Chocolate is a typically sweet, usually a brown food prepared from the Theobroma cacao seeds, roasted and ground. Chocolate is the healthiest natural ingredient. According to The innovation Center for U.S dairy, they state “7% of chocolate is healthy because most of the chocolate milk comes from cows” (,”, where does chocolate milk come from?”). Therefore, chocolate is healthy because it comes from natural source. Chocolate milk is healthy because it contains no more sugar than unsweetened milk. “Chocolate milk is natural and has the same nutrients as milk, including all its calcium and vitamins”(author/website, “article title”). Consequently, chocolate milk is healthy because it has less sugar, so it prevents you from being diagnosed with diabetes and gaining fat. other than gaining weight, chocolate contains healthy fats. For example, dark chocolate contains mostly …show more content…
So, if you want be happy, eat chocolate. Thesis Statement: The thesis statement is that sentence or two in your text that contains the focus of your essay and tells your reader what the essay is going to be about. (You must restate the question in your thesis statement.) Declaración de la tesis: La declaración de la tesis es esa oración o dos en su texto que contiene el foco de su ensayo y le dice a su lector lo que el ensayo va a ser sobre. (Debe volver a plantear la pregunta en su declaración de tesis.) ----------------------------------------------- SAR SAMPLE The narrator in “Night” says, “it happened each night, like a dream, but not,” in order to show that the main character has woken up multiple times hearing his dead child’s breathing. Lott proves the claim though the phrase, “the room, of course, was empty,” proving that he has been there more than once. Therefore, Lott uses this phrase to show this action has been like a reoccurring
It has 307 more calories than regular soda, and has more sugar than many other treats. Studies down by “Consume This First” show that chocolate milk has more sugar than soft serve, 6 Oreo™ cookies, or a Hershey's™ bar. Chocolate milk is also bad for your teeth. While it may be true that chocolate milk does have 9 essential nutrients, it also has extra calories, fat, and sugar. Even if drinking chocolate milk once isn’t that bad, the long time effect is horrible. Drinking too much sugar can be carcinogenic. It can also lead to diabetes and heart disease. Melissa Dobbins from the dairy council says that chocolate milk is “nutrition in disguise”. As she is part of the dairy council, she is probably bias and will naturally support chocolate milk with money incentive. The amount of sugar in chocolate milk is outrageous, and plain milk is already sweet enough. There is no need for an artificial sweetener.
First, unlike other flavored milks, chocolate milk gives kids the 3 nutrients they need just like white milk. This demonstrates that even though chocolate milk has chocolate in it, it still gives children all the nutrients they need but with a more delicious taste. According to “Dairy Nutrition FAQ-Flavored Milk,” “chocolate milk drinkers don’t consume more sugar, fat, or calories.” It is shown that kids who drink chocolate milk are not heavier nor unhealthier than non-milk drinkers and, they don’t eat unhealthier than non-milk drinkers. Additionally, chocolate milk has only 3 teaspoons of added sugar and has only 27 carbs which is less than other sports drinks.
Chocolate was previously considered a “delectable symbol of luxury, wealth, and power” (Klein) in the 1500s. Using modern technology, it is now easily produced. While
Chocolate has been with humanity for a very long time for many purposes, including health and pleasure, but there are many theories of chocolate potentially becoming addictive while vanilla has no research done on.
According to a research study, one of the healthiest is a piece of dark chocolate because it fills you up quicker and reduces longing for salty and sweet snacks.
It’s important to understand the benefits, as most people only talk of chocolate as a bad thing that shouldn’t be eaten very often.
To summarize, People should indulge some of dark chocolate daily because it cures anxiety, good for heart health, and reduce a blood pressure. consuming chocolate could help lower the risk of developing heart disease. If all people start to eat dark chocolate with the right quantity daily, that will higher the life expectancy for the people with a good health, and that will lead to have lower number of fatalities as a result of heart attacks and high blood pressure. On the other hand, people can benefit from dark chocolate by giving it to people who suffers from depression because it can reduce the stress and calm them. To conclude this paper, I advise people to exercise self-control with their chocolate ingesting. Even if they pick for the healthier dark variety, it doesn’t take much to gain the nutritional advantageous. The Clemson university cooperative extension mentions a serving size between one-third and three-fourths of an ounces of dark chocolate. do not substitute any required medication, for diabetes or hypertension, for example, with dark chocolate. keep in mind that regardless of its healthful benefits, dark chocolate can still hold many calories, saturated fat and
Many changes can be made to reduce the amount of bad we constantly give to our bodies. Through the analysis it became evident to me that chocolate falls in the category for “ bad food” in almost every organ system. For the digestive system caffeine contained in chocolate may result in heartburn and IBS symptoms in people prone to digestive disorders. Chocolate is also a diuretic, which can result in loose stool or diarrhea” (Shah, 2016). Not to mention, the sugar that is contained in chocolate makes it that much worse, causing cavities and even an upset stomach if ingested too much. When overlooking the total analysis, high fat foods, and oils are detrimental to every single organ system. High-fat and fried foods can upset the stomach, leading
As per John Robins, creator of the food revolution, eating dark chocolate isn’t simply alright, it’s in reality bravo. Dark chocolate is a dependable wellspring of reassurance when life has disappointed us, a mood booster and emotion inducer in more positive conditions. But is it really healthy?
There are not many foods that people adore in every way, chocolate being one them. A creamy and delicious dessert, it’s not hard to understand why it’s adored by many. All though it may seem like there’s not much to know about chocolate, there’s a whole world out there about this tasty treat’s production, history and chocolate’s dark side that many of us don’t know about. Read further to uncover chocolate’s huge impact on society.
Chocolate is made from cacao beans that grow in tropical places like West Africa. The countries in West Africa supply more than 70 percent of the world’s cocoa. They sell the cocoa they grow and harvest to many of the chocolate companies who make our chocolate candy bars.
Chocolate, It’s been described as one of life’s “sinful little pleasures.” It 's been proven that there are foods that people are passionate about, a passion that’s more than just love for food. For the true chocoholics like myself, just thinking about chocolate can evoke a pleasurable response. But could something that tastes so delicious actually be good and healthy for you? Over the years we have all heard many negative claims about chocolate, especially if you eat a lot like I do. But in fact, giving into those chocolate cravings you get may be better for you than you thought. Besides tasting good, chocolate is very beneficial to your body.
Chocolate is made from cacao beans found on cacao trees which grow wild in the Amazon, South and Central America, as well as the Caribbean and Africa. The process begins with harvesting, ripe cocoa pods are harvested every year. The harvest times vary from region to region but the process of turning it into chocolate begins immediately. The pods are cut open and the white pulp containing the cocoa beans is taken out. The pods and pulp are placed into large wooden containers, at this point the pulp is allowed to ferment for five to seven days. During the process, the beans are turned to help them ferment more evenly. This is the first stage in developing the flavour of the chocolate and part of the reason why a farmer can have a direct impact on the quality of the finished chocolate.
Dark chocolate has flavonoids which are one group of phytochemicals with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties. The type of flavonoids that found in dark chocolate is flavanols. A research shows that flavanols in dark chocolate have beneficial effects in the cardiovascular system including decreasing blood pressure and improving blood flow in the arteries to the brain and heart. Further, eating dark chocolate also lowers the risk of cardiovascular disease. It has been proved that the compounds in dark chocolate can highly protect the oxidation of bad cholesterol LDL (Low-density lipoprotein) (Kris Gunnars,2013). Furthermore, San Diego State University research has shown that thirty-one people who eat dark chocolate fifty grams per day had lower levels of blood glucose and bad cholesterol (LDL) and a higher level of good cholesterol (HDL) than people who do not consume dark chocolate. It should cause much less cholesterol in the arteries and lower risk of heart disease over the long term (Dr.Ananya
If you’re a chocolate lover, I bet you already know that cacao and cocoa are available in many forms in the market: powder, nibs, butter, chips, and chocolate bars (the list goes on, but I’m just naming a few of the most popular chocolate forms).