Essay As I began to read the mission statement of Lincoln Christian University, I immediately began to visualize myself living out that mission through my faith and leadership values. Through my faith I would continue to allow the light that God has placed on the inside of me to be shown to many others in my daily living. The way I would show that as an LCU student is through God’s love. I have come to realized that one of the greatest things in knowing about God is his love, which is perfect in every way. In the word of God I often read about his love, one of my favorite scriptures is Galatians 2:20 “I have been crucified with Christ, it is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me, the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith …show more content…
Some of those values are; respect, service and integrity. Through respect, it is very important to have self-respect and respect for others regardless of differences; treating others with dignity, empathy and compassion has always been a part of my life’s mission. Service has also been a big part of my life, service is commitment that extends beyond one’s own self-interest, and learned to be a sense of personal humility for the sake of a greater cause. Lastly, in having integrity through moral courage, ethical strength and fulfilling the expectations that have been set before me; I can say in confidence that integrity too will help to fulfill the pursuit of the University’s …show more content…
As an example, I can remember at one point in my Christian walk when I felt like I lost my zeal for God and the need to worship God. I felt like the gifts that he put on the inside of me were all gone. That feeling was very consistent until one day I began to pray and ask God to give me the zeal to want to worship him again. Through many months of praying and many influential spiritual leaders in my life, I was able to gain the zeal that I once lost back again. During that time in my life it was not an easy journey, but I knew that if I wanted to see change in my Christian walk that I had to meet God half way. I also knew that I had to make the effort to pray and read the word of God more. Today, I continue to pray and seek spiritual guidance to work through those challenges and many other challenges that come my way daily as a
The word “Christian” in Colorado Christian University is more than just a belief shared amongst the Faculty and Student Body. It is the foundation on which all aspects of the educational experience are built. Beginning with a strong Statement of Faith, which aligns with core beliefs of the National Association of Evangelicals, the University proclaims its belief “in the Bible as being the only authoritative Word of God, that God exists in the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, as well as belief in the salvation and resurrection that is only found in Christ Jesus” (Statement of Faith at Colorado Christian University, n.d.).
Liberty is a based Christian University. Liberty University has Christian values. Liberty is one of the largest Christian University in the world. I chose Liberty University because I want a better future and I want to have a closer relationship with God. I want to grow spiritually and I like that Liberty University is a college based on religion. Their online programs are great and encouraging. Liberty has excellent academic programs. Their online programs are flexible and offer many degree programs to choose from online. The staff and faculty are friendly and care about your success. The professors are caring and helpful to their students. They always there to answer any of your questions. The staff and faculty listen to your concerns. Liberty
Loyola University Chicago has various opportunities that help engage students in different activities that can help them raise awareness of the outside world environment. Loyola’s mission statement states that “We are Chicago 's Jesuit Catholic university- a diverse community seeking God in all things and working to expand knowledge in the service of humanity through learning, justice, and faith.” Under this statement, students are reminded of engaging themselves with the community and provide service that can help the community and demonstrate God’s faith over all purposes. Through the commitment of “learning, justice, and faith”, as a student, I am inspired to do more as a person for the community. As an international student, I am very grateful of being able to participate in the Engaged Learning Community of ISOM (Information Systems Operations Management), and earn more knowledge and awareness of the case study provided in class.
The values are the principles or standards which could include rules of conduct, respect, honesty, kindness, sharing and appreciation.
4.) The top values that are most important in my career our accomplishments, advancement, cooperation, economic Return, Independence, helping others, loyalty, Recognition, security, and teamwork.
Out of all of Our Franciscan Values which include, reverence the unique dignity of each person, encourage a trustful, prayerful community of learners, serve one another, society, and the Church, foster peace and justice, and respect creation. Although it took me a good portion of the semester, I believe that I fully recognize and understand the importance of these values as well as how they are put into play every single day here at USF. The core/human values that I have put into action this semester include serve one another, society, and the Church as well as reverence the unique dignity of each person. While seem to correlate to each other as both can be carried out by someone at any given time. Throughout my first semester here at USF, I believe that these two values are the easiest to be put into play within our lives and fall hand in hand with one another.
However, with CCU long-established dedication and involvement to the integration of excellent academics, spiritual development, and engagement with the world will always be accomplished to accompany the mission that God provided (Vision and Mission at Colorado Christian University,
Be Attentive: The values that resonate with me include being honest and forthright, saying what you mean but avoid insulting people. Get the job done you were expected to do, that is a value I hold very high. When we look at the political dynamics in Washington, D.C., we note that in the most recent polls the U.S. Congress has achieved an 82 percent negative rating from the American public. Americans value hard work and accomplishments, and in truth neither of those values are apparent in the Congress. That is, only 12 percent of those polled believe that Congress is doing what voters sent them there to do. My values were formed by my father and mother, my older siblings, and also from my closest friends. Finish your assignments with class and competence, treat others the way you wish to be treated, give others the benefit of the doubt before passing judgment these values are from my family and my closest most trusted friends.
The five values at Cal State Eastbay are: Truth, Justice, Compassion, Partnership and Community. Write five short paragraphs about whether people in your work organization (a) are truthful, (b) pursue justice [fairness for all], (c) are compassionate, (d) develop partnerships, and (e) engage others in the spirit of community, one short paragraph per value. Support your conclusions with examples. I decided to write about the people in my work organization because it is an issue that I have to deal with every day of my life. I work in a large department which has a huge number of staff and my responsibility is doing payroll for all the classified, certificated and semi-monthly employees. It is a high-pressured job, involving a great deal of stress, with a hectic schedule and there are always deadlines to meet.
After recently moving to the University of Central Florida, I began to feel like a little fish who was swimming in an even bigger pond than before. As loneliness set it, I started to have second thoughts in regards to why I was in a place where I felt like I didn 't belong. Turning to prayer, I asked that God would surround me around college students who held the same beliefs as myself, allowing me feel apart of a family again. Fortunately, I was directed to Cru. Cru is an international ministry that is planted on college campuses all around the world. Their vision is to help individuals discover, build, and evangelize the gospel of Jesus Christ based on the principles of Faith, Growth and
Your personal values are a central part of who you are and they also play a major role in helping you become the person you want to be. I value loyalty, integrity, respect and self-awareness. I also value my independence, self-discipline and open mindedness. Additionally, I have always valued my education and have felt it was extremely important to constantly do my best. At Rutgers they challenge their students to strive for excellence. My values have influenced my decision to apply to Rutgers because I believe attending their School of Social Work will challenge me and help me become a better version of myself.
A university, like organizations and communities, are comprised of individuals representing different cultural and religious backgrounds. In defining the rules of conduct for individuals functioning together, it is necessary to formally define those rules to ensure that all are aware of the common values that should be adhered to and the consequences of non-adherence.
An essential component of leadership is to articulate and exemplify the organization's core values. These values must be clear, compelling, and repeated. The leader must both "walk the talk" and inspire his/her colleagues within the organization to also live these values. Values are at the core of individual, group or organizational identity. Values are relatively enduring conceptions or judgments about what is considered to be important to an organization. Agreement between personal and organizational values result in shared values which constitute the benchmarking of a successful business practice.
Values are the fundamental beliefs of a person, and they help guide us in making decisions and how we live our lives. Values are a part of our everyday life and in the workplace. In the workplace, these are the guiding principles that help to define how the corporation would behave. In this essay, the author will identify personal core values and discuss how we acquire and change values throughout life. Also will discuss what values do for us and the importance of values in the workplace.
Values are intangible things that are important to us, and that guide us, individually, to make decisions. Each person has a different set of values, morals, and ethics, which is the reason that each person handles a situation differently. Here, I will discuss my top 5 values, and why they are important to me.