
La Declaración De La Thesis Statement: Is Chocolate Healthy?

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Chocolate is a typically sweet, usually a brown food prepared from the Theobroma cacao seeds, roasted and ground. Chocolate is the healthiest natural ingredient. According to The innovation Center for U.S dairy, they state “7% of chocolate is healthy because most of the chocolate milk comes from cows” (,”, where does chocolate milk come from?”). Therefore, chocolate is healthy because it comes from natural source. Chocolate milk is healthy because it contains no more sugar than unsweetened milk. “Chocolate milk is natural and has the same nutrients as milk, including all its calcium and vitamins”(author/website, “article title”). Consequently, chocolate milk is healthy because it has less sugar, so it prevents you from being diagnosed with diabetes and gaining fat. other than gaining weight, chocolate contains healthy fats. For example, dark chocolate contains mostly …show more content…

So, if you want be happy, eat chocolate. Thesis Statement: The thesis statement is that sentence or two in your text that contains the focus of your essay and tells your reader what the essay is going to be about. (You must restate the question in your thesis statement.) Declaración de la tesis: La declaración de la tesis es esa oración o dos en su texto que contiene el foco de su ensayo y le dice a su lector lo que el ensayo va a ser sobre. (Debe volver a plantear la pregunta en su declaración de tesis.) ----------------------------------------------- SAR SAMPLE The narrator in “Night” says, “it happened each night, like a dream, but not,” in order to show that the main character has woken up multiple times hearing his dead child’s breathing. Lott proves the claim though the phrase, “the room, of course, was empty,” proving that he has been there more than once. Therefore, Lott uses this phrase to show this action has been like a reoccurring

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