Some lab techniques learned in this lab are decanting, using a pistol grip when transferring beakers to one place to another and during decanting, and using a piece of partially submerged aluminum wire in the copper sample, shaking the wire around, and dislodging any particle of copper precipitate forming on the aluminum wire. Decanting is a lab method used to separate mixtures of solutions and solids by allowing the solid to rest at the bottom of the solution and slowly pouring the liquid out of the container with the help of a glass rod. Solutions are decanted at an angle of approximately 45 degrees so that it allows the solid particle to slowly slide out of the beaker while the liquid can pour out. If a solution was decanted at a 90 degree …show more content…
The pistol grip is very important when transferring chemicals from one place to another. This method is also used during decanting so that the scientist has complete control of the decanting, making sure not to pour out any solid sedimentation. The pistol grip is the pointer finger on the top of the beaker or test tube and the thumb and middle finger around the mouth of the container. Also during decanting, instead of the pointer finger being on top of the beaker, the pointer finger should be on top of the glass rod to help guide the liquid out of the container carefully. This is important because the beaker may be hot from previous reactions or from chemicals in the beaker and to prevent burns, it is recommended that the experimenter hold the mouth of the beaker instead of the sides of the container. The sides of the beaker may also still be hot. If this method is not used when transferring chemicals, it may result in injuries such as burns and cuts from the glass of the beaker or test tube. The last lab technique learned in the lab is using a piece of aluminum wire to dislodge any copper precipitate forming on the
In this project, C. Elegans are hermaphrodite worms that will be used since they are easy to maintain in lab, as well as have short life cycles. The gene that the project attempted to knockdown in C. Elegans with RNAi treatment is the unc-22 gene. RNAi disrupts gene expression in the presence of double stranded RNA (dsRNA) that is complementary to target gene sequence. The unc-22 gene codes for a muscle protein called twitchin in wild-type worms. The Unc-22 is required for muscle regulation and maintenance in C.Elegans. To verify that the RNAi treatment worked, would check the unc-22 mRNA levels in the worms, in addition to phenotype observation.
Washing of the copper is necessary in this experiment to separate the iron from the copper and make sure the iron is not counted in the mass of the copper.
11. Recorded volume of water displaced in the 100 (+/- ?) mL graduated cylinder #1 and other necessary quantitative and qualitative observations of the process and the products of the reaction. Then, washed out the Erlenmeyer flask for 5 seconds and used the test tube brush to clean out any leftover solution. Afterwards, allowed the Erlenmeyer flask to air dry and used the second Erlenmeyer flask to perform trial 2.
In the Affinity Chromatography experiment we were purifying our Con A proteins. In general, affinity chromatography is a technique that is used for isolating a protein, in our case Con A from a large amount of other macromolecules. Our protein of interest is captured using a microbead matrix while we let everything else flow through the column. The Sephadex matrix is made of cross-linked glucose or dextran and because our Con A has an affinity for glucose it is able to bind to those beads. In general, we began by equilibrating our column with NaCl, then poured Jack Bean Meal Extract which so happens to contain Con A through our column, the Con A then binded to the Sephadex beads, and finally we eluded with a dextrose solution so that
An association between enzyme production, gene copy number, and gene evolution was explored by conducting analysis of the salivary amylase enzyme, AMY1A gene copy number, and the ancestral starch consumption in Homo Sapiens (Tracey 2017, p.22). It was hypothesized that the relative amount of starch consumption was very high for my personal ancestral diet, thus my AMY1 diploid gene copy number in my genome and salivary amylase concentration would be significantly higher than the population mean. With a population of 28 subjects (n=28), individual saliva samples were collected and compared to a calibration curve to determine the approximate amylase concentration by analyzing absorbance values. Individual samples of buccal cheek cells were
The sixth lab I completed in Biology 101 taught me how autotrophs (self-feeders) and heterotrophs (other-feeders) make organic food molecules by using photosynthesis. Photosynthesis uses the energy from the sun and it is captured and stored in the chemical bonds of organic molecules. The sunlight consists of different wavelengths of light. In plant chloroplasts, they have different pigments that capture different wavelengths of light. Light capturing pigments in green plants are called chlorophylls and these absorb all the colors of light except green, which is mostly reflected. To separate molecules from each other according to their solubility in a particular solvent is done by the process of chromatography. This basically means that polar
Data were collected in September and November 2017 at the Elk Valley Preserve and Field Station in Banner Elk, NC. The preserve is located at 36°10'17.2"N 81°54'45.9"W, in Avery County in western North Carolina. The area is a mixed deciduous forest at an altitude of 1,127 m above sea level. Data were collected in early fall, during which temperatures average around 10-18 degrees Celsius. Summers in Banner Elk are typically mild, with temperatures averaging 21 degrees Celsius, and winters are cold and snowy, averaging near zero degrees Celsius. During the months of September and November there is an overall average precipitation of 12-25cm.
5 / 10 To prep our purified PCR product and our PCR control for electrophoresis, we added 4 microliters of Blue Juice loading buffer to each sample. The samples were then loaded into the wells of the gel along with a DNA Size Standard. The electrophoresis chamber was then turned on and the voltage setting was switched to high. The electrical current applied to the chamber caused negatively charged DNA molecules to move from the positive end to the negative end, with the smallest fragments moving the furthest.
Purpose: The purpose of this lab activity is to help understand observation and interpretation and to distinguish one from another all while analyzing the chemical reaction. You will see what happens when you put a beaker with water in it and then put dry copper and after that put aluminum foil in and see the observations and interpretation in the chemical reaction.
In the scientific method lab, I explored the different food options for mice in order to find the best one that will help them gain weight. To succeed in this lab, I needed to examine several types of foods including fruits, raw meat, cooked and uncooked foods. In this experiment I used cooked macaroni as a positive control and for the negative control I didn’t feed the mice any food, only water. The main objective of this study was to determine the best solution that will help me understand the metabolism of mice. All mice used in this study were given the same resources, but the only difference was the different types of foods fed to the mice to understand the changes of weight gain or loss between the mice.
Purpose: is to determine the unknown bacteria with a variety of biochemical tests. There are many reasons that contribute to why it is so important to test patients for both high and low risks diseases. The most important reason would be to know the identity of microorganism and how it can be treated .This study was performed in microbiology laboratory class by applying the microorganism to the tests that have been performed in the class prior to the identification of the unknown. First, the lab professor handed out a bacteria that was on the unknown streak plate labeled B5 that consisted of an unknown gram positive or gram negative bacteria.
In this lab we used a bunsen burner to heat our chemicals and create a chemical reaction.
(INTRODUCTION) The scientific method is the procedure used to either ask or answer questions, the components of the scientific method include: observation; which is watching something that peaks your interest, then you must develop a hypothesis; this means that an individual has to make an educated guess for the observation, afterwards an individual must define a question; meaning answering the who, what, when, where and how, ( Simms). The reason for doing the experiment was to figure out through deviation and the class average from the data gathered if the pipette or the graduated cylinder would be able more accurate in measuring the volume of water. Before beginning the experiment my hypotheses was that if I weigh the water in the two different
Studies show that unwashed or lightly rinsed vegetables can harbor pathogenic bacteria and have been implicated in numerous foodborne infections. The objective of this experiment was to obtain a quantitative viable plate count of enteric bacteria present in a sample of broccoli sprout water. To enumerate the number of bacterial colonies present in the sample, we performed serial dilutions of broccoli water spread onto MacConkey Agar plates. MacConkey Agar is a selective and differential media. It is used to select enteric bacteria and differentiate lactose-fermenters from non-lactose fermenters. Utilizing this process illustrated the potential amount of foodborne illness causing bacteria present on foods, specifically fresh broccoli
The petroleum lab and environmental reflect the major focus of the lab well. The abstract concisely communicates the purpose of the lab, the approach, the results, and the significances of the findings. The electrical lab doesn’t have an abstract but sometimes instructors do not require an abstract section. The environmental lab does a better job at writing the abstract because it’s shorter and more direct to the point, therefore easier to understand.