meeting compliance requirements (see exhibit 3). Pursuing the compliance market was the least risky
ASC 320-10-35-33F: “Changes in the quality of the credit enhancement should be considered when estimating whether a credit loss exists and the period over which the debt security is expected to recover.”
Back in 1958, a man by the name of Walter O'Malley moved his professional baseball team from Brooklyn to Los Angeles. Although Walter didn’t know it yet, this move would affect the professional sports league in two significant ways. First, it expanded the market for professional sports to cities on the west coast in states like California, and Washington. Second, the relocation also altered the relationship between sports franchise and their communities.
Our company wanted to appeal to as many consumers as possible and gain market share
MLB teams are finding new innovative ways to use analytics, one way is to use the statistics for a more effective way to evaluate free agents. “Astros employed an analysis based on the TrackMan system to acquire an unaccomplished pitcher called Collin McHugh, because of his fast-spinning curveball” (“Every Step They”). “They then told him to throw that pitch far more often during the next season, and he blossomed into a star” (“Every Step They”). General Managers and coaches can use these analytics to scout areas they have never scouted before. Analytics gives teams more resources and more assistance to evaluate players. “For example, by comparing the number of strikes called for a catcher in relation to every other catcher in the league, the data can illustrate how good any one catcher is at getting umpires to call strikes” (Nadler). “Additionally, general managers and scouts can use
Baseball did exactly what Billy Beane had said they would do, they erased them. The Oakland A’s are starting from scratch the same way they did in the 2002 season. It all begins in the small scout room. Billy Beane tried to repeat and go farther beyond what he did the past two years with this team, which was to bring them to the playoffs. Billy knows he has a chance to redefine the way baseball people think, and that is his goal… “I don’t play this game for records, I want what we do to make an impact and change the game” Billy said to Paul Depodesta. When Billy enters the little room, he sees all the scouts talking and catching up, but they all shut up when Billy takes his seat. As the discussion begins, they keep coming to the question they
Before Football, Basketball or Hockey, Baseball was America’s favorite pastime and a global phenomenon. Baseballs rich heritage and purity gave it a mass appeal not just in America but across the world. However, even the purest games can become corrupt, and over time Baseball has lost much of the integrity and credibility it once had. What caused the downfall of baseball? In many ways it all starts with Chicago White Sox throwing the 1919 World Series. The goal of this paper will be to examine the 1919 Black Sox Scandal, and how this scandal reshaped Major League baseball and Baseball worldwide, through its lasting impact. The paper will examine the causes of the Black Sox Scandal, such as lack of proper pay and the direct role World War I played in it. The paper will then
The 1919 fix of the World Series by the Chicago White Sox against the Cincinnati Reds was one of the most infamous events in the history of American sport. Though it was not the first (nor was it likely the last) fix in the game’s history, it had a far greater negative impact on the game’s perception throughout America than any other preceding or proceeding fix. Americans were forced to come to grips that their game—America’s game—was flawed, and that its reputation had been compromised by a few people chasing the almighty dollar. As Eliot Asinof said in a 1988 interview and as he portrayed in his Eight Men Out, however, the eight players who came together to throw the series were not out to ruin the game they loved. It was not that
1. Based on the “Billy Beane: Changing the Game” case, explain how and why the Oakland A’s economic situation after 1995 shaped its:
This project investigates how salary and performance of offensive players in Major League Baseball are linked. We believe this is an interesting problem because it is traditionally believed that professional athletes play with hopes of earning a high salary, yet it often seems a batter’s performance is not linked to their salary (Jensen). Therefore, it seems as if the link between a player’s performance and their salary is different than their true performance. Performing a statistical analysis of this conundrum will give us great insight as to if it is accurate to say that performance changes salary drastically. Studies that prior statisticians have done differ from this study because their studies focus on salary and team performance rather than on the performance of individual players (Jane). Our study focuses on salary and individual performance in the current season. While there is extensive data on both game performances in the MLB and salaries, we can contribute to the statistical community by comparing how salaries are affected by different performance indicators for randomly selected individual players. Essentially, our hypothesis is an examination into how a batter 's game performance affects salary. We expect that the better a player’s statistics are, the higher their salary will be.
products, have attracted a lot of customers throughout the world. The company has a huge
1. Jules Kroll is planning to enter the credit ratings business. Is this a good idea? Is this a good time? Why?
Baseball is America’s pastime. Thousands of fans every season gather in stadiums nationwide to watch as players take the diamond. People of all ages have a love for baseball, after all it is the all American sport. Baseball was loved by millions until one day when the truth came out. The 1919 World Series had been rigged. Hearts were broken and sadness spread across America. These crooked people didn’t intentionally try to ruin baseball but there were reasons why these men went astray. People didn’t want to believe it was true… but it was. The Chicago White Sox had intentionally thrown the series and let the Cincinnati Reds win (encyclopedia). There began the painful tribulation of the Black Sox scandal.
A well planned marketing and branding tactic will offer a course of action for the maturity of an effective marketing campaign. A hospital’s marketing and branding strategies are key components of consideration in the development of all encompassing marketing plan. Mercy Health Systems and Crozer-Keystone Health Systems have both successfully marketed themselves in the community as outstanding health care providers. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the different strategies used by Mercy Health Systems’ and Crozer-Keystone Health Systems’ to actively market their organizations.
The book Moneyball by Michael Lewis is about a former major league baseball player who became the manager of the Oakland A’s. It tells the story of how he led the team to success despite their low budget by using computer based analytics to draft players. With the help of Bill James, the Oakland A’s came up with a new plan based on statistics to draft players. He went after players nobody wanted due to their low budget and his new plan. Billy led the Oakland Athletics to a successive win seasons by changing the way he measured players. He abandoned the traditional 5 “tool” the other scouts used and adopted empirical analytics. The abandonment of the traditional assessment of
Broad Differentiation because its products are in media networks, parks and resorts, studio entertainment, consumer products, and interactive media. Thus, it attracts a wide base of consumers through differentiating its products by superior dedication to creating high quality content, technological innovations in entertainment and international expansion.