Abstract The “Chemical Kinetics” experiment was done to investigate the changes in the rate of reaction under the effect of concentration, temperature, and presence of a catalyst. It was determined that as the concentration of reactants and the temperature increases, the rate of the reaction increases as well. Also, the reaction was run by the presence of catalyst, and the rate of the reaction increased drastically in the presence of it. The order of the reaction with respect to each reactant was calculated to be: x = 1 [I-], y = 1 [BrO3-], z = 2 [H+] by the method of initial rates. The average rate constant was determined to be 26.7 M-3s-1, and the activation energy was calculated to be 49.6 kJ/mol. Introduction The whole purpose …show more content…
The reaction occurred under three different temperatures: 40ْ C, 10ْ C, and 0ْ C. The experiment in this part was carried out just like part one. In flask 1, 10 mL of 0.010 M KI, 10 mL of 0.0010 M Na2S2O3, and 10 mL of H2O were mixed. In flask 2, 10 mL of 0.040 M KBrO3 and 10 mL of 0.10 M HCl were mixed, and 3 drops of starch was added. Then, the two flasks were put in an ice bath and cooled to about 10ْ C. Afterwards, the two solutions were mixed together while in the ice bath with swirling until turning blue. The time was recorded. The reaction was done the same way for the other two degrees (0ْ C, 10ْ C). If the water needed to be cold, ice was added, and if hot water was needed, the water was heated. In the third part of the experiment, the reaction was carried out in the presence of a catalyst. The influence of the catalyst on the rate of the reaction was investigated. Again, mixture 1 from part one was used. In flask 1, 10 mL of 0.010 M KI, 10 mL of 0.0010 M Na2S2O3 ,and 10 mL of H2O were mixed. In flask 2, 10 mL of 0.040 M KBrO3 and 10 mL of 0.10 M HCl were mixed, and 3 drops of starch were added. Also, one drop of 0.5 M (NH4)2MoO4, ammonium molybdate, was added to Flask 2 which acted as a catalyst. The two solutions were mixed until a blue color was formed and the stopwatch was stopped. All the
Abstract: This two part experiment is designed to determine the rate law of the following reaction, 2I-(aq) + H2O2(aq) + 2H+I2(aq) + 2H2O(L), and to then determine if a change in temperature has an effect on that rate of this reaction. It was found that the reaction rate=k[I-]^1[H2O2+]^1, and the experimental activation energy is 60.62 KJ/mol.
The next step in this lab is to rinse the Erlenmeyer flask with distilled water down the drain and then repeat the experiment, this time adding 10 ml of 0.10M KI and 10 ml of distilled water to the flask instead. The flask should again be swirling to allow the solution to succumb to the same temperature as the water bath and once it has reached the same temperature, 10 ml of 3% H2O2 must then be added and a stopper must be immediately placed on the flask and recording should then begin for experiment two. After recording the times, the Erlenmeyer flask must then be rinsed again with distilled water down the drain. After rinsing the flask, the last part of the lab can now be performed. Experiment three is performed the same way, but instead, 20 ml of 0.10 ml M KI and 5 ml of distilled water will be added and after the swirling of the flask, 5 ml of 3% H2O2 will be added. After the times have been recorded, data collection should now be complete.
By analysing the results of The Landolt clock reaction, and the outcomes that occur due to change in concentration and the addition of a catalyst, the data did partially support the hypothesis. That by changing the concentrations of potassium iodate and sodium bisulphite the rate of the reaction will increase. The rate gradually increased per every 10 seconds on the NaHSO3 graph. Whereas compared to the KIO3 graph the rate was more efficient, the reaction was achieved within 5 seconds. However, the second hypothesis regarding the addition of a catalyst, displayed acceptable results. The catalyst increased the speed of the reaction within 10 seconds, which was slightly faster than the reaction times gained from the
They observed an increase in initial rate with increasing the concentration of substrate but after 40 minutes the degradation efficiency decreased with increasing initial concentration (figure7). A pseudo-first-order kinetic was assigned to the reaction and the initial rate of the reaction for different concentrations was measured. Using Langmuir rate model and the initial rates, rate constants in different pH values were calculated. Acidic pH (3.5) showed higher reaction rate due to favored interaction between positive surface of catalyst and oxygen atoms. pH 9.5 showed higher rate constant supposedly caused by substrate hydrolysis in basic solution
The data supports the hypothesis that an exponential relationship will be found between the change in temperature and the reaction rate, and that the highest temperature will have the fastest rate of reaction. The data also supports the hypothesis that as the concentration of Potassium Iodine increases so will the reaction rate, and vice versa for an increase in Sodium Thiosulphate concentration. The hypothesis that the Iron (II) ions will affect the reaction rate, and that the optimal amount will be about 0.1M of catalyst was partially supported.
The activation energy lab centralized on observing the effect that temperature has on the rate of the reaction 6I- (aq) + BrO3- (aq) + 6H+ (aq) 3I2 (aq) + Br- (aq) + 3H2O while also using calculations to determine the value of the rate constant and the activation energy at different temperatures. The activation energy of a reaction is defined as the minimum amount of energy required to make the transition from reactants to products. Given that the rate constant is proportionally constant for an experiment, it changes with temperature. By keeping the concentrations of the reactants constant, the effect of temperature on the rate was able to be determined.
This experiment runs many reactions varying the concentrations of the reactants in order to determine the order for each component and the rate constant.
Each reaction would be carried out by mixing five different solutions four times separately and each reaction is consisted of KI solution, starch solution, Na2S2O3 solution, KNO3 solution and EDTA solution. The concentration of each solution varies because the first reaction include 25.0ml KI solution, 1.0ml starch solution, 1.0ml Na2S2O3 solution, 48.0ml KNO3, 1 drop EDTA solution and the total volume eqaul 75.0ml. The second reaction include 25.0 mL KI solution 1.0 mL starch solution 1.0 mL Na2S2O3 solution 23.0 mL KNO3 solution 1 drop EDTA solution and total volume equal 50.0ml. The third reaction include 50.0 mL KI solution 1.0 mL starch solution 1.0 mL Na2S2O3 solution 23.0 mL KNO3 solution 1 drop EDTA solution and the total volume equal 75.0 mL and the fouth reaction include 12.5 mL KI solution 1.0 mL starch solution 1.0 mL Na2S2O3 solution 35.5 mL KNO3 solution 1 drop EDTA solution and total volume equal 50.0ml. After obtaining all of the solutions and seven different test tubes of 1.0ml Na2S2O3 solution which should be pour into the Erlenmeyer flask whenever the color of the solution changes. To calculate the reaction rate of each reaction the timer should start immediately when all of the solutions are mixed. Once all of the solutions have been mixed the students should observe as well as record the time of the reaction when the color change to dark blue and one of
Three experiments were carried out to identify the effects of temperature and substrate concentration on the rate of an enzyme-catalysed reaction, as well as the relationship between absorbance reading and concentration of the substrate solution based on Beer-Lambert law.
The study that focuses on chemical reaction rates is kinetics. Kinetics contributes to the understanding of the speed of chemical reactions and what determines if a reaction happens at all. A large factor in determining if a reaction occurs is if the activation energy can be achieved. Activation energy is the energy required to start a chemical reaction so that it will not need any additional energy to continue. The amount of energy absorbed or transmitted by a solution is proportional to the solution’s molar absorptivity and the concentration of the solute, this is known as Beer’s law.
The hypothesis of this experiment was that an increase in concentration will increase the rate of reaction by decreasing the time taken for the colour change to occur. Figure 1.1 shows time on the x axis and concentration on the y axis, it can be seen that as [reactant] decreases, time increases.Thus, the results correlate with the hypothesis that an increase in concentration will produce a faster reaction time and subsequently a larger reaction rate - regardless of change in [KIO3] or [Na2S2O5], both reactants produce the same result.
This is a simple equation that doesn’t properly prove the reaction. It is very complex and starts with this:
The hypothesis that as (the first variable being tested), the concentration in the solution is changed and it becomes more dilute, this will result will be a slower rate of reaction. Therefore, it is also hypothesised that the addition of a catalyst will cause the rate of those reactions to speed up, was proven correct by the results of this experiment, in that the changing of the concentration and the addition of a catalyst changed the speed at which the reaction occurred. The results from both Part 1 and Part 2 conclusively showing that the have a direct effect on the rate at which the reaction occurs. In order to come to this conclusion, the data needs to be transformed into rate laws.
In the 90-minute reaction, the reaction was run to completion and TLC was conducted to analyze the final product. In the 50-minute reaction, aliquots of the of the reaction mixture was obtained every 15 minutes to analyze the reagents and induce the progress of the reaction.
There are also some elements that are not a part of any type of family. These elements are mostly other metals that are located right after the transition metals. There are some nonmetals that are included in this group. Some of these nonmetals include silicon, nitrogen, carbon, and phosphorus. All elements in this group are some what reactive. Nitrogen is the most common element. Compounds using nitrogen consist of silver nitrate, potassium nitrate, and nitric oxide. Silver nitrate is used in many different chemistry labs.