Due to increasing competition in the field of medical testing it has become prudent for Laboratorio De Analisis Argentina (LAA) to evaluate its process and identify strengths and weaknesses to improve the operations of their laboratories. An in-depth investigation into day-to-day, step-by-step breakdown of activities has uncovered where, and how LAA can achieve efficient operations. From the original collection of samples to the final step of communicating the test results to the patients, LAA has shown that they have created a process with numerous factors to success as well as room for improvement. The following is a flow chart representative of the steps of the process and the reliance each step has to other steps: While not …show more content…
If the company is adamant at meeting the 5,000 sample a day mark and removing demand variability it may be worthwhile to look into holding off on samples arriving later in the day as to have immediate work for testers and the latter steps at the beginning of the next day. Samples from the second 8-hour shift of a certain day that are processed during the first 8-hour shift of the following day will still meet the objective of communicating results within the 24-hour limit. This technique could also potentially decrease standard deviation as it tries to evenly control the sample flow and demand variability in the daily process. Routine delivery times for satellite and external labs could also lead to more consistency within the process.
The table below represents the average samples processed per hour and per step, based off the minimum, average, and maximum samples processed on exhibit 4. Separation numbers are half of the other process’s sample numbers because only 50% of samples go to separation. Minimum Demand
(avg. sample/hour) Average Demand
(avg. sample/hour) Maximum Demand
(avg. sample/hour)
Processing 147 312 453
Separation 74 156 227
Distribution 147 312 453
Testing 147 312 453
Storage 147 312 453
Life in the emergency room is can be fast paced, with decisions made by healthcare professionals who need to consider the basic ethical principles of non-maleficence, beneficence, autonomy and justice. These principles are resources designed and intended to provide a comprehensive understanding, guidance and rules of conduct to ensure an ethical and legal decision is made, regardless of the medical staffs subjective view of what is right and wrong (Tong, 2007, p. 7)
Latin America represents 1/10 of the world's population, and geographically can be located from the land extensions of Mexico, until the Patagonia at Argentina. Some of the most relevant elements of today's culture in Latin America are; Religion, Values, Attitudes, Social structure, Social stratification, Language and Gift-giving hospitality. The predominant religion throughout history in Latin America has been Catholicism. From big cities to small villages, churches, basilicas, and cathedrals are found. Catholicism left its mark, from customs and values to architecture and art. During many years in many countries the Catholic Church had power over all civil institutions, education, and law. Nowadays religion
Throughout Latin American History there have been several important leaders, but one leader in particular changed Latin American history forever. This particularly important early nineteenth-century leader was named Simón Bolívar. Simón Bolívar as a leader stood out from all the other leaders, because he played a crucial role in Latin American Independence. He was a revolutionary, an intellectual, and a visionary man that made Latin American independence successful during the nineteenth century.
Luis Valdez wrote “Los Vendidos” in order to address his view of the Mexican culture and in reference to the prejudices that surrounded him. The play defines four versions of Mexican men, shop owner Honest Sancho is trying to sell to a Secretary in Governor Reagan’s political office. The buildup of characters: The Farmworker, Johnny Pachuco, The Revolucionario, and the Mexican-American, symbolizes an evolution of what society deems the “ideal” Mexican-American should be. “Los Vendidos” translates to "The Sold Ones" or "The Sellouts” which is a solid interpretation of Valdez’s opinion on Mexican’s conformity to the American culture. Valdez creates a distinct characterization of all four models, Miss Jimenez, and Honest Sancho with snarky
The Inca Empire, the massive nation that extended 2,500 miles along the western coast of South America and had a population of over 7 million at its peak. It included all of what is now Ecuador and Peru and most of Chile. Known as “The Children of the Sun”, they excelled at craftsmanship, weaving, and culture (“Children of the Sun”). A very religious people, they worshiped the Sun as their supreme god and held religious festivals monthly to appease these gods. Although they did not value it aside from its beautiful appearance, the Inca Empire was home to millions of pounds of solid gold and silver. The Inca had no use for it except to use it to craft decorations and statues. In fact, an Inca citizen valued cloth more than they valued gold
Political power acts as a foundation for society through persuasion. This influential ability controls the thoughts and actions of society as a whole, and who is in control heavily determines how successful their influences will be. King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella were the political rulers of Spain during the late 15th century, and remained in control up until the early 16th century. They craved unity for their country, and would do anything they could to achieve their desired conformity. Spain was to be united under one flag, one form of ruler, and one religion; those who did not oblige, became targets. For more than three hundred years, the Spanish Inquisition hovered over Spain, inciting fear and inflicting brutality upon those
Francisco Franco was the dictator of Spain from 1939 to 1975, including the time of WW2. Perhaps he was better known as “El Caudillo,” translated into English as The Leader. He was born and raised in Spain. He was a very brilliant military general who led Nationalist rebels in defeating the Spanish government during the Spanish Civil War. Although he was viewed as a Fascist Dictator, he strongly opposed communism. He was an extremely important figure in the course of world history.
Violence in modern Colombia takes place in many forms. The three major categories are crime, guerrilla activities, and attacks committed by drug traffickers. Violence has become so widespread and common in Colombia that many people have now become numb to it. The Colombian economy has also benefited from the illicit drug trade; however violent it may be. During the 1970s, Colombia became well known, as one of the world’s most important drug processing, production, and distribution centers for marijuana and cocaine.
The book Harvest of Empire offers many examples of the factors leading to migration, which include economic and political persecution. The book has a direct connection between the hardships Latinos faced economically and military in their perspective countries. By reading this book it is clearly stated that Latinos are on the verge of becoming the largest minority group in America. Juan Gonzalez presents a devastating perspective on U.S. history rarely found in mainstream publishing aimed at a popular audience. Few of those countries were immigrants from Puerto Rico, Mexico, Dominican Republic and Central Americans.
Read the article Diagnosis Coding and Medical Necessity: Rules and Reimbursement by Janis Cogley located on the AHIMA Body of Knowledge (BOK) at http://www.ahima.org.
Guides clinicians in identifying appropriate testing panels based on medical necessity, patient’s family history, suspected syndrome, and
Health care team mustn't simply think about and be focused round the biological a part of the patients, that ar connected with the chemical analysis effectiveness,
For several years implementation of automated instruments for diagnostic microbiology such as WASPLab by Copan or InoqulA by BD Kiestra substantially improved the workflow, the number of technologists and much faster turn around time on reporting patient’s results.
La fuerte demanda de neumáticos a todas las escalas, derivada de la cada vez mayor presencia del vehículo en la sociedad, ha dado lugar a la aparición de un grave problema como sumatoria de determinados desequilibrios medioambientales, contaminación atmosférica, ruidos, invasión de espacios tradicionalmente ocupados por los ciudadanos y como no la producción de residuos sin mencionar la proliferación de enfermedades que se pueden transmitir por medio de mosquitos.
Mean, standard deviation, CV, maximum and minimum values of process parameters from the 10 batches studied are shown in table 6 (see page 14 -15).