
Lab Report On Gram-Negative Bacteria

Decent Essays

In the world of microbiology it is vitally important to be able to discern the identities of microorganisms. Not only is it important in a lab setting but as well as in healthcare in general. Properly identify what strain of bacteria a person has will aid in the proper medicine and dose given. Throughout the semester we have learned about different types of bacteria and certain test that can clearly identify them. The purpose of this lab report is to identify a Gram-positive or Gram-negative bacterium. Using all the knowledge of procedures and lab techniques identify the unknown and discuss all the tests you performed.
Gram staining is a technique used to determine if the bacteria is Gram positive or Gram- negative. Gram staining procedure uses crystal violet stain, iodine moderator, alcohol decolorizer and safarin counter stain. In Gram- negative bacteria the primary stain will be washed out with the decolorizer and it will be stained with the counterstain. Whereas in Gram-positive bacteria the primary stain will not leave the cell wall. This difference comes from difference in the structure of the cell wall that retains the stain.
The Gram-positive cell wall is composed of peptidoglycans, a thick layer of protein-sugar complexes taking up 60-90% of their cell wall. Peptidoglycan is composed of two glucose derivatives, N-acetylmuramic acid and N-acetylglucosamine alternated and cross-linked by tetrapeptides that is composed of L-alanine, D-glutamine, L-lysine

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