
La Fiesta Del Chivo Essay

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In the novel La Fiesta del Chivo by Mario Vargas Llosa represents the dictator of the Dominican Republic, Rafael Leonidas Trujillo, as a hybrid between patriarchal authority and authoritarian bureaucracy. The author raises the discussion on how to differentiate between fictional reality and historical reality, creating a fictional reconstruction of the dictatorship of Rafael Leonidas Trujillo Molina (1930-1961). The dictatorships have unfortunately been a constant feature on the American continent. This phenomenon also called “caudillismo” has impregnated the Latin American history of blood and irregularity to human rights. Fundamentally, this is due to a lack of democratic tradition and living chaos, society feels lost by what appear these …show more content…

He misses the opportunity to make a great historical novel, to tell us "another way" about Trujillo's thirty years of dictatorship and, therefore, to reinvent the nation. The author makes a flat, sensational and anecdotal narration. It narrates a series of events connected to each other by the sexual violence, it indicates to the Dominicans like pre-modern subjects tolerant with the abuse. It uses historical references to narrate situations of morbidity and religiosity, with which it builds an image of the Dominican nation, which suggests that violence and domination are not recognizable on the part of Dominicans, since the dictator's power was omnipresent and there was criticism or distance from its symbols. It can be said that the novel fails to dump its semantic energy towards a critical task of the dominant conceptions. Vargas Llosa's novel does not meet the elements that define the new historical novel: the ability to antagonize official versions of history is crucial, which is not the case in the work of Vargas Llosa; On the contrary, his novel legitimates myths and stereotypes of power in the Dominican

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