The concepts of the proposal were founded on the possibility of the use of the Laban Movement Analysis (LMA) in helping people suffering from developmental disabilities. The research would be aimed to determine the effective use of the LMA design of body, effort, shape, and space, ordinarily called the BESS approach as remedy for the developmental disability conditions such as autism and Down syndrome (ADTA n.d). I became motivated to explore this approach of the BESS method for individuals with autism and Down syndrome when taking a Laban Movement Analysis class and volunteering at The Arc. I felt this approach would be beneficial and valuable. During my volunteer ship, I learned that dance could intervene on different developmental and intellectual …show more content…
In the Modern Ages, there were Almshouses that opened in New York because people started noticing that there were folks in their society that had a “problem” or disability. Although it was positive that people recognized those with disabilities, they also created these Almshouses to separate those individuals from the community because un-disabled people believed that disabled people did not deserve to be in a “normal” community (Thorn et al 895). Eventually, by the 1900’s, the concept of disability was well understood and researchers started to analyze the situation in more depth. Researchers are working to understand the benefits of early intervention services, risk factors, and changes in acceptance and awareness of the condition …show more content…
Abnormal learning challenges and abnormal physical features and locomotion characterize the disease. BESS approach of body, effort, shape and space can be used to improve the difficulties in the learning and the development of motor skills (Thompson 250). Dancing and music improves the motor skills of the children drastically and thus can be effectively used as an intervention and in the management of the Down syndrome. Music and dancing was indicated to improve the cognitive ability and development of the abstract concept in children and adults. In the light of that, music and dancing can be used effectively to manage and control Down syndrome. In the similar manner, BESS can be used to intervene and manage bipolar personal disorder, ADD, and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) (Thompson 249).
Therefore, with physical activity being a significant concept of physical development, BESS and the Laban Movement Analysis (LMA) promotes both cognitive and physical development. The technique also increases body’s activities that help decrease the severity of the signs and symptoms associated with Down syndrome such as increased heart abnormalities, obesity, and cancer (Chloe 59). The technique also connects the body and the mind and this improves skills development and as well as build relationships. It also promotes learning and builds behaviors such as
Power can be determined by many different aspects . Some people can obtain power through race, while some obtain it through social class, and others obtain it through their gender. In the book, To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee, the idea of power is discussed. The character Mayella Ewell is Bob Ewell’s daughter, who claims Tom Robinson raped her. Mayella does have power in regards to her race but does not have power in regards to her gender and social class.
As part of your Apprenticeship/NVQ you need to learn and have an understanding about Employment Responsibilities and rights (ERR).
Despite many crucial developments surrounding acceptance of others there is still a long and arduous path ahead of our society. People with disabilities, whatever a given disability may be and mean for the individual, are frequently stigmatized. They are not always offered equal opportunities, nor are they always offered the proper support to fortify their capabilities so that the individual may be the best they can be. Because of this there are many people who never go or return to college, are unemployed, or are isolated from the community.
Robbins uses a technique known as music therapy. She states “Music therapy helps with developing motor skills and the co-ordination of muscle patterns needed for walking. It also improves social skills such as turn taking. Different moods that are expressed through music creates an emotional outlet to address difficult feelings.” ( Using Down syndrome for example, those who have been diagnosed have both a mental and physical limit. Physically, those with Down syndrome are un-coordinated. A person taking music therapy can do things such as a playing a drum with a mallet to develop a motor skill of grasping. Once they have the idea of putting these two together, music therapists can imitate a metronome, giving a tempo, and get the student to mock the given tempo by hitting the drum on each beat, thus exercising the brain and enhancing effectiveness of hand-eye coordination while adding the sense of hearing to the equation.
“Down’s syndrome or learning difficulties are at a lower risk of 4 in 10 infants per 1000 live infants born”.
Chapter 6 starts by telling the story of Lauren who has Down syndrome and defining intellectual disability. Intellectual disability in the chapter has multiple definitions and one is that it is define as a disability characterize by both intellectual functioning and adaptive behavior such as, social and adaptive skills. To classify and a person with intellectual disability you need to look at various dimension of human functioning, which are intellectual abilities, adaptive behavior, health, participation and context. There are still many challenges on to what the definition of intellectual is and how to measure intellectual disability. There has been many test n to measure the student’s intelligence, but it can be very controversial. Issues
The researcher conducted a longitudinal study over a span of two-years on 83 children who met the criteria. The children that were chose had disabilities ranging from ASD to developmental disabilities including Down syndrome. Each child was given an
My Bachelor’s in Exercise Science has equipped knowledge of the human anatomy and physiology, and exercise testing and prescription for people of different ages and health conditions. During my attendance at the University of Texas at Arlington, I joined the Little Mavs Movement Academy directed by Dr. Priscilla Cacola. I volunteered for a year in this program; while in the program I had the opportunity to learn about developmental coordination disorder (DCD) and how it interferes with activities of daily living and learning of
Developmentally disabled individuals for many years were not assured the basic rights afforded nondisabled people. People with mental disabilities and illnesses were relegated to the status of second-class citizens, and therefore few services were provided to aid in improving their daily lives. Nonetheless, many families of mentally disabled children continued to raise them in their own homes”
Children with Down syndrome typically have increased behavioral issues associated with their disability due to the disabilities’ phenotype. Introducing a token economy system was proven effective to increase the amount of running in the subject. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of a token economy to increase running on command of a child with Down syndrome. Having a token economy system in place, allows better stability and repetitiveness in their daily lives. This essentially helps the student maintain behavioral control and the maladaptive behaviors are less likely to happen. A five week token economy behavioral program was implemented and included earning tokens (up to five) per session to exchange for up to five minutes of computer time. The results drastically changed from pre-intervention to post-intervention by 80%. Every task was completed and when asked, although there were still minor reoccurring behaviors that needed correction. When implementing a token economy it is still important to manage the smaller behaviors in order to increase the amount of physical activity completed per session.
Social justice and social services have always played a vital role in my life. From leading canned food and toy drives in middle school to volunteering in school settings and soup kitchens, I am dedicated in assisting others to meet their goals and removing obstacles that may present as a disability or create discrimination. Through the experiences of engaging with individuals from different populations, I have realized the importance of working on a macro-level of social services. An individual’s presenting problem often develops from a systemic issue. From a social work perspective, disabilities are a result from society’s understanding of a person’s impairment or level of functioning. Adults with developmental delays have atypical experiences due to their interaction or lack thereof with their environment. Institutionalized discrimination or negative myths can prevent not only the person or consumer from achieving their goals, but large groups that are similarly labeled may face the same issue.
The Americans with Disabilities Act initiated on July 26, 1990 was not the beginning of the disabled rights movement (Mayerson). The effort to break the barriers of exclusion of the disabled from society began with committed people who voiced the rights of millions of disabled citizens. During the 19th century the disabled were often forced into insane asylums for the good of society and often received mental and physical abuse (Brignell). Fortunately, there have been noticeable improvements for recognizing the justice of the disabled as members of society. In 1973, the segregation of the disabled is recognized by section 504 of the Rehibilitaion Act as discrimination. Since the Americans with Disabilities Act, they can participate in the
Children’s development is influenced by a variety of different personal factors. Such factors can include Cerebral palsy, downs syndrome, dyslexia, and many more.
In the United States today, there are over fifty-one million disabled adults and children. Throughout our nation’s history, we have not allowed the best treatment and care for these numerous citizens. But, in the recent past, the government has passed laws, made exceptions, and thoroughly tried to provide accommodations to these people with special needs. While this is true, America, as a whole, still views this group as strange or different. Even though this is exceptionally normal, it is not correct. The United States needs to be opened up to the truth about their fellow American citizens. The people of America ought to understand that these disabilities affect not only those who are disabled, but that it affects the family and friends
It has been said time and time again that men go to war for glory and fame, yet the First World War began a little differently. This war began with an assassination that then led countries across the globe to become involved in a revenge war. Each country that entered the war after Austria Hungary’s initial declaration on Serbia was tied to a treaty. These treaties then lead to each country turning to another ally for more men, for more power and more weaponry. Then we see each country being able to go after the neutral countries, and the neutral countries would side with whomever could give them the best offer. With all this intelligence and military mindedness comes new technology and new weapons, each country trying out do another. Each country was out for themselves. Germany hoping to gain more power and trade ports like India, Russia wanting to take out Germany and Austria to have more control over the Balkans, France in repelling Germany and settle and old score with taking land, and Britain hoped to retain naval supremacy and keep its African colonies. Do to the global aspect of the war and the huge numbers then brought in we saw nations and colonies crumbled and torn apart, thousands of lives lost, for a war no one saw coming and that no one thought would have global reach. I believe that because of all this The Great War should really be called The Great Treaty War, because the treaties are truly what pulled countries on a global scale to enter the war.