Microbial Unknowns Objective: In the past couple of weeks, our class received a single broth that contained two species of bacterium. One bacterium was gram positive and one bacterium was gram negative. We were required to use our techniques and knowledge we learned in class to separate and identify the two species we were given in our broths. Methodology: Day One: On the first day of our Biochemical Unknown Lab we were given a tube that contained broth media which held two different types of bacterium. Once we were given our broths, we had to streak two Nutrient Agar plates with the mixed culture tube by using a loop. After I streaked my Nutrient Agar plates, I decided to perform a gram stain. First I flamed the loop and set it aside to cool. After I flamed the loop I prepared two slides with a drop of water in the middle. Once the loop was cool I dipped the loop into the broth and smeared the loop onto both slides mixing the unknown bacterium with the water. I flamed my loop, set it aside, heat fixed both slides, and let the slides air dry. Once the slide were dry I set them on two rods above the drainage area and covered the smears with Crystal Violet. I let the Crystal Violet sit on the smear for one minute and rinsed off the Crystal Violet. Once the Crystal Violet was rinsed I applied Grams Iodine and let that sit for one minute. After one minute passed I rinsed the slide again and moved on to applying the alcohol. I dripped the alcohol onto the slide until the
The following tests according to the lab manual were performed: gram stain, fermentation tubes, methyl red, vogues proskauer, sulfur, indole, motility and growing it up on MacConkey agar. The gram stain was performed incorrectly the first time. This is because the decolorizer was not on the bacterium slide for long enough, giving a false outcome.
This report discusses the procedures and equipment needed to determine a bacterium knowing and having nothing but the sample bacteria given by the instructor. The importance of this lab is to test your ability to think clearly about what each test will tell you about your unknown organism and selecting tests that will save time and give you the most information. The objective of this lab is to determine what species level and genus level your bacterium is categorized as. The first step taken to determine the bacteria was to do a sub-culture of my stock broth to have a backup of my bacteria just in case my broth became contaminated. Doing a T-streak on a TSA plate is when the plate is divided into three sections and using an inoculating loop, grab some
The next step of the project included preparing a Gram stain to discover the cell shape, arrangement, and if the bacteria is gram positive or
The purpose of this lab was to identify two unknown bacteria cultures using various differential tests. The identification of these unknown cultures was accomplished by separating and differentiating possible
In class, we were given the task of identifying an unknown bacterium broth culture. After receiving number 69, I went through several tests to figure out what bacterium I received. First, I created a slide from my broth by putting a small amount of the unknown broth on to a clean slide and letting it dry for ten minutes. After this, I stained the slide by applying four reagents in order; crystal violet, grams iodine, decolorizer and safranin. From the stained slide, I discovered that this bacterium was gram-negative, which would determine the next couple of tests I would do to identify my unknown bacterium. I began by streaking for confluent growth from my broth culture onto a TSA plate. From the TSA plate, I aseptically transferred a loop
Citrobacter Freundii is a species of bacteria that can be potentially harmful to humans. It is known to cause meningitis by protruding into the brain and replicating itself (1). The Citrobacter species has also been found as a cause of some urinary tract infections, diarrhea, and even gastrointestinal diseases and symptoms (3). C. Freundii can be located in a wide variety of soils and water (3). Lastly, it is also the cause of many nosocomial infections due to its presence in water (1).
The purpose of this lab was to identify an unknown bacteria culture using differential tests. The identification of the unknown culture was accomplished by identifying the bacteria based on its specific metabolic characteristics and morphology. It is suggested that culture 11 is a sample of Enterobacter aerogenes.
Two smears of the unknown bacterium #5 were inoculated while the second smear was used for a back up. The unknown bacterium dried for at least forty minutes. After the smears dried, the slides were heat fixed two times to ensure the stability of the organism. The slide was placed on top of the staining rack then over the small sink.
The sample appeared a dark pink or close to violet by the naked eye; a
In the world of microbiology it is vitally important to be able to discern the identities of microorganisms. Not only is it important in a lab setting but as well as in healthcare in general. Properly identify what strain of bacteria a person has will aid in the proper medicine and dose given. Throughout the semester we have learned about different types of bacteria and certain test that can clearly identify them. The purpose of this lab report is to identify a Gram-positive or Gram-negative bacterium. Using all the knowledge of procedures and lab techniques identify the unknown and discuss all the tests you performed.
|EMB Agar | |Distinguishes bacteria that ferment |Dark blue colonies with|E. coli and P. |
The purpose of this lab was to identify two unknown bacteria from a mixed culture. The reason for identification of unknown bacteria was to help students recognize different bacteria through different biochemical tests and characteristics. This is important in the medical field because identification of unknown bacteria can help treat a patient by knowing the contributing source of a disease. Also knowledge of different bacteria helped others make antibiotics used today. This lab was completed by using the methods learned thus far in identification of bacteria.
This experiment is about bacterial growth. We will demonstrate a bacterial growth curve using a closed system. Bacterial growth usually takes up to 12-24 hours to get an accurate result so we will be monitoring this growth between two classes. We also used different methods to determine bacterial growth as well as a few different calculations. One way of receiving data is by using a spectrophotometer where we will record the absorption at a given time to create the bacterial growth curve. We also used the plate count method after performing a serial dilution to calculate the actual cell density at different times given. By using this method we can count the population number of the same given and see the maximum cell density
In the medical field which I am going into, it is very important to be able to identify bacteria. By identifying bacteria, we can prevent, diagnose its presence and determine what is the appropiate treatment to treate the diseased caused by them. For example, if a patient is complaining of a sore throat we can take a sample of the throat to determnne what bacteria if any is causing the pain. Once the bacteria has been identified the patient can be prescribed the appropiate antibiotic. Another reason why is so important to identify bacteria and to know its characteristics, is for pharmaceutical companies to come up with medication and to decided the type of vaccines that can be used to counter it.
You are given a sputum sample from a patient that may be infected with a bacterium from one of the following genera: Bacillus, Escherichia, or Mycoplasma. In a Microsoft Word document, describe the important anatomical differences among these three genera (i.e., those features that could be used to differentiate among them) and the staining protocols you would use to identify which genera is causing the patient’s infection. When discussing each staining protocol, it is important not only to mention the steps involved, but also how each step and each protocol would identify or eliminate each of these genera as a suspect. You may refer to other scientific resources, but they should be in addition to and not in place of the Module 2