UNIVERSITY OF KWAZULU-NATAL SCHOOL OF LAW LEGAL RESEARCH, WRITING & REASONING Module Outline 2015 (1) CONTACT DETAILS Module Coordinator/Lecturer: Mr Lesala Mofokeng Suite H Howard College Building Tel: 031-260-3146 Email: Lecturer: Ms Phumla Mbuqe Suite B Howard College Building Tel: 031-260-2562 Email: Administrative Support: Mrs Fikile Mkwanazi Suite E Howard College Building Tel: 031-260-2293 Email: Purpose of the module: The purpose of this module is to enable learners to acquire a basic knowledge of the principles and …show more content…
Do NOT write your paper number in this space. Your paper will already BE numbered. Aegrotat Policy Students who wrote the test may NOT write the aegrotat test. The School of Law’s rule in this regard is as follows: If you are UNABLE to write a test at the designated time, please note that the lecturers in this module cannot excuse your absence or late submission. There is a procedure to be followed which involves making an application for an aegrotat, using the official form, which can be obtained from the administrator responsible for this module. This will involve your provision of full reasons for your failure to perform. The full aegrotat rules are posted on various notice boards and students are requested to familiarize themselves with these. Assessment elements and penalties Complete the necessary readings for lectures in the course. Read instructions carefully. As a law student, you are expected to write legibly. In particular, you are reminded that illegible and untidy written work in an examination will disadvantage you. Students who do not fill their student numbers in correctly on their multiple choice answer sheets, or who do not write their student numbers on their test papers, will be penalised. The penalty in respect of the test will be two marks. This course will be assessed on the basis of the elements outlined below, with each contributing to the final course grade of 100%: ASSESSMENT TASK
- Complete all of the details required on the front page of the examination booklet. - Make sure that you note the SIX(6) questions attempted on the front of your examination booklet - If Seven questions are attempted, the first SIX(6) will be marked. - You may use a non-programmable calculator - Graph paper will be provided. - Answers are to be written in ink. Pencils are permitted for graphing purposes. - The
The classroom is not large enough to accommodate two large sections, so you must take the exam when it is scheduled by the university.
will be provided to the students to test their understanding. After it, the solutions are also
Speaker Notes: Descartes had strong belief in dualism; meaning that one possess materialistic and non-materialistic form such as body and soul. Dualism allows for the survival of the non-material element (soul), that the soul is immortal and continues after the death of the body.
This study guide prepares you for the Final Examination you complete in the last week of the course. It contains practice questions, which are related to each week’s objectives. Highlight the correct response, and then refer to the answer key at the end of this Study Guide to check your answers.
Note to students: This is a closed-book exam, containing 3 questions, worth 30 marks in total. Apart from sundry writing materials (pens, pencils and the like), no examination aids are permitted
General Instructions: • Write your name and student ID clearly above. • You have 1 hour and 15 minutes to write the exam. No extra time will be given. • There are 4 questions in the exam, all with subparts. The questions combine for a maximum of 100 points. • You must write your answers clearly in the space provided for each question. You might use the backside of each page, as well as any additional sheets as required. If you are using additional space, you must clearly label the question no. that you are answering. Any loose sheets must have your name and student ID written clearly. • The exam is open book/open notes, however,
1) The examination is intended to test your knowledge of the topic covered in chapters 9 through 12 of the course text.
Welcome to TOP Education and TLAW201 COMPANY LAW. This document provides you with information relevant to successful completion of this unit; including schedule of lecture topics, prescribed texts, assessment policies, assessment tasks, examinations, academic and administrative contacts and online learning support facilities.
The author of this letter was very respectful towards their target audence of the ASU committee and is very effective in their argument and their pursuit to withdraw from future math classes needed for their diploma. The purpose of this letter was to not avoid taking the class or to be lazy in a roundabout way and the author offers several examples of why they believe they won't need it in the long run of their law degree. General followers of education will be able to relate to the sentiments, most of them being involved in classes that won't be at all beneficial to a degree of their choice.
Remember that your exam must be typed in a Word document. Do not save your work as Word 2007. The exam can either be submitted as an attachment through WebCT or a hardcopy can be submitted to me in my office before 5:00 pm on November 20. Completed exams will be accepted at
Journal Article Review: Caregivers’ Moral Narratives of Their African American Children’s Out-of-School Suspensions: Implications for Effective Family-School Collaborations
In Chapter Three: A Strange Boy of Van Gogh The Life, it is easy to see the perspective the two authors, Steven Naifeh and Gregory White Smith, had when they wrote this chapter. Throughout the chapter, the authors use their biting wit to bring forth the reader’s feelings of sympathy towards Vincent van Gogh. Their goal seems to work towards bringing awareness, in a biased way, to how lonely and distraught van Gogh’s relationships in his childhood and family life was. Although some might say that the amount of bias in this chapter is overwhelming, it is a very important aspect when it comes to understanding the life of van Gogh.
Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2010 from pages 6 to 12 of this question paper for ease of reference in