Maslow (1962) describes a peak experience as being some of the most exciting, fulfilling, and meaningful moments in an individual’s life. Multiple researchers have suggested that by using LSD as a tool for therapeutic benefit, there is an increased chance of triggering a peak or transcendental experience (Mogar, 1965; Savage, Terrill & Jackson, 1962). Such experiences are likely to contribute to reaching the fullest creative capacity while achieving feelings of insight and inspiration. His analysis further states that individuals who are refractory to peak experiences tend to be less acquainted with their internal psyche and incapable of understanding their creative potential. Maslow (1964) believed that everyone is capable of a peak experience,
Throughout human history people have sought experiences that somehow transcend every day life. Some sort of wisdom that might progress their knowledge of self and of the world that they live in. For some reason they believed that the tangible world just could not be all there is to life. Some believed in a greater force that controlled them, some believed of invisible beings that influenced their lives, some of an actual other world that paralleled their own. Many of these people also believed that it was possible to catch a glimpse of these forces, beings, or worlds through a variety of means that propel individuals into altered states of consciousness. These techniques include
Chemistry of LSD and Route of Access Classification Pharmacologically, the commonly abused hallucinogenic substances may be divided into two major groups. The indolealkylamines, including d-lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), psilocybin, and dimethyltryptamine (DMT) bear a structural resemblance to the neurotransmitter 5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin). The phenylethylamines, including mescaline and the phenylisopropylamines such as 2, 5-dimethoxy-4-methylamphetamine (DOM, "STP"), are structurally related to dopamine, norepinephrine, and the amphetamines (Gelenberg, Bassuk, Schoonover 1991). Doses Usual doses range from about 25 micrograms to more than 300 micrograms. LSD is known to posses a low level of
LSD has potential medical and therapeutic uses. Even though LSD 's illegalization caused a drastic
DMT leads us to an acceptance of the coexistence of opposites, such as life and death, good and evil; a knowledge that consciousness continues after death; a deep understanding of the basic unity of all phenomena; and a sense of wisdom or love pervading all existence. The smoked DMT experience is short, but generally incredibly intense. Onset is fast and furious, and thus the term "mind-blowing" was used to describe the effect. It is a fully engaging and enveloping experience of visions and visuals, which vary greatly from one individual to the next. Users report visiting other worlds, talking with alien entities, profound changes in ontological perspective, fanciful dreamscapes, frightening and overwhelming forces, complete shifts in perception and identity followed by an abrupt return to baseline. "The effect can be like instant transportation to another universe for a timeless sojourn" (Alan Watts).
In the sixties, the psychedelic music scene was at its prime and the world was full of hippie musicians that loved to drop acid and create some of the most interesting and innovative music known to man. During this time, drugs were a very popular part of the hippie culture and the prevalence of LSD helped to create the distinct genre of psychedelic music known as psychedelic or acid rock. Many bands and artists such as Grateful Dead, Jefferson Airplane, The Beatles, and The Byrds were heavily influenced by LSD, which led to the creation of some very popular music. This decade was full of adventure, music, sex, and drugs, and it was all made possible due to this powerfully trippy drug.
In society, people value morality as a human quality. People learn their values from when they are young from various sources. However, who is to say what is necessarily right and wrong? Values and morality can have different meanings, especially if placed in the context of a distorted materialistic society. In Cannery Row, John Steinbeck reminds people about this important theme and how it applies on a bigger scale. The setting of the story is Cannery Row, located in Monterey, California. Steinbeck's choice of setting is significant in that it fully captures the breadth of humanity. On the one hand, it is an area that represents the thriving sardine industry. On the other, it is also an area where the lower classes, including bums and whores could live. In actuality, the story is not really about the sardine industry at all, but is rather a collection of short stories that are all unified about the same theme, the quality and meaning of life. The main plot of this novel is centered on Doc, a marine biologist. It begins when Mack and the boys, Lee Chong, and Dora throw a surprise party for him to show their appreciation and great reverence towards him. By writing about the warm relationships between Doc and the inhabitants of Cannery Row, Steinbeck uses these short stories as his way of talking about life on a bigger scale. In essence, Cannery Row is John Steinbeck's personal philosophy on human importance, his take on what humans should be like, and his
Merry Pranksters were famous for using LSD and they used higher doses of LSD because they felt that they were in touch with the nature spiritually and it also gave them sensations that they never felt before. In reality, LSD is a
Katie great job on your discussion post. I have to agree with you, the author was all over the place. I too read this article but felt it was very confusing so I decided not to write my discussion based upon this article. I understand he was talking about the drug Ambien however, he went from comparing it to Ecstasy and LSD then abruptly went to talk about how Eminem and Coldplay use it. Honestly, this is where I lost interest in the article. I also agree that there was no closure. He left me wondering what he was trying to tell us. His thoughts must have been all over the place as it shows in his writing. I found it funny that you thought he might be on something because I too had a similar thought. From his writing, I wondered if he too
William Shakespeare was an English poet, playwright and actor. He is widely regarded as the greatest writer in the English language and the world's pre-eminent dramatist. He is often called England's national poet and the "Bard of Avon." Shakespeare has written many plays during his time. He wrote poems, tragedies, and of course some of his most known plays are comedies. What made Shakespeare so popular? Why are his comedies so well known? How did his way of writing comedies form the way others wrote and continue to write in the years after him? These are some questions many educators and students want to understand while studying Shakespeare. Focusing on his writing within his most popular comedies, Shakespeare has formed literature into what it is today.
The author is a young man who obliviously is not self-effacing about his own usage and enjoyment of drugs. He used LSD, which in the fall of 2001 he realized that he had not seen the drug in ages and it was nowhere to be found; not for others or even for himself and statistics showed the decrease of the acid and its usage also. Dissatisfied with the situation He went to see his friend, Professor Peter Reuter who is a
Throughout the history of the human species, we have been always wanted to know three basic questions: why we are here, where did we come from, and where do we go after this life? Whether we were created from an omnipotent being as in many religions, we happened by chance and made it to where we are through evolution, or maybe even something else. Whatever the case may be, humans have always been curious and wondered about our existence and consciousness. Along with these age old questions, also came the use of psychoactive drugs and other mind altering substances. In order to try to understand these questions, humans have experimented with drugs that alter their state of consciousness.
For thousands of years people have spoke of all types of visions. Whether the visions were from religious groups, Indian tribes, or self proclaimed prophets; all types of people have seen things. This was more than likely occurring with the help of different types of hallucinogens. Hallucinogens have been around since the beginning of time. Some mushrooms, cactus flowers, and even different types of mold are all able to produce hallucinogenic effects. However, it was only within the last century that man actually started to produce his own. LSD, or lysergic acid diethylamide-25, is a relatively new substance in society. All known effects show LSD, or acid, as the harmful drug most people know it as. There are people who believe
My autobiographical essay resembled the training needed before an enduring run. Just like a runner’s endurance needs improvement after a prolonged time of not running, my writing needed some work after not having written for a long period of time.
Bob presented many of his self-visualized problems in our first session, and became somewhat sad while doing so. Bob indicated that he thought that he could reasonably complete his time in counseling after between 10 and 15 sessions, so it was agreed upon that we would function under the assumption that we would complete 12. In our first session, Bob described his experience with LSD in great detail, and indicated that this is the only cause of his anxiety that he could think of. He had trouble beginning to speak about his family life, however after a little encouragement, he was able to speak