Title: How Lava Flows
Background: Viscosity is a liquid's resistance to flow. For example water would have a low viscosity while syrup has high. The higher temperature the lower viscosity and the lower temperature the higher viscosity. Cold syrup will move slower than hot syrup because the molecules are more tightly packed together while hots are very loose and free. Silica will cause the syrups viscosity to increases, so the more silica it has the more the viscosity will increase. If water is added to syrup the viscosity will decrease because water has a lower viscosity. Gas can easily escape lava that has a low viscosity while lava with higher viscosities, gas pressure will build up and might lead to big eruptions.
Pre-Lab Questions:
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The lava flow was fast. An error was that the syrup was poured too fast and to much of it came out, so it may have messed up the time. Viscosity is a liquid's resistance to flow. Velocity is the speed of something in a given direction. The velocity for team cold was 2 cm/s. In the cold syrup the molecules are tightly packed together. The viscosity of the is very high since it does not flow very fast. Therefore it flowed the slowest. The velocity of the team rooms data was 3.7 cm/s. In the room temperature syrup, the molecules are more loosely bonded. The viscosity of room temperature is less than the colds. So it flowed a bit more faster then the colds. It flowed faster but not as fast as the hots. The velocity for team hots data was 6.8 cm/s. In the hots syrup the molecules moved the most freely and loose. This means since it was the hottest, it has the lowest viscosity so it was able to flow the fastest out of all of the syrups.Silica affects viscosity because viscosity increases with more silica content, more silica, more viscosity. Water can change the viscosity of lava. If water is added the viscosity will decrease. Lava with low viscosity allows gas to escape easily while lava with a higher viscosity gas pressure builds up and can lead to a huge
If the temperature in the apparatus increases too quickly, it’s difficult to record to exact temperature at which the first drop of liquid falls and then again when the mixture is completely liquid. This would result in the wrong melting point range being recorded. Additionally, experiment three heavily relied on the results from experiment two. Failing to extract all the aspirin from the organic solution in experiment two would result in more impurities in the unknown component. Thus, lowering and broadening the melting point
However, the results are completely different. The results shown in the table, the water and cornstarch solution is most suitable liquid to use in the snow globes due to its thick viscosity compared to other solutions. Hence, the marble traveled slower as it created more drag onto the marble. Nevertheless, the water itself had low viscosity compared to other solutions because the marble reached the base faster of the measuring cylinder. As a result, it created less drag onto the marble compared to water and cornstarch solution. Therefore, the thicker the solution, the longer it takes for the marble to reach the base of the measuring cylinder. However, if the solution has low viscosity (such as water itself), the faster it the time it takes for the marble to reach the
Dissolved gases make the magma more fluid and buoyant. The higher the temperature the more the gases remain dissolved and the less viscous the magma
One physical factor which causes differences in a volcanic hazard is the steepness of the volcano. If the volcanoes sides are of a steep gradient then the
• Thirdly, we tried to maintain the temperature by keeping the test tubes in a regulated room. If the temperature were to increase it would cause the kinetic energy of the sucrose solution increase and if the temperature were to decrease it would cause the kinetic energy of the sucrose solution to decrease.
2) When water freezes there are additional hydrogens bonds formed between molecules and those molecules become slow.
When the temperature of the air is increased, it starts to rise. This happens because the hotter the air is, the less dense it becomes. The viscosity in air increases with the temperature; this is equal to the square root of the temperature. The viscosity increases because the molecules collide more frequently. Because of this, the molecules move around randomly, due to the increased number of collisions.
Maria’s hypothesis for this experiment is that the cold water will freeze faster, she thinks this is correct because the hot water molecules move faster than the cold water molecules, causing the hot water to take longer to freeze.
Purpose: The purpose of this laboratory was to gain an understanding of the differences between the freezing points of pure solvent to that of a solvent in a solution with a nonvolatile solute, and to compare the two.
The first factor that must be considered is the viscosity of the magma. This can determine how powerful an eruption is and what shape the volcano
Temperature affects lava flow by increasing or decreasing the viscosity, therefore affecting the speed at which the lava flows. In the graph presented, the visual data clearly shows that as the temperature of the syrup rises, the velocity increases. The overall average velocity for all the groups who used cold syrup was 1.34 cm/s. The overall average velocity for the groups who used room temperature syrup was 4.43 cm/s, and the overall average velocity for the hot syrup groups was 6.82 cm/s. This is because, like most liquids, syrup (and lava) has molecules inside that move around more freely when the liquid is in a form where the temperature is hotter. On the other hand, a colder temperature may make molecules move less, and the decrease in
The soda ash form experiment 3 was obtained. A 250 ml beaker was obtained and rinsed.
In this research project the question that was answered was “What makes ice melt faster?” The products used were salt, sugar, and sand. This research includes the many types of chemicals salt, sugar, and sand have. This research also includes the questions to provide more information about the research question. This question has been asked many times to see what is going to melt ice faster.
This happens because the room temperature syrup has more energy, causing the molecules to spread apart. For the team hot average, the average was 7.15 cm/second. The range of data for averages was 1.7 cm/second to 15.79 cm/second. There are clearly some big differences between the former and the latter. This happened because they are outliers. That data may have been messed up because the syrup was taken off of the crockpot too early, cooling down the syrup making it have more viscosity and a smaller velocity. Another way that these trials could have been messed up is if someone threw the syrup at the plate when they were pouring it, and the speed of the pouring caused a very high velocity. The hot syrup flowed faster than room and cold syrup because it had a lower viscosity. The hot syrup had a lower viscosity because it had the highest energy out of the three temperatures, causing the molecules to be more spread out. Gas, water, and silica also have an effect on the viscosity of lava. Water makes the viscosity of the lava lower because it thins out the lava. Gas makes the pressure increase in high viscosity magmas, while when the gas escapes the viscosity
The ratio between the two, under a certain amount of stress and under a certain temperature is the viscosity or coefficient of viscosity. Viscosity is the thickness of a liquid or how much the liquid resists to pouring. Only three states of matter fall under Newton’s law of Viscosity, solids, liquids, and gases. All other states of matter are defined as Non-Newtonian matters, and are therefore excluded from the law of Viscosity. A Non-Newtonian matter