Luckily, some people choose what they want to be labeled as, but the majority who are still trying to find themselves always get labeled by others surrounding them. Personally, I get labeled with a countless number of different labels, some are good and some are bad even sometimes they contradict one another, but that had only taught me one thing, which is people will always talk and judge no matter what you do. Therefore, I’ve been trying to find my label I can say that I’m a hard worker and a dream chaser, because when I want something I work hard for it and I put all my effort into it, and dreaming in my opinion is a map to success. Words often express people, but only some words can tell you about a person’s interests and what draws …show more content…
Without any doubt, support is something everyone needs to achieve their life goals, that’s is why you see people heading to places where support is provided. Needing support is a common problem in our society, most of the time, people can’t even find support at their homes between their family members, that’s why you see them running away to go somewhere that provides them a supportive environment. Thankfully, I find my support at home where I know everyone surrounding me wants what’s best for me and would never discourage me from doing something beneficial, In addition to the school teachers and friends who provide me with support in school and most of the time the environment of Hamilton where everyone wants to be successful pushes me to become the best I could, that’s why I like to keep myself in those circles and avoid other places where I could possibly be discouraged and even pushed to be someone I don’t want to be a
Every individual at some point needs support. For example: an individual has terminal cancer, she also has a hearing
The principles underpinning self-directed support and how it differs to traditional support is as follows:-
Learning and development has a great influence on our lives. But sometimes we need some help, to get right directions in our carer. If it is necessary I may get support at line manager, supervisor, tutor, Citizen Advice bureau.
I can define myself as many things, as can many other humans in the world. I am a woman, I am a sister, I am a daughter. I am a violist, I am a student, I am a friend. Throughout my life, I find myself inspired mostly by those around me, holding myself to a standard that will help make their lives a little bit better.
People should always be involved and in control of any development of their life and should be discussed with them throughout ensuring that they understand both the gain they will receive as well as any risks involved. Support should be given when and where needed, this could be anything from encouragement and motivation through to equipment to help them. When equipment is provided it is essential that someone who knows how to use this equipment shows them how to use and work it to receive the best benefit from it to a level where they understand clearly and fully.
It is important to support an individual in promoting their mental well-being and mental health. When offering support it is important to be patient, understanding and accepting. Talking to the individual can provide an insight into what they are going through and offering advice based on their current state of mind. Researching different mental health issues and offering resources to the individual can help them to develop new strategies to cope.
Principles of Support: "We will see the individual first, not the illness. We recognize that mental illnesses are medical illnesses that may have environmental triggers. We understand that mental illnesses are traumatic events. We aim for better coping skills. We find strength in sharing experiences. We reject stigma and do not tolerate discrimination. We won’t judge anyone’s pain as less than our own. We forgive ourselves and reject guilt. We embrace humor as healthy. We accept we cannot solve all problems. We expect a better future in a realistic way. We will never give up hope (NAMI, 2014, p. 1)."
I believe that it is both to our benefit and disadvantage that we have groups and labels in our school. Groups can be a good thing because they provide security for students that don’t always get along or feel comfortable with all the other students in the school and can help them improve how they view themselves mentally. The disadvantage of having a school that has labels and groups is people discriminate groups. Also, sometimes students label other students in bad ways due to the group they are associated with or make untrue assumptions because they only see from their own perspective. The difficult thing about grouping and labeling in high school is that students gradually form groups all through junior high and sometimes they begin to
A support system is important to the healing process in that it surrounds you with caring people who are there for you when you need
Using material from Item A and elsewhere assess the view that crime and deviance are the product of labelling processes.
Have you ever experienced a time when your parents called you a genius and you truly felt like one? How about when a professor pointed fingers at you because he thought you were cheating on a test? Most certainly you felt some type of shame or guilt; or probably got so tired of your colleagues negative thoughts that you decided to embrace it and just go along with it. These are just a few examples of the impact that people’s opinions or thoughts can have on your reputation. Think for a second about the Stanford Prison Experiment, which demonstrates the influential role that a situation can play in human behavior. The individuals chosen to perform as guards were placed in a position of power and thus they began
The Labeling Theory is the view that labels people are given affect their own and others’ perception of them, thus channeling their behavior either into deviance or into conformity. Labels can be positive and/or negative, but I’ll focus on the negative aspects of labeling in high school. Everybody has a label in high school whether it is the “slut”, “pothead”, “freak” or the “jock”; it is one of the most apparent time periods in which individuals get labeled. Students have the mentality that whatever label is placed on them is going to be stuck with them forever, which then leads into a self-fulfilling prophecy. This, I feel, is a fear of being a “loser” that has been instilled throughout years by the principals, teachers, etc. An example
Now, you may be asking yourself, "What exactly are you?" and if you aren't too bad because you are getting an answer and that answer is I have no clue. To be completely honest, I do not have the right to give you the 100% true answer because I myself have no idea. But, if you really want to or just have the need to put a label on me, the most logically thing to
When I was little, I would always like to tag along with my mother whenever she needed to go to the grocery store. But as a hyperactive child, I hated going to the grocery store. Waiting in the long checkout lines, going down every single aisle, and waiting for my mom to choose between two nearly identical brands of cat food were exhausting for me. The only reason I would go, the single reason that would make going to the store worthwhile, was because I could sneak in all the unhealthy junk food that I wanted. So, while my mom was picking out something for dinner, I would go down the aisles picking out all different types of junk food. I never really paid too much attention to what was on the packaging because the pretty pictures were all
With so many ways to describe who I am, I think I will start off with the basics. I am a college student that attends Drake University. I would identify myself as hard-working, responsible, and persistent. At the beginning of the term, I identified myself as how I felt in the moment with answers such as tired, hungry, and bored. Yes, those were traits I identified myself within the moment, but now I try to look far and beyond the present. I want to identify myself as someone who strives to achieve everything she ever wanted, including graduating from college, with honors and getting involved within the college community. I want to be able to identify with things that have meaning and substance that I have always strived for including being determined and self-reliant.