
Lack Of Judgment In Gary's Vignette

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In this vignette, the narrator hears about his cousin who is becoming a gymnast, and he then also wants to be one also. He tries to teach himself, but everytime he fails and he gives up on the dream to be an Olympic athlete. He thought it was more important to look like a gymnast, than to be actually be one. When, he was unable to do a backflip without hurting himself, he realized that to be a gymnast, you have to do lots of hard work. If I was the narrator at this point, I would ask my parents for lessons, so that I can do the hobby I like , while being cautious. When reading this vignette, I understood that the narrator and his sister both loved to listen to Beatle songs. However, their step father hated that sort of music, because he …show more content…

After Gary instantly agreed to let his babysitter take him for a ride to go get a milkshake, the readers see a sign of the narrator’s lack of judgement. Gary knew that what he was doing was wrong, but the deal which brought a milkshake was just too good of an opportunity to pass. This lack of judgment can get Gary in lots of trouble. In my opinion, I feel that many children would have done the same things that Gary …show more content…

He brews her coffee,lowers the t.v. volume, and takes care of the flower bed. Many children would have done the same thing that Gary did,to get what they wanted. This takes me back to a time when I was obsessed with getting earrings, and my parents only would get it if I was good. So I too brewed coffee for my parents, and I cleaned my room without being told to do so. In this vignette, the narrator compares two bands that were famous during their time. Both Gary and his friend want to look like the Beatles but they want to play The Rolling Stone’s songs. I feel that Gary should not try to be someone he is not, just to get girls. All famous musicians play their instrument because they love it, not because they want to get girls. When Gary pursued his hobby of writing, he became famous. Doing what you love, can bring happiness, prosperity, and satisfaction. By reading this vignette,it came to my notice what the narrator dreams about his future, and how he shares it with his best friend, Scott. The grass is an emblem for growth. Both the boys want to grow, get married, and have kids. The grass, when plucked, is like the dreams they have. The dreams are crushed by reality, ugliness, and beauty. I think that when both of them grow up, some parts of their dreams will appear humorous to them., while others might become a

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