List of Artifacts
In LIS 600 students evaluate democratic principles, major information policies, ethical policies, and the role information agencies play in preserving information. In the paper the student determines the role of librarians in the implementation of policy and the role of continuing education no user relations.The instructor describes my paper as “excellent research and smart thoughts.” I earned a B for the paper. The final exam is a culmination of knowledge and discussion of ethical policies, evolution of policies, and education of librarians. These topics provide a knowledge base for anyone entering the library profession. The understating of policy also intertwines with other coursework such as the strategic plan. One cannot create a strategic plan without understanding information policies. I received a letter grade of A for the final exam. Instructor comments for the exam include “a job well done.” These artifacts for LIS 600 build a foundation of library profession providing the theories for future librarian and library development.
In LIS 601 students write a Community Resources Audit. The audit asses the needs of a particular community and develops strategies for best serving the patrons of that community. I focused on how the library could best serve international and English as a Second Language (ESL) students.
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The webpage project focuses on website design and layout design. The project has practical application for librarians creating a blog or developing a website to advocate library concerns. This project taught skills such as embedding photos, making hyperlinks, creating blog entries, and developing a webpage with multiple pages. I received a letter grade of A on the project and the instructor commented “excellent job on the website
For libraries to remain a place for a lively exchange of ideas, librarians should be armed with the right knowledge and strong conviction to preserve people’s rights.
This course introduces effective Web design principles and the essential role of the Web designer in today's business environment. Topics covered include site architecture, page layout, navigation, content, functionality, and usability. Students will evaluate existing Web sites and apply best practices to prototype a unique design using a Web authoring application.
A survey was conducted to show how librarians really feel in some situations where their resources can be used by terrorist etc. Only 4% withdrew elements that could aid any terrorist.
When I signed up for LIS 6080, I honestly thought I was not going to learn much because I use computers a lot. I was wrong. I found that this course, with the textbook, discussions with fellow classmates, and the Professor, I learned a lot that I can build upon and use as an information professional. Libraries are becoming leaders in new technologies as they integrate new web and mobile technologies for its users. With these new technologies, information professionals will need to understand these technologies, to provide assistance for these technologies, and to be prepared to interact with patrons using these technologies. LIS 6080 is the course that has set the foundation for my future career as an information professional. This course
The author starts off with a rhetorical question: “What kind of problem is a library?” urging the readers to think about this question as they continue to read the article. The question grabs the readers’ attention, and intrigues them to read on to find and answer. She further utilizes this technique of rhetorical questions throughout the article for the same purpose of emphasis on the vitality of the role of public libraries. Moreover, Smith extensively employs the use of metaphors and personification. For example, she describes the internet as libraries’ “universal death knell”, which portrays the internet’s negative impact on the development of
The author of this article Mrs. Denise Davis is the director of the Office for Research and Statistics of the American Library Association. This means that Mrs. Davis is able to access and is responsible for the reports mandatory for each library across America to turn in each fiscal year, these reports are used to determine what changes the libraries need to make to better serve the public. Given her credibility to write on such topics she then chooses a topic each year to write on to prepare libraries and librarians across the country for the upcoming years. In 2010 Mrs. Davis choose to write on eBooks and their increasing popularity throughout the American population as well as the difficulties libraries have encountered in the past fiscal year to compete with eBooks. Because this article is written in 2010 it shows just how long libraries have struggled with the topic of eBooks and can demonstrate the new policies that have been used by the libraries throughout the past four years. This information can help my research in showing how eBooks have affected the library's behavior, and consequently give me the statistics needed to show the effects of eBooks on the libraries throughout the recent years. Understanding this source is outdated other sources will also likely be used in my final project from the American Library Association websites of statistics of more recent years.
The artifact was developed and implemented for a fourth-grade language arts and reading class with seven students, four girls, and three boys, between the ages of nine and ten. The classroom setting is student centered with differentiated instruction to benefit the varying reading levels and exceptionalities. There are five English-language learners out of the seven students, three students are ESOL level four and two students are ESOL level three. All the students are exceptional students with learning disabilities in reading. The best practices I utilized to develop the artifact was prior knowledge and the Wonders textbook. The best practices I utilized to implement the artifact were reading strategies such as SPADE, written copies of the
After reading chapters 9, 10, and 11, I believe the librarian profession will evolve to meet the demands of the public and technology. Also, I think technological advancements will enhance the role of the librarians. With the advent of new technology, the quality and the accessibility of information will only improve. Lastly, changes in technology and how libraries organize and collect data will have a positive impact on the library field. Arthur, M.A. & Dotson, L. (2009).
Albert Einstein once said, “It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge.” This quote describes the responsibilities and standards of teaching children. I believe that teachers should be held to high standards for being the foundation of a student’s education and well-being. For my future students, my responsibilities as a future educator include supplementing the growth of a variety of students’ knowledge and creativity, abiding as a role model for students and colleagues, and understanding the issues in the foundations of education.
Artifact 1: Brainstorm topics; this artifact is a list composed of ten main terms with two subterms residing to each. Brainstorming is a method that always for the flow of creativity. Therefore, paving the way for new ideas. However, prior to this artifact, I rarely used brainstorming as a method in the composition of my pieces. Throughout my writing career, I based my essay topics around the first thought that would come to mind. However, this artifact presented the notion that, first ideas are not always the best. From my list of terms, I was able to choose an essay topic that I was truly passionate about. The subject that I chose to write on, was not the first idea that came to my mind while brainstorming. It had actually taken seven tries in order for me to find the right one .
Libraries and librarians must constantly adapt because of the improvement and growth of digital resources. For example, the summary mentions that academic librarians are taking on new responsibilities regarding digital resources such as digital archives, data curation, and digital humanities. Additionally,
Task 2.0 Apply the basic design elements of a good website to a teacher website using the Apps in the Schoolwires software
Relationship to the Information Profession Intrinsically, librarianship is the commitment to lifelong learning. With core principles grounded in the belief of education, we promote education, we teach, and we learn, essentially, we are an embodiment of lifelong learners. It would be a fallacy to spend so much time implementing practices to store, retrieve,
Many theorists recognize the fact that librarians have the potential to make progressive reforms to society (Raber, 2003, p. 47), if they would only break free of the “contradictory theoretical consciousness” and hegemonic norms that hold them back from doing so by suggesting that they should take no action (Bales & Engle, 2012, p. 22). Louis Althusser (2009), in particular felt that librarians had a “social and moral
Though the Library has recently received a high rating on the perception of quality of service from clients (see Climate Survey 2015 responses and data), it can be argued that this self-reporting expresses sufficiency – that the library is sufficient, that it is “good enough”. A central goal in Phase I is to create new language that can be used to move beyond sufficiency, and to create a new vibrant strategic framework for the Library and realign its position in SMU’s overall knowledge strategy for teaching and learning.